Developer Documentation

MDMC is open source software. Code contributions to MDMC are welcomed; please visit the MDMC GitHub in order to contribute.

The process by which to contribute code is:

  1. Create a fork from the master branch of the MDMC repository

  2. Create a branch on your forked repository.

  3. Commit changes to the branch

  4. Create a pull request to the MDMC master branch.

  5. Code is reviewed and any required changes are requested.

  6. After changes are made (and any further reviews occur) branch is merged to master by one of the core MDMC developers.

If you require further details about any of these steps, please contact MDMC support:

Please read the following developer documentation sections before contributing to MDMC.

Please note that, at a bare minimum, any pull request must do the following:

  • Pass the continuous integration testing that MDMC uses. This includes both unit testing via pytest, and style testing via pylint.

  • Ensure that all code added by the pull request is tested with unit tests.

  • Ensure that all code added is documented by docstrings, comments and pages in the documentation. Our documentation follows the Diátaxis framework, and new documentation should be written with these principles in mind.