Source code for MDMC.trajectory_analysis.trajectory

"""Module for ``Configuration`` and related classes"""
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import weakref

import numpy as np

from MDMC.common.decorators import repr_decorator

    from MDMC.MD.simulation import Universe
    from MDMC.MD.structures import Atom, Molecule, Structure
    from typing import Any, Optional
    from builtins import function

# pylint: disable=abstract-method
# as __sub__ and scale() are not implemented

[docs] class AtomCollection: """Base class for ``Configurations``""" __slots__ = ('_universe', ) @property def universe(self) -> 'Optional[Universe]': """ Get or set the ``Universe`` in which the ``AtomCollection`` exists Returns ------- Universe The ``Universe`` in which the ``AtomCollection`` exists, or `None` if it has not been set """ # Call the weakref to return the universe as an object. If the use of # weakref causes issues with prematurely garbage collecting the # universe, revert this change to not use weakref. try: return self._universe() except TypeError: return None @universe.setter def universe(self, universe: 'Universe') -> None: # Create a weakref of the universe for _universe. If the use of weakref # causes issues with prematurely garbage collecting the universe, # revert this change to not use weakref. try: self._universe = weakref.ref(universe) except TypeError: self._universe = None @property def dimensions(self) -> 'np.ndarray': """ Get the ``dimensions`` of the ``Universe`` in which the ``AtomCollection`` exists Returns ------- array : numpy.ndarray The ``dimensions`` of the ``Universe`` """ return self.universe.dimensions
[docs] @repr_decorator('data') class Configuration(AtomCollection): """ A ``Configuration`` stores ``Atom`` objects and their positions and velocities Parameters ---------- *structures Zero or more ``Structure`` objects to be added to the ``Configuration`` **settings ``universe`` (``Universe``) The ``Universe`` of the ``Configuration`` Attributes ---------- element_set : set `set` of the elements in the ``Configuration`` universe : Universe or None data : *structures """ __slots__ = ('_data', 'element_set', '_structure_list') def __init__(self, *structures: 'Structure', **settings: dict): try: self.universe = settings['universe'] except KeyError: try: self.universe = structures[0].universe except IndexError: self.universe = None = structures self.element_set = set(self.element_list) def __eq__(self, other: 'Configuration') -> bool: if id(other) == id(self): return True if isinstance(other, self.__class__): for k in self.__slots__: if k == '_universe': # As Configurations can have Universes as an attribute, and # vice versa, skip comparison to prevent infinite recursion continue v = getattr(self, k) try: iter(v) if any(v != getattr(other, k)): return False except TypeError: if v != getattr(other, k): return False return True return False @property def atoms(self) -> 'list[Atom]': """ Get the `list` of ``Atom`` which belong to the ``Configuration`` Returns ------- list A `list` of ``Atom`` """ return['atom'] @property def atom_positions(self) -> list: """ Get the `list` of ``Atom.position`` which belong to the ``Configuration`` Returns ------- list A `list` of ``Atom.position`` """ return['position'] @property def atom_velocities(self) -> list: """ Get the `list` of ``Atom.velocity`` which belong to the ``Configuration`` Returns ------- list A `list` of ``Atom.velocity` """ return['velocity'] @property def element_list(self) -> list: """ Get the `list` of ``Atom.element.symbol`` which belong to the ``Configuration`` Returns ------- list A `list` of `str` for the elements """ return [atom.element.symbol for atom in self.atoms] @property def molecule_list(self) -> 'list[Molecule]': """ Get the `list` of ``Molecule`` which belong to the ``Configuration`` Returns ------- list A `list` of ``Molecule`` """ return self.filter_structures(lambda x: x.structure_type == 'Molecule') @property def structure_list(self) -> 'list[Structure]': """ Get the `list` of ``Structure`` which belong to the ``Configuration`` Returns ------- list A `list` of ``Structure`` """ # Call the weakref to return the structures as an object. If the # use of weakref causes issues with prematurely garbage collecting the # structures, revert this change to not use weakref. return [structures() for structures in self._structure_list] @property def data(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Get or set the ``Atom``, ``Atom.position``, and ``Atom.velocity`` which belong to the ``Configuration`` Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A structured NumPy ``array`` with ``'atom'``, ``'position'``, and ``'velocity'`` fields """ return np.array([(atom, atom.position, atom.velocity) for atom in self._data], dtype=[('atom', 'object'), ('position', 'object'), ('velocity', 'object')]) @data.setter def data(self, structures: np.ndarray) -> None: self._structure_list = [] self._data = [] for unit in structures: self.add_structure(unit)
[docs] def add_structure(self, structures: 'Structure') -> None: """ Adds the ``Atom`` objects from a ``Structure`` to the data Parameters ---------- structures : Structure The ``Structure`` to add """ self.validate_structure(structures) # Create a weakref of the structures for _structure_list. If the # use of weakref causes issues with prematurely garbage collecting the # structures, revert this change to not use weakref. self._structure_list.append(weakref.ref(structures)) self._data.extend(list(structures.atoms))
[docs] def validate_structure(self, structure: 'Structure') -> None: """ Validates the structure by testing that it belongs to the same ``Universe`` as the ``Configuration`` Parameters ---------- structure : Structure The ``Structure`` to validate Raises ------ AssertionError If the ``Structure`` does not belong to the same ``Universe`` as the ``Configuration`` """ # Test that all structural units are from the same universe try: assert structure.universe is self.universe except AssertionError as error: raise AssertionError( 'Atoms are not all from same universe') from error
def __add__(self, configuration: 'Configuration') -> 'Configuration': """ Returns ------- Configuration New ``Configuration`` from the sum of the ``structure_list`` of the two ``Configuation`` objects """ structure_list = self.structure_list + configuration.structure_list return self.__class__(*structure_list) def __sub__(self, configuration: 'Configuration') -> 'Configuration': """ Returns ------- Configuration New ``Configuration`` from the difference of two ``Configuration`` objects Raises ------ NotImplementedError THIS HAS NOT BEEN IMPLEMENTED """ raise NotImplementedError def __len__(self) -> int: """ Returns ------- int The number of ``Atom`` objects in the ``Configuration`` """ return len(self.atoms) def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A NumPy ``array`` containing a slice from the data. The same fields can be accessed with ``'atom'``, ``'position'``, and ``'velocity'``. """ return[item]
[docs] def filter_structures(self, predicate: 'function') -> 'list[Structure]': """ Filters the `list` of ``Structures`` using the predicate Parameters ---------- predicate : function A function which returns a `bool` when passed a ``Structure`` Returns ------- list A `list` of ``Structures`` which are `True` for the given predicate """ return list(filter(predicate, self.structure_list))
[docs] def filter_atoms(self, predicate: 'function') -> 'list[Atom]': """ Filters the `list` of ``Atom`` using the predicate Parameters ---------- predicate : function A function which returns a `bool` when passed an ``Atom`` Returns ------- list A `list` of ``Atom`` which are `True` for the given predicate """ return list(filter(predicate, self.atoms))
[docs] def filter_by_element(self, element: str) -> 'list[Atom]': """ Filter the ``Configuration`` using an ``element`` Parameters ---------- element: str An elemental symbol of the same format as is used for creating ``Atom`` objects Returns ------- list A `list` of ``Atom`` of the specified ``element`` """ return self.filter_atoms(lambda x: x.element.symbol == element)
[docs] def scale(self, factor: float, vectors: str = 'positions') -> None: """ Scales either ``atom_positions`` or ``atom_velocities`` by a factor Parameters ---------- factor : float Factor by which the vector is scaled vectors : str, optional ``'positions'`` (default) or ``'velocities'`` Raises ------ NotImplementedError THIS IS NOT IMPEMENTED """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @repr_decorator('time', 'data') class TemporalConfiguration(Configuration): """ A configuration which has a time associated with it Parameters ---------- time : float The time of the ``TemporalConfiguration`` in ``fs`` *structure_units Zero or more ``Structures`` """ __slots__ = ('time', ) def __init__(self, time: float, *structures: 'Structure', **settings: dict) -> None: super().__init__(*structures, **settings) self.time = time def __add__(self, configuration: 'TemporalConfiguration') -> 'TemporalConfiguration': """ Returns ------- TemporalConfiguration New ``TemporalConfiguration`` from the sum of the ``TemporalConfigurations`` """ time = np.mean([self.time, configuration.time]) structure_list = self.structure_list + configuration.structure_list return self.__class__(time, *structure_list)