"""Readers for dynamic data"""
import logging
from typing import IO
import numpy as np
from MDMC.readers.observables.obs_reader import SQwReader
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MantidSQw(SQwReader):
A class for reading SQw files from Mantid
Mantid's ascii output uses one or two files, either:
- A file containing the SQw data and error for the range of energy values measured at each
Q with ``file_name``
- A file containing the SQw data and error for the range of energy values measured at each
detector (or group of detectors) ID with ``file_name`` and a file giving the momentum
value associated with each detector (or group of detectors) ID, with the name given by
``file_name + '_detectors'``
If a single file is supplied, then it is assumed that the Q values are included in the data,
this is the typical output of Mantid reduced ISIS data. An example reduction script is included
in doc/tutorials/data/water_reduction_IRIS.py
If there are two files then it is assumed that the second file links the detector ID's with the
corresponding Q's
ID_or_Q : file, optional
File containing the ID's of the detectors, default=None
file_detectors : file, optional
File containing the errors on the dependent variables, default=None
file_variables : file
File containing the variables for each detector ID or Q
def __init__(self, file_name: str):
self.detector_ID_or_Q = None
self.file_detectors = None
self.file_variables = None
def __enter__(self) -> None:
"""Open the files for variables and detector momenta"""
# pylint: disable=consider-using-with
# as this is an abstracted open method
self.file_variables = open(self.file_name, encoding='UTF-8')
self.file_detectors = open(self.file_name + '_detectors', encoding='UTF-8')
except FileNotFoundError:
self.file_detectors = None
def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback) -> None:
"""Closes variable and detector files after parsing"""
except AttributeError:
def parse(self, **settings: dict) -> None:
Parse into SQw format
E is the energy transfer (in meV)
Q is wavevector transfer (in Ang^-1)
self.E, self.SQw, self.SQw_err = self.parse_variables(
if self.file_detectors is not None:
self.Q = self.parse_detectors(self.file_detectors)
self.Q = self._make_float(self.detector_ID_or_Q)
# Explicitly sort data
E_argsort = self.E.argsort()
Q_argsort = self.Q.argsort()
self.E = self.E[E_argsort]
self.Q = self.Q[Q_argsort]
self.SQw = self.SQw[Q_argsort, :]
self.SQw = self.SQw[:, E_argsort]
self.SQw_err = self.SQw_err[Q_argsort, :]
self.SQw_err = self.SQw_err[:, E_argsort]
# Mantid sets errors to 0 if the corresponding datum is 0. Change these to
# inf so that error calculations can still be performed on them.
if np.any(self.SQw_err <= 0.):
self.SQw_err[np.where(self.SQw_err <= 0.)] = float('inf')
msg = "We have set the error bar to infinity for any zero error values, this allows\
us to calculate chi-squared but effectively ignores these points, this may not\
be what you want to do, consider using a FoM which doesn't need errors if\
this is an issue"
def parse_variables(self, file: IO) -> 'tuple[float]':
Parses the values for energy, SQw and its error for each detector, or momentum value
if it is defined instead of detector_ID
file : file
Open file containing the variables
(X, Y, E) where X is the independent variable (energy), Y is the dependent variable
(SQw) and E is the errors of Y
self.detector_ID_or_Q = []
data = []
for line in file:
line = line.strip()
# Skip any lines which are comments or headers
if line[0] == '#':
strings = line.split(',')
if len(strings) == 1:
data.append({'X': [], 'Y': [], 'E': []})
X = np.array(data[0]['X'])
Y = np.zeros((len(self.detector_ID_or_Q), len(X)))
E = np.zeros((len(self.detector_ID_or_Q), len(X)))
for i, datum in enumerate(data):
# X data should be the same for each detector
assert np.all(np.array(datum['X']) == X)
Y[i] = np.array(datum['Y'])
E[i] = np.array(datum['E'])
return X, Y, E
def parse_detectors(self, file: IO) -> np.ndarray:
Parses the detector momenta values.
file : file
Open file containing detector IDs and momenta
A 1D array of momenta values
Q = np.zeros(len(self.detector_ID_or_Q))
for i, line in enumerate(file):
if i == 0:
headings = line.split(', ')
ID_header = 'Spectrum No'
spectrum_index = headings.index(ID_header)
except ValueError as error:
raise ValueError(f'Detector file must have the heading "{ID_header}"') \
from error
Q_header = 'Q'
Q_index = headings.index(Q_header)
except ValueError as error:
raise ValueError(f'Detector file must have the heading "{Q_header}"') \
from error
values = line.split()
spectrum_no = values[spectrum_index]
Q_value = values[Q_index]
# Ensure that we assign Q values in the same order as detector_IDs
spectrum_no)] = self._make_float(Q_value)
return Q