Source code for MDMC.trajectory_analysis.observables.sqw

"""Module for AbstractSQw and total SQw class"""

from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline

from MDMC.common import units
from MDMC.common.constants import h, h_bar
from MDMC.common.decorators import unit_decorator_getter
from MDMC.resolution.resolution_factory import ResolutionFactory
from MDMC.trajectory_analysis.observables.obs import Observable
from MDMC.trajectory_analysis.observables.obs_factory import ObservableFactory
from MDMC.trajectory_analysis.compact_trajectory import CompactTrajectory
from MDMC.utilities.trajectory_slicing import slice_trajectory

[docs] class SQwMixins: """ A mixin class for properties used by both SQw and FQt objects """
[docs] def minimum_frames(self, dt: float = None) -> int: r""" The minimum number of ``CompactTrajectory`` frames needed to calculate the ``dependent_variables`` depends on ``self.use_FFT``. If `self.use_FFT == True`, it is the number of energy steps + 1, in order to allow for a reflection in time which only counts the end points once. If `self.use_FFT == False`, there is not a hard minimum on number of frames. However, to distinguish our smallest differences in energy :math:`F(Q,t)` needs to cover at least a time period :math:`T_{min}` such that: .. math:: T_{min} \sim \frac{h}{\Delta E_{min}} Due to the aforementioned reflection in the time domain, to cover a period of :math:`T_{min}` we only need :math:`N` frames: .. math:: N = \frac{T_{min}}{2 \Delta t} + 1 = \frac{h}{2 \Delta t \Delta E_{min}} + 1 Parameters ---------- dt : float, optional The time separation of frames in ``fs``, default is `None` Returns ------- int The minimum number of frames """ nE = len(self.E) if self.use_FFT: return nE + 1 # Either take the smallest absolute energy, or the smallest separation # of energies we wish to discriminate between minimum_abs_energy = np.min(np.abs(self.E[self.E != 0])) minimum_energy_separation = np.min(np.diff(np.sort(self.E))) limiting_energy = min(minimum_abs_energy, minimum_energy_separation) # h is in units of eV s whereas system units are meV fs, so apply a # factor of 1e3 * 1e15 to convert it required_time = h * 1e18 / limiting_energy # We need an integer number of frames, so round up using np.ceil to # ensure we exceed the minimum number of frames needed return int(np.ceil(required_time / (2 * dt) + 1))
[docs] def maximum_frames(self) -> Optional[int]: """ The maximum number of ``CompactTrajectory`` frames that can be used to calculate the ``dependent_variables`` depends on ``self.use_FFT``. If `True`, it is the number of energy steps + 1, in order to allow for a reflection in time which only counts the end points once. Otherwise, there is no limit and all frames will contribute to the calculation. Returns ------- int The maximum number of frames """ if self.use_FFT and (self.E is not None): return len(self.E) + 1 return None
@property @unit_decorator_getter(unit=units.LENGTH ** -1) def Q(self) -> Optional[np.array]: """ Get or set the momentum transfers Returns ------- numpy.array 1D array of Q `float` (in ``Ang^-1``) """ try: return self.independent_variables['Q'] except KeyError: return None @Q.setter def Q(self, value: np.array) -> None: self.independent_variables['Q'] = value
[docs] class AbstractSQw(SQwMixins, Observable): """ An abstract class for total, coherent and incoherent dynamic structure factors. The equations used for calculating this are based on Kneller et al. Comput. Phys. Commun. 91 (1995) 191-214. Note that properties for MD frames & Q are found in the SQwMixins class. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._independent_variables = None self._dependent_variables = None self._errors = None self.resolution = None # Use FFT by default self._use_FFT = True self._recreated_Q = None @property def independent_variables(self) -> dict: """ Get or set the independent variables: these are the frequency Q (in ``Ang^-1``) and energy E (in``meV``) Returns ------- dict The independent variables """ return self._independent_variables @independent_variables.setter def independent_variables(self, value: dict) -> None: self._independent_variables = value @property def dependent_variables(self) -> dict: """ Get the dependent variables: this is SQw, the dynamic structure factor (in ``arb``) Returns ------- dict The dependent variables """ return self._dependent_variables @property def errors(self) -> dict: """ Get or set the errors on the dependent variables, the dynamic structure factor (in ``arb``) Returns ------- dict The errors on the ``dependent_variables`` """ return self._errors @errors.setter def errors(self, value: dict) -> None: self._errors = value @property @unit_decorator_getter(unit=units.ENERGY_TRANSFER) def E(self) -> 'np.array': """ Get the energies Returns ------- numpy.array 1D array of energy `float` (in ``meV``) """ if self.independent_variables: try: return self.independent_variables['E'] except KeyError: pass return None @property @unit_decorator_getter(unit=units.Unit('ps') ** -1) def w(self) -> 'np.array': """ Get the angular frequencies Returns ------- numpy.array 1D array of angular frequency `float` in units of ``1 / ps`` """ return self.E / (h_bar * 1e15) @property @unit_decorator_getter(unit=units.ARBITRARY) def SQw(self) -> Optional[list[np.ndarray]]: """ Get the dynamic structure factor, S(Q, w), in arb Returns ------- list of numpy.ndarray `list` of 2D arrays of S(Q, w) `float` with arbitrary units """ try: return self.dependent_variables['SQw'] except KeyError: return None @property @unit_decorator_getter(unit=units.ARBITRARY) def SQw_err(self) -> Optional[list[np.ndarray]]: """ Get the errors on the dynamic structure factor in arb Returns ------- list of numpy.ndarray `list` of 2D array of S(Q, w) error `float` with arbitrary units """ try: return self.errors['SQw'] except KeyError: return None @property def recreated_Q(self): """ Get the indices of the recreated Q_values. """ return self._recreated_Q @recreated_Q.setter def recreated_Q(self, recreated_Q_pos: list): self._recreated_Q = recreated_Q_pos
[docs] def validate_energy(self, time_step: float = None): """ Asserts that the user set frame separation ``dt`` leads to energy separation that matches that of the experiment. If not, it changes the time step and trajectory step to fix this. The time step value is prioritised here. Parameters ---------- time_step: float, optional User specified length of time for each update of the atoms trajectories in the simulation, default is None. Returns ------- tuple contains a boolean, and two floats (if traj_step and time_step have values) or two NoneType (if traj_step and time_step were passed in as None). Raises ------ AssertionError """ dt_required = self.calculate_dt() if time_step is not None: # Changing the time and traj step to fit the required dt value # by finding the highest traj_step that can fit into the dt_required traj_step = int(np.round(dt_required/time_step)) if traj_step == 0: traj_step += 1 time_step = dt_required/traj_step return True, traj_step, time_step, dt_required return False, None, None, dt_required
[docs] def calculate_from_MD(self, MD_input: CompactTrajectory, verbose: int = 0, **settings: dict): """ Calculate the dynamic structure factor, S(Q, w) from a ``CompactTrajectory``. If the ``CompactTrajectory`` has more frames than the ``self.maximum_frames()`` that can be used to recreate the grid of energy points, it can slice the ``CompactTrajectory`` into sub-trajectories of length ``self.maximum_frames()``, with the slicing specified through the settings ``use_average`` and ``cont_slicing``. The ``independent_variable`` ``Q`` can either be set previously or defined within ``**settings``. Parameters ---------- MD_input : CompactTrajectory An MDMC ``CompactTrajectory`` from which to calculate ``SQw`` verbose: int, optional The level of verbosity: Verbose level 0 gives no information. Verbose level 1 gives final time for the whole method. Verbose level 2 gives final time and also a progress bar. Verbose level 3 gives final time, a progress bar, and time per step. **settings ``n_Q_vectors`` (`int`) The maximum number of ``Q_vectors`` for any ``Q`` value. The greater the number of ``Q_vectors``, the more accurate the calculation, but the longer it will take. ``dimensions`` (`list`, `tuple`, `numpy.ndarray`) A 3 element `tuple` or ``array`` of `float` specifying the dimensions of the ``Universe`` in units of ``Ang`` ``energy_resolution` (`dict`) Optionally specify energy resolution and function in units of ueV (micro eV), in the format of the one-line dict {'function': value}, where `function` is the resolution function and `value` is the desired `FWHM`. e.g. to pass a Gaussian resolution of 80ueV we use {'gaussian': 80}. Currently accepted functions are 'gaussian' and 'lorentzian' Can also be 'lazily' given as `float`, in which case it is assumed to be Gaussian. ``Q_values`` (`array`) 1D array of Q `float` (in ``Ang^-1``). (optional) ``use_average`` (`bool`) Optional parameter if a list of more than one ``Trajectory`` is used. If set to True (default) then the mean value for S(Q, w) is calculated. Also, the errors are set to the standard deviation calculated over the list of ``CompactTrajectory`` objects. ``cont_slicing`` (`bool`) Flag to decide between two possible behaviours when the number of ``MD_steps`` is larger than the minimum required to calculate the observables. If ``False`` (default) then the ``CompactTrajectory`` is sliced into non-overlapping sub-``CompactTrajectory`` blocks for each of which the observable is calculated. If ``True``, then the ``CompactTrajectory`` is sliced into as many non-identical sub-``CompactTrajectory`` blocks as possible (with overlap allowed). """ self._origin = 'MD' SQw_list = [] use_average = settings.get('use_average', True) cont_slicing = settings.get('cont_slicing', False) try: override_dimensions = settings['dimensions'] except KeyError: pass else: MD_input.setDimensions(np.array(override_dimensions)) # adds resolution attribute if it doesn't already exist if self.resolution is None: resolution_factory = ResolutionFactory() if 'energy_resolution' in settings: self.resolution = resolution_factory.create_instance( settings['energy_resolution']) else: # if no resolution supplied, give the object null resolution self.resolution = resolution_factory.create_instance(None) # Create independent_variables dictionary if it doesn't exist if not hasattr(self, 'independent_variables'): self.independent_variables = {} # Extract information that should be constant throughout the trajectory and hence the # subtrajectories (if there are any) t = MD_input.times - MD_input.times[0] dt = t[1] - t[0] if self.maximum_frames(): t = t[0:self.maximum_frames()] if MD_input.is_fixedbox: try: self.universe_dimensions = MD_input.dimensions except AttributeError: try: self.universe_dimensions = np.array(settings['dimensions']) except KeyError as error: raise AttributeError('Either trajectory requires a dimensions' ' attribute or dimensions must be passed' ' when calling calculate_from_MD') from error else: # If the dimensions of the simulation box are not fixed, we use the first value try: self.universe_dimensions = MD_input.changing_dimensions[0] except AttributeError: try: self.universe_dimensions = np.array(settings['dimensions']) except KeyError as error: raise AttributeError('Either trajectory requires a dimensions' ' attribute or dimensions must be passed' ' when calling calculate_from_MD') from error # Test that, if there is an existing E, it is consistent with E # calculated from trajectory times if self.E is not None: self.validate_energy(dt) elif self.independent_variables: self.independent_variables['E'] = self.calculate_E(len(t) - 1, dt) else: self.independent_variables = {'E': self.calculate_E(len(t) - 1, dt)} # Overwrite independent variable 'Q' if it already exists try: self.independent_variables['Q'] = np.array(settings['Q_values']) except KeyError: pass # Slice trajectory up if possible and requested by user: if self.maximum_frames() and use_average: trajectories = slice_trajectory(trj=MD_input, subtrj_len=self.maximum_frames(), cont_slicing=cont_slicing) trj_sliced = True else: trajectories = [MD_input] trj_sliced = False obtained_recreated_Q = False # Perform calculations for each trajectory for trajectory in trajectories: self.trajectory = trajectory # Assert that the times and dimensions are consistent with original trajectory if trj_sliced: try: assert_allclose(self.trajectory.times - self.trajectory.times[0], t, rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-3) except AssertionError as error: msg = ('The `times` of the current `CompactTrajectory` were not ' 'consistent with the first `CompactTrajectory` passed') raise AssertionError(msg) from error try: assert_allclose(self.universe_dimensions, self.trajectory.dimensions) except AttributeError: # May not have dimensions set, in which case pass pass except AssertionError as error: msg = ('The `dimensions` of the current `CompactTrajectory` were not ' 'consistent with the first `CompactTrajectory` passed') raise AssertionError(msg) from error fqt_type = self._get_fqt_type() # instantiate an FQt object for FQt calculations FQt = ObservableFactory.create_observable(fqt_type) FQt.Q = self.Q # calculate FQt FQt.calculate_from_MD(trajectory, **settings) self.Q = FQt.Q if not obtained_recreated_Q: self._recreated_Q = FQt.recreated_Q obtained_recreated_Q = True SQw_list.append(FQt.calculate_SQw(self.E, self.resolution)) # Cleanup the trajectory to reduce memory usage self.trajectory = None # calculate average and errors SQw_output = [np.mean(SQw_list, axis=0)] errors_output = [np.std(SQw_list, axis=0)] self._dependent_variables = {'SQw': SQw_output} self._errors = {'SQw': errors_output}
def _get_fqt_type(self) -> str: """ Gets the name of the FQt type associated with each SQw type. """ fqt_types = {'SQw': 'FQt', 'SQwCoherent': 'FQt_coh', 'SQwIncoherent': 'FQt_incoh'} return fqt_types[self.__class__.__name__]
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_E(nE: int, dt: float) -> np.ndarray: r""" Calculates an array of ``nE`` uniformly spaced energy values from the time separation of the ``CompactTrajectory`` frames, ``dt``. The frequencie are determined by the Fast Fourier Transform, as implemented by numpy, for ``2 * nE`` points in time which we then crop to only include ``nE`` positive frequencies. As we are dealing with frequency rather than angular frequency here, the relation to between energy is given by: .. math:: E = h \nu Parameters ---------- nE : int The number of energy values to be calculated dt : float The step size between frames in ``fs`` Returns ------- numpy.ndarray An ``array`` of `float` specifying the energy in units of ``meV`` """ # h is in units of eV s whereas system units are meV fs, so apply a # factor of 1e3 * 1e15 to convert it return h * 1e18 * np.fft.fftfreq(2 * int(nE), dt)[:int(nE)]
[docs] def calculate_dt(self) -> float: r""" Calculates the time separation of frames required by the experimental dataset, assuming uniform spacing. Note that this may be different from the time separation that the user has given as an input, as it only depends on the current values for ``self.E``. The relationship between time and energy comes from the numpy implementation of the FFT for ``2 * nE`` points where: .. math:: \nu_{max} &=& \frac{n_E - 1}{2 n_E \Delta t} \\\\ \therefore \Delta t &=& \frac{h (n_E - 1)}{2 n_E E_{max}} Returns ------- float The time separation required by the current values of ``self.E`` """ # h is in units of eV s whereas system units are meV fs, so apply a # factor of 1e3 * 1e15 to convert it nE = len(self.E) return h * 1e18 * (nE - 1) / (2 * nE * (np.max(np.abs(self.E))))
[docs] def calculate_resolution_functions(self, dt: float) -> dict: """ Generates a resolution function in momentum and time that can be used in the calculation of SQw. Note that this uses the ``SQw`` values of the ``Observable`` it is called from, and so should only be called for an observable which has been created from relevant resolution data, i.e. a vanadium sample. Note that if this resolution function is used on data outside its original range, then it will use nearest neighbour extrapolation. Additionally, the input will be reflected in the time/energy domain as symmetry about 0 is assumed. If for whatever reason this is not appropriate for the data in question, this function should not be used. Parameters ---------- dt : float The time spacing to use when performing the inverse Fourier transform in units of `fs`. Ideally this should be the same as the frame separation expected when applying this function. Returns ------- dict A dictionary with the key 'SQw' corresponding to function which accepts arrays of time and momentum (respectively) and returns a 2D array of values for the instrument resolution. """ # NB: this function is only used by methods in the FileResolution object # (see MDMC.resolution.from_file) # but it hasn't been moved to that file # because it relies so heavily on the SQw object's attributes # that moving it over is a nightmare # Remove any momentum values with infinite error, and the corresponding values from SQw error = self.SQw_err masking = np.where(np.any(error == float('inf'), axis=-1)) SQw_cropped = np.delete(self.SQw[0], masking, axis=0) Q_cropped = np.delete(self.Q, masking) # Enforce symmetry in the energy/time domain of the data. Note that if the original data # included both positive and negative values, we will end up with more densely spaced # values after this reflection. E_reflected = np.append(self.E, -1 * self.E) SQw_reflected = np.append(SQw_cropped, SQw_cropped, axis=-1) # Sort the data so the width of each bin can be calculated using argsort so we can apply # the same re-ordering to SQw. Because we cannot calculate the width of the first or last # value, these are discarded from the energy and SQw arrays. sorted_indices = np.argsort(E_reflected) E_sorted = E_reflected[sorted_indices] widths = (E_sorted[2:] - E_sorted[:-2]) / 2 E_sorted = E_sorted[1:-1] SQw_sorted = SQw_reflected[:, sorted_indices[1:-1]] # Perform a (slow) inverse discrete Fourier transform now, with all available data, rather # than with potentially coarse time sampling during the SQw calculation # Create time array with the spacing dt, and a min/max value of the Nyquist limit. # h is in units of eV s whereas system units are meV fs, so # apply a factor of 1e3 * 1e15 to convert it max_energy_separation = np.amax(np.diff(E_sorted)) t_max = h * 1e18 / (2 * max_energy_separation) N_T = int(t_max / dt) t_array = np.linspace(- dt * N_T, dt * N_T, N_T) SQw_ift = np.zeros((len(SQw_sorted), N_T), dtype='complex') # In general we do not have equal energy spacing, multiply the exponential factor by this # before transposing and dotting to sum over the energy domain exp = np.exp(1j * np.outer(t_array, E_sorted) / (h_bar * 1e18)) * widths SQw_ift =, np.transpose(exp)) # Because Observable.dependent_variables_structure gives the order in which the # independent variables are represented in the np.shape of the data, we have to # reverse the order of the x and y arrays for RectBivariateSpline. # RectBivariateSpline does not return complex numbers, # so define a new function that combines the real and imaginary parts def data_interpol(t, Q): real = RectBivariateSpline(t_array, Q_cropped, np.real(SQw_ift).T) imag = RectBivariateSpline(t_array, Q_cropped, np.imag(SQw_ift).T) return (real(t, Q) + 1j * imag(t, Q)).T return {'SQw': data_interpol}
@property def dependent_variables_structure(self) -> dict[str, list]: """ The order in which the 'SQw' dependent variable is indexed in terms of 'Q' and 'E'. Explicitly: we have that self.SQw[Q_index, E_index] is the data point for given indices of self.Q and self.E It also means that: np.shape(self.SQw)=(np.size(self.Q), np.size(self.E)) The purpose of this method is to ensure consistency between different readers/methods which create ``SQw`` objects. Return ------ Dict[str, list] The shape of the SQw dependent variable """ return {'SQw': ['Q', 'E']} @property def uniformity_requirements(self) -> dict[str, dict[str, bool]]: """ Captures the current limitations on the energy 'E' and reciprocal lattice points 'Q' within the dynamic structure factor ``Observables``. If using FFT, then 'E' must be uniform and start at zero, otherwise it has no restrictions. 'Q' must be uniform but does not need to start at zero. Return ------ Dict[str, Dict[str, bool]] Dictionary of uniformity restrictions for 'E' and 'Q'. """ if self.use_FFT: e_requirements = {'uniform': True, 'zeroed': True} else: e_requirements = {'uniform': False, 'zeroed': False} return {'E': e_requirements, 'Q': {'uniform': True, 'zeroed': False}}
[docs] @ObservableFactory.register(('DynamicStructureFactor', 'SQw')) class SQw(AbstractSQw): """ A class for the total dynamic structure factor Calculation is done in the respective FQt object, and this is just a reference to get the correct FQt object. """
[docs] @ObservableFactory.register(('CoherentDynamicStructureFactor', 'SQwCoherent', 'SQwCoh', 'SQw_coh')) class SQwCoherent(AbstractSQw): """ A class for the coherent dynamic structure factor """
[docs] @ObservableFactory.register(('IncoherentDynamicStructureFactor', 'SQwIncoherent' 'SQwIncoh', 'SQw_incoh')) class SQwIncoherent(AbstractSQw): """ A class for the incoherent dynamic structure factor """