This module is the interface to the Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE,
https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/ase/) ``GUI``, which enables a molecular viewer to be
launched. This viewer allows the visualization of atomic positions and bonds.
from functools import partial
from io import StringIO
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union
import warnings
from tkinter import TclError
import numpy as np
from ase.gui.gui import GUI
from ase.gui.i18n import _
from ase.gui.images import Images
from ase.gui.ui import MenuItem
from ase.gui.view import get_cell_coordinates
from IPython.display import HTML
from MDMC.MD.ase.conversions import get_ase_atoms
from MDMC.MD.structures import Atom
from MDMC.MD.ase import ASEAtoms
[docs]def view(atoms: 'list[Atom]',
viewer: str = 'X3DOM',
cell: np.ndarray = None,
**settings: dict) -> Union[HTML, None]:
Launches the ASE ``GUI`` for a collection of atoms
atoms : list
A `list` of ``Atom`` (``MDMC.MD.structures.Atom``) to view
viewer : str, optional
The viewer used to display the visualization. This can be 'X3DOM', which
allows for inline visualization in Jupyter notebooks, or 'ASE', which
displays in an external window. The default is 'X3DOM'.
cell : numpy.ndarray, optional
An ``array`` of `float` specifying the dimensions of the cell to view.
The default is `None`.
``max_atoms`` (`int`)
Sets the maximum number of atoms that will be viewed
atoms = get_ase_atoms(atoms, cell=cell)
if viewer == 'X3DOM':
return view_x3dom(atoms, **settings)
if viewer == 'ASE':
return view_ase(atoms, **settings)
raise ValueError('Unrecognised viewer. Specify either "X3DOM" or "ASE"')
[docs]def view_ase(atoms: 'ASEAtoms', **settings: dict) -> None:
View atom using the ASE viewer
ase_atoms : ASEAtoms
The ``ASEAtoms`` object to be visualized using the ASE viewer
``max_atoms`` (`int`)
Sets the maximum number of atoms that will be viewed
atoms = limit_atoms(atoms, settings.get('max_atoms', 8000))
atom_images = Images()
viewer = Viewer(atom_images)
except TclError as err:
raise TclError(str(err) + '. This may be because MDMC is being run in'
' Docker and X11 forwarding has not been'
' enabled.') from err
[docs]def view_x3dom(atoms: 'ASEAtoms', **settings: dict) -> HTML:
View atoms using the X3D viewer, which enables inline visualization within
a IPython/Jupyter notebook
ase_atoms : ASEAtoms
The ``ASEAtoms`` object to be visualized using the X3D viewer
``max_atoms`` (`int`)
Sets the maximum number of atoms that will be viewed
atoms = limit_atoms(atoms, settings.get('max_atoms', 2000))
output = StringIO()
atoms.write(output, format='X3DOM')
data = output.getvalue()
return HTML(data)
[docs]def limit_atoms(atoms: 'ASEAtoms', max_atoms: int) -> 'ASEAtoms':
Limits the number of atoms that are passed to a visualizer
atoms : ASEAtoms
The ``ASEAtoms`` object to be visualized
max_atoms : int
The maximum number of atoms which can be passed to the visualizer
If the number of atoms is greater than `max_atoms`, the user is warned
that `atoms` will be capped at this size
if len(atoms) < max_atoms:
return atoms
warnings.warn(f'The number of atoms visualized has been capped to {max_atoms}. To'
' increase this, pass a larger `max_atoms`')
return atoms[:max_atoms]
[docs]def get_bonds(atoms: 'ASEAtoms') -> np.ndarray:
Adds ``(0, 0, 0,)`` to each bonded atom pair defined within an ``ASEAtoms``
atoms : ASEAtoms
The ``ASEAtoms`` object for which the ``bonds`` are required for
bonds = [pair + (0, 0, 0) for pair in atoms.bonds]
return np.array(bonds)
[docs]class Viewer(GUI):
Subclasses the ASE ``GUI`` to provide a molecular viewer for MDMC.
It modifies how ``bonds`` are plotted by using an alternative ``get_bonds``
function in the ``set_atoms`` method.
It removes ``GUI`` menu options that are not applicable in MDMC.
def __init__(self, images: Images = None, rotations: str = '', expr: str = None):
# Override in order to set show bonds
super().__init__(images=images, rotations=rotations, show_bonds=True,
self.X = None
self.X_pos = None
self.X_cell = None
self.X_bonds = None
self.B = None
[docs] def set_atoms(self, atoms: 'ASEAtoms'):
Almost an exact copy from ASE
This method is defined purely so that an alternative to the
``get_bonds`` function is used. Now the ``bonds`` are set during
atoms : ASEAtoms
The ``atoms`` which will be set
natoms = len(atoms)
if self.showing_cell():
B1, B2 = get_cell_coordinates(atoms.cell,
B1 = B2 = np.zeros((0, 3))
if self.showing_bonds():
atomscopy = atoms.copy()
atomscopy.cell *= self.images.repeat[:, np.newaxis]
bonds = get_bonds(atoms)
bonds = np.empty((0, 5), int)
# X is all atomic coordinates, and starting points of vectors
# like bonds and cell segments.
# The reason to have them all in one big list is that we like to
# eventually rotate/sort it by Z-order when rendering.
# Also B are the end points of line segments.
self.X = np.empty((natoms + len(B1) + len(bonds), 3))
self.X_pos = self.X[:natoms]
self.X_pos[:] = atoms.positions
self.X_cell = self.X[natoms:natoms + len(B1)]
self.X_bonds = self.X[natoms + len(B1):]
cell = atoms.cell
ncellparts = len(B1)
nbonds = len(bonds)
self.X_cell[:] = np.dot(B1, cell)
self.B = np.empty((ncellparts + nbonds, 3))
self.B[:ncellparts] = np.dot(B2, cell)
if nbonds > 0:
P = atoms.positions
Af = self.images.repeat[:, np.newaxis] * cell
a = P[bonds[:, 0]]
b = P[bonds[:, 1]] + np.dot(bonds[:, 2:], Af) - a
d = (b**2).sum(1)**0.5
r = 0.65 * self.get_covalent_radii()
x0 = (r[bonds[:, 0]] / d).reshape((-1, 1))
x1 = (r[bonds[:, 1]] / d).reshape((-1, 1))
self.X_bonds[:] = a + b * x0
b *= 1.0 - x0 - x1
b[bonds[:, 2:].any(1)] *= 0.5
self.B[ncellparts:] = self.X_bonds + b
def update_labels(self):
index = self.window['show-labels']
if index == 0:
self.labels = None
elif index == 1:
self.labels = self.atoms.IDs
elif index == 3:
Q = self.atoms.get_initial_charges()
self.labels = ['{0:.4g}'.format(q) for q in Q]
self.labels = self.atoms.get_chemical_symbols()