Source code for MDMC.refinement.FoM.FoM_factory

Factory class for generating Figure of Merits
And ObservablePair class fro defining the obseravble pairs used to calculate the Figure of Merit

from glob import glob
from importlib import import_module
from inspect import isclass, isabstract, getmembers
from os.path import basename, dirname, join, isfile

from MDMC.refinement.FoM.FoM_abs import FigureOfMerit

[docs] class FoMFactory: """ Provides a factory for creating a ``Figure of Merit`` also called FoM. Any FoM within the FoM folder can be created with a string of the class name, as long as it is a subclass of ``FigureOfMerit``. """
[docs] @staticmethod def create_FoM(module_name, obs_pairs, norm: str = 'data_points', n_parameters: int = None): """ Returns ------- FigureOfMerit A ``Figure of Merit`` specified by ``module_name`` """ try: module = import_module( '.ChiSquared_' + module_name+'error', __package__) except ImportError: try: module = import_module('.RSquared_'+ module_name+'error', __package__) except ImportError: try: module = import_module('.' + module_name, __package__) except ImportError as error: raise ValueError( f'{module_name} is not a supported Figure of Merits') from error classes = getmembers(module, lambda m: (isclass(m) and not isabstract(m) and issubclass(m, FigureOfMerit))) return classes[0][1](obs_pairs, norm, n_parameters)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_FoM_names(): """ Get the names of available Figure of Merits(FoM) Requires all ``Figure of Merits`` derived classes to be in modules of the same name Returns ------- list A `list` of `str` with the names of the available ``Figure of Merits`` objects """ FoM_names = [] for full_module_name in glob(join(dirname(__file__), "*.py")): if isfile(full_module_name) and full_module_name != __file__: module_name = basename(full_module_name) if not module_name.startswith('_') and module_name != '': FoM_names.append(module_name.replace('.py', '')) return FoM_names