Source code for MDMC.readers.configurations.conf_reader_factory

"""Factory class for generating readers for configurations"""

from importlib import import_module
from inspect import getmembers, isabstract, isclass
from os.path import dirname
from pkgutil import iter_modules
from typing import Literal

from MDMC.readers.reader_factory import ReaderFactory
from MDMC.readers.configurations.conf_reader import ConfigurationReader

[docs]class ConfigurationReaderFactory(ReaderFactory): """ Provides a factory for creating readers. Any module within the readers submodule can be created with a string of the class name, as long as it is a subclass of ``ConfigurationReader``. """
[docs] @staticmethod def base_class() -> Literal['ConfigurationReader']: return ConfigurationReader
[docs] @classmethod def create_reader_from_ext(cls, extension: str, file_name: str) -> ConfigurationReader: """ Parameters ---------- extension : str The file extension from which to initialize a subclass of ``ConfigurationReader`` file_name : str The name of the file that you want to read. Returns ------- ConfigurationReader An initialized configuration reader which has the extension specified by ``extension`` Raises ------ NotImplementedError If ``extension`` does not match the ``extension`` property of any subclass of ``ConfigurationReader`` """ for module_info in iter_modules([dirname(__file__)]): name = if not name.startswith('_'): module = import_module('.' + name, __package__) classes = getmembers(module, lambda m: (isclass(m) and not isabstract(m) and issubclass(m, cls.base_class()) )) # First condition ensures some matching classes have been found if classes and classes[0][1].extension == extension: return classes[0][1](file_name) raise NotImplementedError( f'No implemented reader is compatible with {extension} extension')