Source code for MDMC.refinement.FoM.FoM_abs

"""A module for Figure of Merits"""

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import numpy as np

from MDMC.common.decorators import repr_decorator
from MDMC.trajectory_analysis.observables.obs import Observable

[docs] @repr_decorator('weight', 'exp_obs', 'MD_obs', 'rescale_factor', 'auto_scale') class ObservablePair: """ Contains a pair of observables for calculating the FoM Checks the validity of observables Parameters ---------- exp_obs : Observable An ``Observable`` with ``Observable.origin == 'experiment'`` MD_obs : Observable An ``Observable`` with ``Observable.origin == 'MD'`` weight : float The relative weight of this pair on a total FoM rescale_factor: float, optional Factor applied to ``exp_obs`` when calculating the FoM to ensure it is on the same scale as ``MD_obs``. Default is `1.`. auto_scale: bool, optional If `True`, ``rescale_factor`` is set automatically to minimise the FoM for each step of the refinement, overriding a user specified value if set. Note that this process is purely statistical and does not account for physical effects that might impact the scaling. Default is `False`. """ def __init__(self, exp_obs: Observable, MD_obs: Observable, weight: float, rescale_factor: float = 1., auto_scale: bool = False): self.exp_obs = exp_obs self.MD_obs = MD_obs self.weight = weight self.rescale_factor = rescale_factor self.auto_scale = auto_scale @property def exp_obs(self) -> Observable: """ Get or set the experimental ``Observable`` Setting the ``Observable`` checks its validity Returns ------- Observable The experimental ``Observable`` """ return self._exp_obs @exp_obs.setter def exp_obs(self, exp_obs: Observable) -> None: self.validate_obs(exp_obs, 'experiment') self._exp_obs = exp_obs @property def MD_obs(self) -> Observable: """ Get or set the MD ``Observable`` Setting the ``Observable`` checks its validity Returns ------- Observable The MD ``Observable`` """ return self._MD_obs @MD_obs.setter def MD_obs(self, MD_obs: Observable) -> None: self.validate_obs(MD_obs, 'MD') self._MD_obs = MD_obs @property def weight(self) -> float: """ Get or set the relative weight of this pair on a total FoM Returns ------- float The relative weight Raises ------ TypeError If ``weight`` is set with a non-numeric """ return self._weight @weight.setter def weight(self, weight: float) -> None: try: weight = float(weight) except ValueError as error: raise TypeError('weight must be a float') from error self.validate_weight(weight) self._weight = weight @property def n_averages(self) -> 'dict[str, int]': """ The number of separate, complete dependent variable calculations we have been able to perform for the ``Observable`` Returns ------- dict Each key represents a dependent variable, and the value is the number of times we have calculated it """ n_averages = {} for key, value in self.MD_obs.dependent_variables.items(): n_averages[key] = len(value) return n_averages
[docs] def validate_obs(self, obs: Observable, origin: str) -> None: """ Performs checks to test the validity of an ``Observable`` Tests that the ``Observable.origin`` is as expected. If the ``ObservablePair`` has another ``Observable`` (i.e. the other ``origin``), then this tests that the ``independent_variables`` are identical, the ``dependent_variables`` have the same shape, the ``errors`` have the same shape, and that the ``Observable`` objects are of the same type. Parameters ---------- obs : Observable The ``Observable`` to validate origin : str The ``Observable.origin`` (``'experiment'`` or ``'MD'``) Raises ------ AssertionError If the ``Observable.origin`` is not the same as the ``origin`` Parameter AssertionError If ``Observable`` does not have identical ``independent_variables`` to any ``Observable`` of the other ``Observable.origin`` that already exists in the ``ObservablePair`` AssertionError If ``Observable`` does not have identical ``dependent_variables`` to any ``Observable`` of the other ``Observable.origin`` that already exists in the ``ObservablePair`` AssertionError If ``Observable`` does not have identical ``errors`` to any ``Observable`` of the other ``Observable.origin`` that already exists in the ``ObservablePair`` AssertionError If ``Observable`` does not have identical type to any ``Observable`` of the other ``Observable.origin`` that already exists in the ``ObservablePair`` """ # Check origin is correct assert obs.origin == origin, ('The observable does not have the correct' ' origin') try: if obs.origin == 'MD': other_obs = self.exp_obs else: other_obs = self.MD_obs except AttributeError: other_obs = None # Check independent variables are identical, check dependent variables # have the same shapes, check errors have the same shapes, check # observables have the same type if other_obs: indep_e_mess = 'Independent variables must be identical' assert (obs.independent_variables.keys() == other_obs.independent_variables.keys()), indep_e_mess for k in obs.independent_variables.keys(): assert np.all(obs.independent_variables[k] == other_obs.independent_variables[k]), indep_e_mess # Try/except deals with empty observable case (no dependent # variables and errors) try: dep_e_mess = 'Dependent variables must have the same shape' assert (obs.dependent_variables.keys() == other_obs.dependent_variables.keys()), dep_e_mess for k in obs.dependent_variables: assert (np.shape(obs.dependent_variables[k]) == np.shape(other_obs.dependent_variables[k])), \ dep_e_mess err_e_mess = 'Errors must have the same shape' assert obs.errors.keys() == other_obs.errors.keys(), err_e_mess for k in obs.errors: assert (np.shape(obs.errors[k]) == np.shape(other_obs.errors[k])), err_e_mess except AttributeError: pass assert isinstance(obs, type(other_obs)), ('Observables are not of' ' the same type')
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_weight(weight: float) -> None: """ Performs checks to test the validity of the ``weight`` Parameters ---------- weight : float The ``weight`` to be validated Raises ------ AssertionError If the ``weight`` is not positive or is infinite """ assert weight > 0. and weight != float('inf'), ('Weight must be a' ' finite positive' ' float')
[docs] def check_types(self) -> None: """ Checks that ``Observable`` objects are of the same type """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def check_indep_var(self) -> None: """ Checks that ``Observable`` objects have the same ``independent_variables`` and that are finite """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def check_dep_var(self) -> None: """ Checks that ``Observable`` objects have the same ``dependent_variables`` and that are finite """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def check_errors(self) -> None: """ Checks that an ``Observable`` has errors on the ``dependent_variable`` and that these are `float` and not `NaN` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def check_origin(self, origin: str) -> None: """ Checks that the ``Observable.origin`` is correct Parameters ------- origin : str A string consisting of either ``'experiment'`` or ``'MD'`` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def calculate_difference(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Assumes a single dependent variable for each ``Observable`` Returns ------- numpy.ndarray An array with the same dimensions as the ``dependent_variables`` of the ``exp_obs`` and ``MD_obs``. The array contains the difference between the ``dependent_variables`` taking the ``rescale_factor`` into account. """ diff = (np.array(*self.exp_obs.dependent_variables.values()) * self.rescale_factor - np.array(*self.MD_obs.dependent_variables.values())) return diff
[docs] def calculate_errors(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Assumes a single dependent variable error for each ``Observable`` Returns ------- numpy.ndarray An array with the same dimensions as the ``errors`` of the ``exp_obs`` and ``MD_obs``. The array contains the combination of the ``errors`` in quadrature, taking the ``rescale_factor`` into account. """ errors = (self.calculate_exp_errors() ** 2 + np.array(*self.MD_obs.errors.values()) ** 2) ** 0.5 return errors
[docs] def calculate_exp_errors(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Assumes a single dependent variable error for each ``Observable``. Calculates only the experimental errors. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray An array with the same dimensions as the ``errors`` of the ``exp_obs``, taking the ``rescale_factor`` into account. """ return np.array(*self.exp_obs.errors.values()) * self.rescale_factor
[docs] @repr_decorator('value', 'obs_pairs') class FigureOfMerit(ABC): """ Abstract class that defines methods common to all figure of merit calculators Parameters ---------- obs_pairs : list A `list` of ``ObservablePairs`` norm : {'data_points', 'dof', 'none'}, optional What method of normalisation to use when calculating the FoM for a single dataset. Default is 'data_points'. n_parameters : int, optional The number of parameters being refined. Optional if ``norm`` is either 'data_points' or 'none', but required when 'dof'. Default is None. Attributes ---------- obs_pairs : list A `list` of ``ObservablePairs`` value : float The Figure of Merit for all ``obs_pairs`` """ def __init__(self, obs_pairs: 'list[ObservablePair]', norm: str = 'data_points', n_parameters: int = None): self.obs_pairs = list(obs_pairs) self.value = None self.n_parameters = 0 if norm == 'data_points': self.norm = True elif norm == 'dof': if n_parameters is None: raise ValueError('`n_parameters` must be provided if using ' 'degrees of freedom normalisation.') self.norm = True self.n_parameters = n_parameters elif norm == 'none': self.norm = False else: raise ValueError('Unrecognised value for `norm` passed, should be ' 'one of "data_points", "dof", "none", but it was ' f'"{norm}"')
[docs] def calculate(self) -> float: """ Calculates the FoM value by calculating the FoM for every ``ObservablePair`` Returns ------- float A non-negative `float` Figure of Merit Raises ------ ValueError If calculated value of Figure of Merit is negative """ total_weight = sum(obs_pair.weight for obs_pair in self.obs_pairs) value_unreduced = sum(self.calculate_single_FoM(obs_pair) for obs_pair in self.obs_pairs) self.value = value_unreduced / total_weight if self.value < 0.: raise ValueError("FoM was calculated to be negative, which is impossible.") return self.value
[docs] def data_norm_factor(self, obs_pair: ObservablePair) -> int: """ Calculates the normalisation factor for ``obs_pair``. If ``self.norm`` is `True`, then returns the number of data points less the number of refinement parameters if `'dof'` normalisation was chosen, or just the number of data points for the default `'data_points'` normalisation. If ``self.norm`` is `False`, then returns `1`. Parameters ---------- obs_pair : ObservablePair An ``ObservablePair`` for which the normalisation factor is calculated Returns ------- int The normalisation factor """ if self.norm: norm_factor = np.size( *obs_pair.MD_obs.dependent_variables.values()) norm_factor -= self.n_parameters else: norm_factor = 1 return norm_factor
[docs] @abstractmethod def calculate_single_FoM(self, obs_pair: ObservablePair) -> float: """ Performs the FoM calculation specific to each FoM Parameters ---------- obs_pair : ObservablePair An ``ObservablePair`` for which the FoM is calculated Returns ------- float The FoM for the ``obs_pair`` """ raise NotImplementedError