Source code for MDMC.MD.structural_units

"""Module in which all structural units are defined.

``Atom`` is the fundamental structural unit in terms of which all others must be
defined.  All shared behaviour is included within the ``StructuralUnit`` base

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import Counter, OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import lru_cache, reduce
from itertools import count
import logging
from math import gcd
from typing import List
import weakref

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation

from MDMC.common import atom_properties
from MDMC.MD.interactions import Coulombic, BondedInteraction
from MDMC.common.decorators import repr_decorator, unit_decorator,\
from MDMC.common import units
from MDMC.MD.container import AtomContainer
from MDMC.MD.interaction_functions import Coulomb

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@repr_decorator('name', 'ID', 'position', 'velocity', 'parent', 'bounding_box', 'atoms') class StructuralUnit(ABC): # pylint: disable=no-member # to avoid errors with MD and _structure_list """Abstract base class for all structural units Parameters ---------- position : list, tuple, numpy.ndarray A 3 element `list`, `tuple` or ``array`` with the position in units of ``Ang``. velocity : list, tuple, numpy.ndarray A 3 element `list`, `tuple` or ``array`` with the velocity in units of ``Ang / fs``. name : str The name of the structure. Attributes ---------- ID : int A unique identifier for each ``StructuralUnit``. universe : Universe The ``Universe`` to which the ``StructuralUnit`` belongs. name : str The name of the structure. parent : StructuralUnit ``StructuralUnit`` to which this unit belongs, or ``self`` """ # ID exists to facilitate a 1 to 1 association with structural units within # MD engines. It may not be required or may only be required for atoms. _ID_generator = count(start=1, step=1) def __init__(self, position, velocity, name): self.ID = self._generate_ID() self.position = position self.velocity = velocity = name self.parent = self self._position_in_parent = None'%s created: {ID:%s, name:%s, position:%s}', self.__class__, self.ID,, self.position) @property def position(self): """ Get or set the position of the center of mass of the ``StructuralUnit`` in ``Ang`` Returns ------- numpy.ndarray """ return self._position @position.setter @unit_decorator(unit=units.LENGTH) def position(self, position): self._position = position @property def velocity(self): """ Get or set the velocity of the ``StructuralUnit`` in ``Ang/fs`` Returns ------- numpy.ndarray """ return self._velocity @velocity.setter @unit_decorator(unit=units.LENGTH / units.TIME) def velocity(self, velocity): self._velocity = velocity @property def atoms(self): """ Get a `list` of all of the `Atom` objects in the structure by recursively calling ``atoms`` for all substructures Returns ------- list All atoms in the structure """ atoms = [] for structure in self._structure_list: atoms.extend(structure.atoms) return atoms @property @abstractmethod def universe(self): """ Get the ``Universe`` to which the ``StructuralUnit`` belongs Returns ------- Universe The ``Universe`` to which the ``StructuralUnit`` belongs or `None` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def translate(self, displacement): """ Translate the structural unit by the specified displacement Parameters ---------- Displacement : tuple, numpy.ndarray A three element tuple or ``array`` of `float` """ self.position = self.position + np.array(displacement)
@property def interactions(self): """ Get a list of the interactions acting on the ``StructuralUnit`` Returns ------- list Interactions acting on the ``StructuralUnit`` """ return self.bonded_interactions + self.nonbonded_interactions @property def bonded_interactions(self): """ Get a list of the bonded interactions acting on the ``StructuralUnit`` Returns ------- list ``BondedInteractions`` acting on the ``StructuralUnit`` """ return [pair[0] for pair in self.bonded_interaction_pairs] @property @abstractmethod def nonbonded_interactions(self): """ Get a list of the nonbonded interactions acting on the ``StructuralUnit`` Returns ------- list ``NonBondedInteractions`` acting on the ``StructuralUnit`` """ raise NotImplementedError @property @abstractmethod def bonded_interaction_pairs(self): """ Get bonded interactions acting on the ``StructuralUnit`` and the other atoms to which the atom is bonded Returns ------- list (``interaction``, ``atoms``) pairs acting on the ``StructuralUnit``, where ``atoms`` is a `tuple` of all ``Atom`` objects for that specific bonded ``interaction``. At least one of these ``Atom`` objects belongs to the ``StructuralUnit`` Example ------- For an O ``Atom`` with two bonds, one to H1 and one to H2:: >>> print(O.bonded_interaction_pairs) [(Bond, (H1, O)), (Bond, (H2, O))] """ raise NotImplementedError @property def structure_type(self): """ Get the class of the ``StructuralUnit``. Returns ------- str The name of the class """ return self.__class__.__name__ @property def top_level_structure(self): """ Get the top level structure (i.e. ``StructuralUnit`` which has no ``parent``) of the ``StructuralUnit`` Returns ------- StructuralUnit Highest level ``StructuralUnit`` of which it is a member """ if issubclass(type(self.parent), StructuralUnit) \ and self.parent is not self: return self.parent.top_level_structure return self
[docs] def copy(self, position): """ Copies the structural unit and sets the ``position`` Parameters ---------- position : list, tuple, numpy.ndarray 3 element `list`, `tuple` or ``array`` of `float` specifying the ``position`` of the new ``StructuralUnit`` Returns ------- StructuralUnit A ``StructuralUnit`` of the same type with all non-unique attributes copied and a new ``position`` """ structural_unit = deepcopy(self) structural_unit.position = position return structural_unit
def _generate_ID(self): """ Uses class attribute to generate a unique ``ID`` for each ``StructuralUnit`` Returns ------- int Unique `int` """ return next(self._ID_generator) def _position_in_parent_CoM_frame(self): """ Get the position in the ``parent`` center of mass frame Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Position in ``parent`` CoM frame with units of ``Ang`` Raises ------ AttributeError If ``StructuralUnit`` has no ``parent`` """ if self.top_level_structure is self: raise AttributeError("This structure has no parent") return self.position - self.parent.get_center_of_mass() def _added_to_structure(self): """ Method is called if it becomes subunit of another ``StructuralUnit`` """ self._position_in_parent = self._position_in_parent_CoM_frame()
[docs] def valid_position(self, position=None): """ Checks if the specified ``position`` is within the bounds of the ``StructuralUnit.universe``, if it has one Parameters ---------- position : list, tuple, numpy.ndarray 3 element `list`, `tuple` or ``array`` with units of ``Ang`` or `None`. If `None` then the ``position`` of the ``StructuralUnit`` is used. Returns ------- bool `True` if ``position`` is within ``Universe`` or there is no associated ``Universe``. `False` if ``StructuralUnit`` has an associated ``Universe`` but the ``position`` is not within its bounds. Raises ------ ValueError If ``position`` if undefined """ #pylint: disable=nan-comparison # because math.isnan doesn't work here for some reason if position is None: position = self.position try: # (0., 0., 0.) is defined as the origin for all universes if (np.any(position < np.array([0., 0., 0])) or np.any(position > self.universe.dimensions)): return False if np.any(position == float('nan')): raise ValueError('position of {0} is undefined'.format(self)) return True except AttributeError: # Not a member of a universe return True
@property def bounding_box(self): """ Returns ------- BoundingBox Contains the lower and upper extents of the ``Molecule`` """ return BoundingBox(self.atoms)
[docs]@repr_decorator('name', 'ID', 'formula', 'position', 'velocity', 'bounding_box', 'atoms') class CompositeStructuralUnit(StructuralUnit, AtomContainer): """ Base class for structural units comprised of more than one ``Atom`` """ def __init__(self, position, velocity, name): super().__init__(position, velocity, name) self.universe = None def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """ Copies the ``CompositeStructuralUnit`` and all attributes, except ``ID`` which is generated This will not currently work if the ``CompositeStructuralUnit`` has any bonded interactions with atoms external to it (e.g. it may cause issues for copying molecules with groups) Interactions for ``Atom`` objects may be reordered with respect to initial atoms Arguments --------- memo : dict The memoization `dict` """ cls = self.__class__ unit = cls.__new__(cls) memo[id(self)] = unit for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if k == 'ID': setattr(unit, k, self._generate_ID()) elif k in ('_bonded_interaction_pairs', '_nonbonded_interactions'): pass elif k == '_structure_list': # Separate structures into atoms and composites atoms, composites = [], [] for s in self._structure_list: (atoms if isinstance(s, Atom) else composites).append(s) # Create dict to map from current to new structures. This is # used both for creating interactions with correct new atoms, # and preserving the structures ordering in unit._structure_list struct_map = {} for atom in atoms: # Add atom's bonded interactions to memo so that these are # not copied for inter in atom.interactions: if issubclass(type(inter), BondedInteraction): memo[id(inter)] = inter new_atom = deepcopy(atom, memo) struct_map[atom] = new_atom # Create interactions for inter, pair in self.bonded_interaction_pairs: # try/except accounts for interactions associated with atoms # that are in a composite subunit try: new_pair = [struct_map[atom] for atom in pair] inter.add_atoms(*new_pair) except KeyError: pass for composite in composites: new_composite = deepcopy(composite, memo) struct_map[composite] = new_composite # List comprehension ensures order of structures in new # structure is the same as in original setattr(unit, k, [struct_map[s] for s in self._structure_list]) else: setattr(unit, k, deepcopy(v, memo)) return unit def __str__(self): """ Returns ------- str The formula and center of mass position of the ``CompositeStructuralUnit`` """ name = + ' ' if else '' return ('{0}{1} formula: {2} position: {3}'.format( name, self.__class__.__name__, self.formula, self.position)) @property @abstractmethod def nonbonded_interactions(self): raise NotImplementedError @property @abstractmethod def bonded_interaction_pairs(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def formula(self): """ Get the chemical formula of the ``CompositeStructuralUnit`` Returns ------- str The chemical formula using the Hill system """ return get_reduced_chemical_formula([atom.element for atom in self.atoms]) @property def universe(self): """ Get or set the ``Universe`` to which the ``CompositeStructuralUnit`` belongs Returns ------- Universe The Universe to which the ``CompositeStructuralUnit`` belongs or `None` """ try: return self._universe() except TypeError: return self._universe @universe.setter def universe(self, value): try: self._universe = weakref.ref(value) except TypeError: self._universe = None # If top level structure then set the universe of all subunits if self.top_level_structure == self: for structure in self.structure_list: structure.universe = value @property def structure_list(self): """ Get or set the ``StructuralUnit`` objects that are subunits of this ``CompositeStructuralUnit`` Returns ------- list `list` of ``StructuralUnit`` that are subunits of this ``CompositeStructuralUnit`` """ return self._structure_list @structure_list.setter def structure_list(self, value): self._structure_list = value
[docs] def copy(self, position, rotation=None): # pylint:disable=arguments-differ # CompositeStructuralUnit's can be rotated, which is meaningless for # StructuralUnits in general """ Copies the ``CompositeStructuralUnit`` and all attributes, except ``ID`` which is generated Copying a ``CompositeStructuralUnit`` (e.g. a ``Molecule``) will copy all of the ``Atom`` objects within it. All of these atoms will have identical bonded and nonbonded interactions to the ``CompositeStructuralUnit`` from which they were copied i.e. the ``CompositeStructuralUnit`` will be exacltly duplicated. The only attributes of the ``CompositeStructuralUnit`` which will differ are the ``position`` (which is passed as a Parameter to ``copy``), and the ``ID``, which is generated automatically. This will not currently work if the ``CompositeStructuralUnit`` has any bonded interactions with atoms external to it (e.g. it may cause issues for copying molecules with groups) Interactions for ``Atom`` objects may be reordered with respect to initial atoms Parameters ---------- position : list, tuple, numpy.ndarray 3 element `list`, `tuple` or ``array`` of `float` specifying the ``position`` of the new ``StructuralUnit`` rotation : list, tuple, numpy.ndarray, optional 3 element `list`, `tuple` or ``array`` of `floats` specifying the degrees of anticlockwise rotation around the x, y, and z axes respectively. The rotation is centered on the center of mass of the ``CompositeStructuralUnit``. The default ``rotation`` is `None`, which applies no rotation to the copied ``CompositeStructuralUnit``. Returns ------- CompositeStructuralUnit A ``CompositeStructuralUnit`` of the same type with all non-unique attributes copied and a new ``position`` """ composite = super().copy(position) if rotation is not None: composite.rotate(x=rotation[0], y=rotation[1], z=rotation[2]) return composite
def _set_subunit_positions(self): """ Sets the position of all subunits in the global frame in units of ``Ang`` """ for atom in self.atoms: atom.position = self.position + self._CoM_frame_positions[atom] def _calc_CoM(self): """ Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Position of the center of mass of the ``CompositeStructuralUnit`` in units of ``Ang`` """ mass = 0. weighted_positions = np.zeros(3) for atom in self.atoms: mass += atom.mass weighted_positions += (atom.position * atom.mass) return weighted_positions / mass def _calc_subunit_position_in_CoM_frame(self): """ Calculate the position of all subunits in the ``CompositeStructuralUnit`` CoM frame in units of ``Ang`` """ # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init # _CoM_frame_positions breaks when defined in init self._CoM_frame_positions = {} CoM = self._calc_CoM() for atom in self.atoms: self._CoM_frame_positions[atom] = atom.position - CoM
[docs] def rotate(self, x=0., y=0., z=0.): """ Rotates the ``CompositeStructuralUnit`` around its center of mass In all cases (e.g. x, y and z) the rotation is anticlockwise about the specific axis Parameters ---------- x : float, optional The angle of rotation around the x-axis in ``deg``. The default is 0. y : float, optional The angle of rotation around the y-axis in ``deg``. The default is 0. z : float, optional The angle of rotation around the z-axis in ``deg``. The default is 0. """ rotation = Rotation.from_euler('xyz', [x, y, z], degrees=True) CoM = self.position for atom in self.atoms: atom.position = (CoM + rotation.apply(self._CoM_frame_positions[atom]))
[docs]@repr_decorator('name', 'ID', 'element', 'position', 'velocity') class Atom(StructuralUnit): """ A single atom Parameters ---------- element : str The atomic element label. position : list, tuple, numpy.ndarray, optional A 3 element `list`, `tuple` or ``array`` with the position in units of ``Ang``. The default is ``(0., 0., 0.)``. velocity : list, tuple, numpy.ndarray, optional A 3 element `list`, `tuple` or ``array`` with the velocity in units of ``Ang / fs``. Note that if set, the velocity of atoms in the MD engine will be scaled when creating a `Simulation` in order to ensure the temperature is accurate. Otherwise, if the velocities of all `Atom` objects in a `Simulation` are 0, then the velocities of the atoms in the MD engine will be randomly chosen in order to provide an accurate temperature. The default is ``(0., 0., 0.)``. charge : float The charge of the ``Atom`` in units of elementary charge (``e)``. The default is `None`, meaning that a ``Coulomb`` interaction is not applied to the ``Atom``. **settings ``mass`` (`float`) The atomic mass in ``amu``. If not provided a lookup table will be used. ``atom_type`` (`int`) All atoms with the same atom_type will have the same non-bonded interactions applied to them. If not provided, MDMC will automatically infer/assign atom types. All atoms with the same element and interactions will have the same atom type. ``name`` (`str`) A name to uniquely identify the atom. Used by ForceFields (e.g. OPLSAA). Atoms should only have the same names if they are equivalent. Defaults to the element of the atom. Attributes ---------- element : str The atomic element label """ def __init__(self, element, position=(0., 0., 0.), velocity=(0., 0., 0.), charge=None, **settings): self.universe = None #the syntax for optional keyword arguments is: kwargs.get(str, default_value) super().__init__(position, velocity, name=settings.get('name', element)) self._nonbonded_interactions = [] self._bonded_interaction_pairs = [] self.element = element try: self.mass = settings['mass'] except KeyError: self.mass = atom_properties.MASS[self.element] self._atom_type = settings.get('atom_type', None) self.charge = charge def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """ Copies the Atom and all attributes, except ``ID`` which is generated Interactions are copied but the copied ``Atom`` is substituted for the original ``Atom``. For ``BondedInteractions`` this means that the copied ``Atom`` will be bonded to all atoms to which the original ``Atom`` is bonded. Arguments --------- memo : dict The memoization `dict` """ cls = self.__class__ atom = cls.__new__(cls) memo[id(self)] = atom atom._bonded_interaction_pairs = [] for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if k == 'ID': setattr(atom, k, self._generate_ID()) elif k == '_bonded_interaction_pairs': self.copy_interactions(atom, memo) elif k == '_nonbonded_interactions': # All NonBondedInteractions use atom_types so as this will # be the same for the new atom then these are automatically # applied. The exception is Coulombic interactions initialized # with atoms argument. In this case the new atom must be added # to the atom_types. atom._nonbonded_interactions = [] for inter in self.nonbonded_interactions: if isinstance(inter, Coulombic): # try/except account for Coulombic interactions # initialized with atom_types try: inter.add_atoms(atom) except AttributeError: atom.add_interaction(inter) else: atom.add_interaction(inter) else: setattr(atom, k, deepcopy(v, memo)) return atom def __repr__(self): """ Returns ------- tuple The ``element``, ``mass``, ``charge``, ``universe``, ``position``, ``velocity`` and names of all ``interactions`` that apply to this ``Atom`` """ return ('{0} atom,' ' ID: {1}' ' charge: {2},' ' interactions: {3}'.format(self.element, self.ID, self.charge, [ for i in self.interactions])) def __str__(self): """ Returns ------- str The ``element``, ``charge`` and ``position`` of the ``Atom`` """ return ('{0} {1} charge: {2} position: {3}'.format( self.element, self.__class__.__name__, self.charge, self.position)) @property def atoms(self): """ Get a `list` of the atoms, just consisting of the ``Atom`` Returns ------- list A `list` with a single item, the ``Atom`` """ return [self] @property def universe(self): """ Get the ``Universe`` to which the ``Atomm`` belongs Returns ------- Universe The ``Universe`` to which the ``Atom`` belongs or `None` """ try: return self._universe() except TypeError: return self._universe @universe.setter def universe(self, value): try: self._universe = weakref.ref(value) # Update universe for all nonbonded interactions if not previously # set for inter in self.nonbonded_interactions: if not inter.universe: inter.universe = value except TypeError: self._universe = None @property def charge(self): """ Get or set the charge in ``e`` if one has been applied to the ``Atom`` If the ``Atom`` does not have a ``Coulombic`` interaction, setting a value of the ``charge`` will create one, and a default ``cutoff`` of ``10. Ang`` will be applied Returns ------- float The charge in units of ``e``, or `None` if no charge has been set Raises ------ ValueError When the ``Atom`` has more than one ``Coulombic`` interaction ValueError When the ``Atom`` has more than one parameter; i.e. should only have charge as a parameter ValueError When setting charge to `None` when a ``Coulombic`` interaction already exists. """ try: num_coul = 0 value = None for interaction in self.interactions: if isinstance(interaction, Coulombic): # Check that only one Coulombic interaction exists. num_coul += 1 if num_coul > 1: raise ValueError('Atom should not have more than one' ' Coulombic interaction') # Check that a charge parameter exists. charge_parameters = 0 for parameter in interaction.parameters: if == 'charge': charge_parameters += 1 value = parameter.value if charge_parameters == 0: raise ValueError('Coulombic interaction does not have a' ' parameter "charge".') return value except AttributeError: return None @charge.setter @unit_decorator(unit=units.CHARGE) def charge(self, value): for inter in self.interactions: if isinstance(inter, Coulombic): if value is not None: try: for parameter in inter.parameters: if == 'charge': parameter.value = value return raise ValueError('Coulombic interaction does not have' ' a parameter "charge".') except AttributeError: # creates an interaction function if the Atom's # Coulomb interaction doesn't have one inter.function = Coulomb(value) return # else if the charge has value None raise ValueError("Can't set charge to None when a" " Coulombic interaction exists.") # Executes if Coulombic interaction doesn't currently exist. # Initialises an interaction unless the charge passed is None. if value is not None: Coulombic(atoms=self, charge=value, cutoff=10.) @property def mass(self): """ Get or set the atomic mass in ``amu`` Returns ------- float the atomic mass in ``amu`` """ return self._mass @mass.setter @unit_decorator(unit=units.MASS) def mass(self, mass): self._mass = mass @property def atom_type(self): """ Get or set the atom type of the ``Atom`` Returns ------- int The atom type Raises ------ AttributeError The ``atom_type`` cannot be changed once it has been set """ return self._atom_type @atom_type.setter def atom_type(self, value): if self._atom_type: raise AttributeError('Can\'t change atom_type once it has been set') self._atom_type = value # Update atom_types in Coulombic interactions for inter in self.nonbonded_interactions: if isinstance(inter, Coulombic) and value not in inter.atom_types: inter.atom_types.append(value) @property def nonbonded_interactions(self): """ Get a `list` of the nonbonded interactions acting on the ``Atom`` Returns ------- list ``NonBondedInteractions`` acting on the ``Atom`` """ return self._nonbonded_interactions @property def bonded_interaction_pairs(self): """ Get bonded interactions acting on the ``Atom`` and the other atoms to which the ``Atom`` is bonded Returns ------- list (``interaction``, ``atoms``) pairs acting on the ``Atom``, where ``atoms`` is a `tuple` of all `Atom` objects for that specific bonded ``interaction``. Example ------- For an O ``Atom`` with two bonds, one to H1 and one to H2:: >>> print(O.bonded_interaction_pairs) [(Bond, (H1, O)), (Bond, (H2, O))] """ return self._bonded_interaction_pairs
[docs] def copy(self, position): # pylint:disable=useless-super-delegation # Docstring specific to Atom """ Copies the ``Atom`` and all attributes, except ``ID`` which is generated Copying an ``Atom`` creates an exact duplicate at the specified ``position``. The copied ``Atom`` will have identical bonded and nonbonded interactions as the original. For ``BondedInteractions`` this means that the copied atom will be bonded to all atoms to which the original atom is bonded. The ``ID`` of the copied atom will differ from the original, as they are sequentially generated. Parameters ---------- position : list, tuple, numpy.ndarray A 3 element `list`, `tuple` or ``array`` with the ``position`` of the new ``Atom`` Returns ------- Atom A copy of the ``Atom`` with the specified ``position`` Examples -------- If the following ``Atom`` is copied: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python H1 = Atom('H', position=(0., 0., 0.), charge=0.4238) H2 = H1.copy(position=(1., 1., 1.)) then the new ``Atom`` (``H2``) will have no ``BondedInteractions``, but will have a ``Coulombic`` interaction, with a ``charge`` of ``0.4238 e`` If ``H1`` and ``H2`` are then bonded together and a copy is made: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python HHbond = Bond((H1, H2)) H3 = H1.copy(position=(2., 2., 2.)) then the newest ``Atom`` (``H3``) will have a ``Coulombic`` interaction (also with a ``charge`` of ``0.4238 e``), and it will also have a ``Bond`` interaction with ``H2`` (as ``H1`` had a ``Bond`` interaction with ``H2``). """ return super().copy(position)
[docs] def add_interaction(self, interaction, from_interaction=False): """ Adds an interaction to the ``Atom`` Parameters ---------- interaction : MDMC.MD.interactions.Interaction Any class dervied from ``Interaction``, or any object with base class ``Interaction``. If an ``Interaction`` class is passed then it must be a ``NonBondedInteraction`` i.e. only takes a single ``Atom`` as an argument. If an ``Interaction`` object is passed then this ``Atom`` must be in the ``interaction.atoms``. from_interaction : bool, optional Specifies if this method has been called from an ``Interaction``. Default is `False`. """ if issubclass(type(interaction), BondedInteraction): # The tuple most recently added to interaction.atoms should always # contain self if from_interaction: if not interaction.atoms or not self in interaction.atoms[-1]: raise ValueError('incorrect atom_tuple passed to atom') else: interaction.add_atoms(self, from_structure=True) pair = (interaction, interaction.atoms[-1]) if pair not in self.bonded_interaction_pairs: self._bonded_interaction_pairs.append((interaction, interaction.atoms[-1])) else: if interaction not in self.nonbonded_interactions: self._nonbonded_interactions.append(interaction)
[docs] def copy_interactions(self, atom, memo=None): """ This replicates the interactions from ``self`` for ``Atom``, but with ``self`` substituted by ``atom`` in the ``Interaction.atoms``. These interactions are added to any that already exist for the ``Atom``. Passing the ``memo`` `dict` enables specific interactions to be excluded from being copied, duplicating the behaviour of ``__deepcopy__`` Parameters ---------- atom : Atom The ``Atom`` for which ``self.interactions`` are being replicated memo : dict, optional The memoization `dict` """ # pylint: disable=protected-access # because bonded_interaction_pairs is not designed to be set directly # default arguments are set at definition time (and not at call time) # so setting memo={} as the default value is dangerous, because the # dict will not be reset between calls of copy_interactions() if memo is None: memo = {} # if/else required for deepcopy (where _bonded_interaction_pairs attribute # doesn't exist). try/except not valid due to order of operations in # add_atoms method. if not hasattr(atom, '_bonded_interaction_pairs'): atom._bonded_interaction_pairs = [] for inter, atoms in self.bonded_interaction_pairs: if id(inter) not in memo: # Maintains order of atoms except with substitution new_atoms = [atom if a == self else a for a in atoms] # Use add_atoms method to update attribute rather than setattr. # This ensures interaction is added to all other atoms as well inter.add_atoms(*new_atoms) memo[id(inter)] = inter
class _Group(CompositeStructuralUnit): """ Two or more `Atom` objects that form a subset of a ``Molecule`` THIS CLASS HAS NOT BEEN IMPLEMENTED AND SO IS CURRENTLY PRIVATE Raises ------ NotImplementedError THIS CLASS HAS NOT BEEN IMPLEMENTED """ # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called # as this is not implemented yet def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Molecule(CompositeStructuralUnit): """ Two or more bonded atoms Must be declared with at least 2 ``Atom`` objects. Parameters ---------- position : list, tuple, numpy.ndarray, optional A 3 element `list`, `tuple` or ``array`` with the position in units of ``Ang``. The default is `None`, which sets the position of the ``Molecule`` to be equal to the center of mass of the atoms in the ``Molecule``. velocity : list, tuple, numpy.ndarray, optional A 3 element `list`, `tuple` or ``array`` with the velocity in units of ``Ang / fs``. The default is ``(0., 0., 0.)``. name : str, optional The name of the structure. The default is `None`. **settings ``atoms`` (`list`) A `list` of ``Atom`` which will be included in the ``Molecule`` ``interactions`` (`list`) A `list` of ``Interaction`` acting on atoms within the ``Molecule``. The ``interactions`` provides a convenience for declaring interactions on atoms when a ``Molecule`` is initialized. It is not required and is exactly equivalent to initializing the interactions prior to the ``Molecule``. """ def __init__(self, position=None, velocity=(0, 0, 0), name=None, **settings): self._structure_list = settings['atoms'] for structure in self._structure_list: structure.parent = self self._calc_subunit_position_in_CoM_frame() if position is None: position = self._calc_CoM() super().__init__(position, velocity, name) @property def position(self): """ Get or set the position of the center of mass of the ``Molecule`` in ``Ang`` Also sets the positions of all subunits Returns ------- numpy.ndarray """ return self._position @position.setter @unit_decorator(unit=units.LENGTH) def position(self, position): self._position = position self._set_subunit_positions() @property def nonbonded_interactions(self): """ Get a list of the nonbonded interactions acting on the ``Molecule`` Returns ------- list ``NonBondedInteraction`` objects acting on the ``Molecule`` """ return [inter for atom in self.atoms for inter in atom.nonbonded_interactions] @property def bonded_interaction_pairs(self): """ Get bonded interactions acting on the ``Molecule`` Returns ------- list (``interaction``, ``atoms``) pairs acting on the ``Molecule``, where ``atoms`` is a `tuple` of all atoms for that specific bonded ``interaction``. At least one of these ``atoms`` belongs to the ``Molecule`` Example ------- For an ``O`` ``Atom`` with two bonds, one to ``H1`` and one to ``H2``:: >>> print(O.bonded_interaction_pairs) [(Bond, (H1, O)), (Bond, (H2, O))] """ # pylint: disable=simplifiable-condition # as simplifying the condition breaks it for some reason # Cache only most recent value, as atoms only expected to increase @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def get_bonded_interaction_pairs(atoms): # Preserve the order - required for consistent # bonded_interaction_pairs on different ranks (if using MPI) used = set() return [pair for atom in atoms for pair in atom.bonded_interaction_pairs if pair not in used and (used.add(pair) or True)] # Cast to tuple required so that it is hashable for lru_cache return get_bonded_interaction_pairs(tuple(self.atoms)) @property @unit_decorator_getter(unit=units.MASS) def mass(self): """ Get the molecular mass of the ``Molecule`` in ``amu`` Returns ------- float The molecular mass in ``amu`` """ mass = 0 for atom in self.atoms: mass += atom.mass return mass
[docs]@repr_decorator('min', 'max', 'volume') class BoundingBox: """ A box with the minimum and maximum extents of the positions of a collection of atoms Parameters ---------- atoms : list ``Atom`` objects for which the minimum and maximum extents are determined """ def __init__(self, atoms: List): if not atoms: raise ValueError("Empty atoms passed; " "it must contain at least one atom to create a BoundingBox object.") # Start with arbitrary min and max from the positions of the atoms in # the atom list self.min = self.max = atoms[0].position for atom in atoms[1:]: self.min = np.minimum(self.min, atom.position) self.max = np.maximum(self.max, atom.position) @property def min(self): """ Get or set the minimum extent of the positions of a collection of atoms Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The minimum extent in ``Ang`` """ return self._min @min.setter @unit_decorator(unit=units.LENGTH) def min(self, value): self._min = value @property def max(self): """ Get or set the maximum extent of the positions of a collection of atoms Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The maximum extent in ``Ang`` """ return self._max @max.setter @unit_decorator(unit=units.LENGTH) def max(self, value): self._max = value @property @unit_decorator_getter(unit=units.LENGTH ** 3) def volume(self): """ Get the volume of the bounding box, in units of ``Ang ^ 3`` Returns ------- float The volume of the bounding box """ return abs( - self.min))
[docs]def filter_atoms(atoms, predicate): """ Filters a list of Atoms with a given predicate Parameters ---------- atoms : list A `list` of ``Atom`` predicate : function A function that returns a `bool` Returns ------- list ``Atom`` objects in ``atoms`` which meet the condition of ``predicate`` """ return list(filter(predicate, atoms))
[docs]def filter_atoms_element(atoms, element): """ Filters a list of atoms based on the atomic element Parameters ---------- atoms : list A ``list`` of ``Atom`` element : str The atomic element label Returns ------- list ``Atom`` objects of a specific element """ return list(filter(lambda a: a.element == element, atoms))
[docs]def get_reduced_chemical_formula(symbols, factor=None, system='Hill'): """ Get the reduced chemical formula Parameters ---------- symbols : list of str The chemical formula to be reduced. It is expressed as a `list` of elements, with a single element for each atom. Elements are grouped by type but not ordered e.g. all ``'O'`` values, then all ``'H'`` values etc. factor : int, optional The factor by which the total number of symbols will be reduced. If `None`, the greatest common divisor of the different symbols will be used. The default is `None`. system : str, optional Determines the order of the chemical formula. If ``'Hill'`` the Hill system is used to determine the order. If `None`, the order is based on the order of ```symbols``. The default is ``'Hill'``. Returns ------- str The chemical formula corresponding to ``symbols``, except with only ``n_atoms``. If `system` is ``'Hill'``, the formula will be ordered as per the Hill system, otherwise the formula will be ordered based on the order of ``symbols``. Example ------- Reducing the formula for four water molecules to a single water molecules: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python >>> get_reduced_chemical_formula(['H'] * 8 + ['O'] * 4) 'H2O' Reducing the formula for four water molecules to two water molecules: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python >>> get_reduced_chemical_formula(['H'] * 8 + ['O'] * 4, factor=2) 'H4O2' """ if not factor: factor = reduce(gcd, Counter(symbols).values()) n_symbols = len(symbols) if n_symbols % factor != 0: raise ValueError('factor ({0}) must be a factor of the number of' ' symbols {1}'.format(factor, n_symbols)) n_reduced_atoms = n_symbols // factor reduced_symbols = symbols[::n_symbols // n_reduced_atoms] reduced_symbols_count = OrderedDict() # Use keys of OrderedDict to maintain order (and backwards compatibility) for symbol in OrderedDict((symbol, None) for symbol in reduced_symbols).keys(): number = reduced_symbols.count(symbol) reduced_symbols_count[symbol] = str(number) if number != 1 else '' if system == 'Hill': reduced_formula = '' if 'C' in reduced_symbols_count: reduced_formula = 'C' + reduced_symbols_count.pop('C') try: reduced_formula += 'H' + reduced_symbols_count.pop('H') except KeyError: pass reduced_formula += ''.join(sorted([symbol + count for symbol, count in reduced_symbols_count.items()])) else: reduced_formula = ''.join([symbol + count for symbol, count in reduced_symbols_count.items()]) return reduced_formula