Source code for MDMC.readers.observables.netCDFPDF

"""A reader for netcdf PDF data"""
import re

# disabling as there is a 'no Dataset in netCDF4' false linting warning for this file
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
import numpy as np
from netCDF4 import Dataset

from MDMC.readers.observables.obs_reader import PDFReader

[docs] class netCDFPDF(PDFReader): """ Currently only setup for parsing MMTK/nMOLDYN SQw netcdf files Attributes ---------- file : file The netCDF input file """ def __enter__(self) -> None: """ Opens the file for parsing """ self.file = Dataset(self.file_name, 'r', encoding="UTF-8") def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback) -> None: """Closes the file after parsing""" self.file.close()
[docs] def parse(self, **settings: dict) -> None: """ Parse into PDF format """ # Scale units as nMOLDYN uses nm, rather than Ang self.r = np.array(self.file.variables['r'][:]) * 10. self.PDF = np.array(self.file.variables['pdf-total'][:]) self.extract_partial_pdf() # No errors detailed in nMOLDYN netCDF PDF file - replacing with zeroes self.PDF_err = np.zeros(len(self.file.variables['r']))
[docs] def extract_partial_pdf(self) -> None: """ Automatically detects the partial PDF names within the file and extracts them nMOLDYN saves partial pdfs in the following format: "pdf-[element1]-[element2]" """ # Intermediate value need as partial_PDFs can only be set as a full dict value intermediate_dict = {} pattern = re.compile("pdf-.{1,2}-.{1,2}") for var in self.file.variables: if re.fullmatch(pattern, var): intermediate_dict[var] = np.array(self.file.variables[var][:]) self.partial_pdfs = intermediate_dict