Source code for MDMC.MD.parameters

"""A module for the Parameter and Parameters classes

Parameter defines the name and value of each force field parameter, and whether
it is fixed, has constraints or is tied.

Parameters inherits from lists and implements a number of methods for filterting
a sequence of Parameter objects.

from __future__ import annotations

import ast
import logging
import re
from import Iterable
from itertools import chain, count
import operator
from typing import Callable, NoReturn, Union, Any, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
import warnings
import weakref

import numpy as np

from MDMC.common.decorators import repr_decorator, unit_decorator, \

    from MDMC.MD.interactions import Interaction

[docs] @repr_decorator('ID', 'type', 'value', 'unit', 'fixed', 'constraints', 'interactions_name', 'functions_name', 'tied') class Parameter: """ A force field parameter which can be fixed or constrained within limits The value of a parameter cannot be set if ``fixed==True``. Parameters ---------- value : float The value of the parameter. name : str The name of the parameter. fixed : bool Whether or not the value can be changed. constraints : tuple The closed range of the ``Parameter.value``, (lower, upper). ``constraints`` must have the same units as ``value``. **settings ``unit`` (`str`) The unit. If this is not provided then the unit will be taken from the object passed as ``value``. """ # each Parameter has a unique ID, so they can be distinguished _ID_generator = count(start=1, step=1) def __init__(self, value, name, fixed=False, constraints=None, **settings): self.ID = self._generate_ID() = name + f" (#{self.ID})" self.type = name try: self.unit = settings['unit'] if 'unit' in settings else value.unit except AttributeError: self.unit = None self.constraints = constraints self.value = value self.fixed = fixed self.interactions_name = None self.functions_name = None self._interactions = [] self._tie = None self._tie_parameter = None @property def value(self) -> float: """ Get or set the value of the ``Parameter`` The value will not be changed if it is ``fixed`` or ``tied``, or if it is set outside the bounds of ``constraints`` Returns ------- float The value of the ``Parameter``, including if the ``Parameter`` is ``tied`` Warns -------- warnings.warn If the ``Parameter`` is ``fixed``. warnings.warn If the ``Parameter`` is ``tied``. """ if self.tied: return self.tie return self._value @value.setter @unit_decorator(unit=None) def value(self, value: float) -> None: if hasattr(self, 'fixed') and self.fixed: warnings.warn("Unable to change fixed parameter") elif self.tied: warnings.warn("Unable to change tied parameter") else: if self.constraints is not None: self.validate_value(value, self.constraints) self._value = value @property @unit_decorator_getter(unit=None) def constraints(self) -> tuple: """ Get or set the constraint of the ``Parameter`` Returns ------- tuple The closed range of the ``Parameter.value`` Raises ------ ValueError If the constraint tuple is not ``(lower, upper)``. """ return self._constraints @constraints.setter def constraints(self, constraints: tuple) -> None: # Checks if constraints are a 2 element tuple of floats, that the # zeroeth element is less than or equal to the first, and that # self.value is within them, if it exists if constraints is not None: if constraints[0] > constraints[1]: raise ValueError("Constaints must be (lower, upper)") if hasattr(self, 'value'): self.validate_value(self.value, constraints) self._constraints = constraints @property def interactions(self) -> list: """ Get or append to the parent ``Interaction`` objects for this ``Parameter`` Returns ------- list All parent ``Interaction`` objects Raises ------ ValueError If an added interaction name is not consistent with existing interaction names ValueError If an added ``Interaction`` has a function name not consistent with the function names of an existing ``Interaction`` """ return [interaction() for interaction in self._interactions] @interactions.setter def interactions(self, interaction: 'Interaction') -> None: # Test if interaction is of the same type as any interactions already # stored if self.interactions_name: if != self.interactions_name: raise ValueError('Added interaction name is not consistent with' ' existing interaction names') if interaction.function_name != self.functions_name: raise ValueError('Added function name is not consistent with' ' existing function names') else: self.interactions_name = self.functions_name = interaction.function_name self._interactions.append(weakref.ref(interaction)) @property def tie(self) -> Union[float, None]: """ Get the ``value`` of a the ``Parameter`` that this ``Parameter`` is tied to Returns ------- float The ``value`` of the ``tied`` ``Parameter`` """ # pylint: disable=eval-used # eval use is generally bad # but the safe alternative (ast.literal_eval) creates malformed nodes if self._tie is None: return None return eval(compile(self._tie, '', 'eval')) @property def tied(self) -> bool: """ Get whether this ``Parameter`` is tied Returns ------- bool `True` if this ``Parameter`` is tied to another ``Parameter``, else `False` """ return bool(hasattr(self, 'tie') and self.tie is not None)
[docs] def set_tie(self, parameter: Parameter, expr: str) -> None: """ This ``ties`` the ``Parameter.value`` to the ``value`` of another ``Parameter`` Parameters --------- parameter : Parameter The ``Parameter`` to tie to expr : str A mathematical expression Examples -------- To set the ``Parameter.value`` to ``p1.value * 2``:: >>> Parameter.set_tie(p1, "* 2") """ self._tie_parameter = weakref.ref(parameter) self._tie = ast.parse( 'self._tie_parameter().value' + expr, mode='eval')
@classmethod def _generate_ID(cls) -> int: """Generates a unique ID for the Parameter that has just been created.""" return next(cls._ID_generator) def __str__(self) -> str: condition = ('Fixed ' if self.fixed else 'Tied ' if self.tied else 'Constrained ' if self.constraints is not None else '') function = self.functions_name + ' ' if self.functions_name else '' return '{0}{_value} {1}{name}'.format(condition, function, **self.__dict__) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.__getattribute__(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.__setattr__(key, value)
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_value(value: float, constraints: tuple) -> None: """ Validates the ``Parameter.value`` by testing if it is within the ``constraints`` Parameters ---------- values : float The value of the ``Parameter`` constraints: tuple A 2-tuple of the lower and upper constraints respectively. Raises ------ ValueError If the ``value`` is not within the ``constraints`` """ if value < constraints[0] or value > constraints[1]: raise ValueError(f"Value must be within constraints, \ value is: {value}, constraints are: {constraints}")
# comparison operator so parameters are always in the same order on MMC refinement headings def __lt__(self, other): return <
[docs] class Parameters(dict): """ A `dict-like` object where every element is a ``Parameter`` indexed by name, which contains a number of helper methods for filtering. Although ``Parameters`` is a `dict`, it should be treated like a `list` when writing to it; i.e. initialise it using a `list` and use `append` to add to it. These parameters can then be accessed by their name as a key. In short; Parameters writes like a list and reads like a dict. Parameters ---------- init_parameters: ``Parameter`` or `list` of ``Parameter``s, optional, default None The initial ``Parameter`` objects that the ``Parameters`` object contains. Attributes ---------- array: np.ndarray An alphabetically-sorted numpy array of the ``Parameter``s stored in this object. """ def __init__(self, init_parameters: Optional[Union[Parameter, 'list[Parameter]']] = None): super().__init__() if init_parameters is not None: init_parameters = self._check_input(init_parameters) self.append(init_parameters) def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Parameter) -> NoReturn: # disable this method to ensure parameter keys are always the parameter name raise TypeError("Parameters should be added to using Parameters.append(parameter), " "with a parameter or list of parameters as your argument.") def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Union[Parameter, 'list[Parameter]']: try: return super().__getitem__(key) except KeyError as error: # see if the key passed was a parameter name with no ID, and catch the error # by getting the first parameter with that name r = re.compile(rf"{key} \(#[0-9]+\)") matching_parameters = list(filter(r.match, list(self.keys()))) if matching_parameters: if len(matching_parameters) > 1: warnings.warn("Calling a parameter name with no ID returns a " "list of all parameters with that name; " "this may create inconsistent behaviour!") #pylint: disable=super-with-arguments # for some reason when we run it without arguments, # it complains in jupyter notebooks # see return sorted([super(Parameters, self).__getitem__(p) for p in matching_parameters], key=lambda p: p.ID) return super().__getitem__(matching_parameters[0]) raise KeyError from error
[docs] def append(self, parameters: Union['list[Parameter]', Parameter]) -> None: """ Appends a ``Parameter`` or list of ``Parameter``s to the dict, with the parameter name as its key. Parameters ---------- parameters: ``Parameter`` or `list` of ``Parameter``s The parameter(s) to be added to the dict. """ parameters = self._check_input(parameters) for parameter in parameters: super().__setitem__(, parameter)
@property def as_array(self) -> np.ndarray: """ The parameters in the object as a sorted numpy array. Returns ------- np.ndarray An alphabetically-sorted array of parameter values in the object. """ return np.array(sorted(list(self.values()), key=lambda p:
[docs] def filter(self, predicate: Callable[[Parameter], bool]) -> Parameters: """ Filters using a predicate Parameters ---------- predicate : function A function that returns a `bool` which takes a ``Parameter`` as an argument. Returns ------- Parameters The ``Parameter`` objects which meet the condition of the predicate """ return Parameters(list(filter(predicate, list(self.values()))))
[docs] def filter_name(self, name: str) -> Parameters: """ Filters by ``name`` Parameters ---------- name : str The ``name`` of the ``Parameter`` objects to return. Returns ------- Parameters The ``Parameter`` objects with ``name`` """ return self.filter(lambda p: name in
[docs] def filter_value(self, comparison: str, value: float) -> Parameters: """ Filters by ``value`` Parameters ---------- comparison : str A `str` representing a comparison operator, ``'>'``, ``'<'``, ``'>='``, ``'<='``, ``'=='``, ``'!='``. value : float A `float` with which ``Parameter`` values are compared, using the ``comparison`` operator. Returns ------- Parameters The ``Parameter`` objects which return a `True` when their values are compared with ``value`` using the ``comparison`` operator """ ops = {'>':, '<':, '>=':, '<=': operator.le, '==': operator.eq, '!=':} return self.filter(lambda p: ops[comparison](p.value, value))
[docs] def filter_interaction(self, interaction_name: str) -> Parameters: """ Filters based on the name of the ``Interaction`` of each ``Parameter`` Parameters ---------- interaction_name : str The name of the ``Interaction`` of ``Parameter`` objects to return, for example ``'Bond'``. Returns ------- Parameters The ``Parameter`` objects which have an ``Interaction`` with the specified ``interaction_name`` """ return self.filter(lambda p: p.interactions_name == interaction_name)
[docs] def filter_function(self, function_name: str) -> Parameters: """ Filters based on the name of the ``InteractionFunction`` of each ``Parameter`` Parameters ---------- function_name : str The name of the ``InteractionFunction`` of ``Parameter`` objects to return, for example ``'LennardJones'`` or ``'HarmonicPotential'``. Returns ------- Parameters The ``Parameter`` objects which have a ``function`` with the specified ``function_name`` """ return self.filter(lambda p: p.functions_name == function_name)
[docs] def filter_atom_attribute(self, attribute: str, value: Union[str, float]) -> Parameters: """ Filters based on the attribute of ``Atom`` objects which have each ``Parameter`` applied to them Parameters ---------- attribute : str An attribute of an ``Atom``. Attributes to match to must be either `float` or str. value : str, float The value of the ``Atom`` ``attribute``. Returns ------- Parameters The ``Parameter`` objects which are applied to an ``Atom`` object which has the specified ``value`` of the specified ``attribute`` """ def flatten(iterable): for element in iterable: if isinstance(element, Iterable): yield from flatten(element) else: yield element return self.filter(lambda p: value in [getattr(atom, attribute) for int in p.interactions for atom in flatten(int.atoms)])
[docs] def filter_structure(self, structure_name: str) -> Parameters: """ Filters based on the name of the ``Structure`` to which each ``Parameter`` applies Parameters ---------- structure_name : str The name of a ``Structure``. Returns ------- Parameters The ``Parameter`` objects which are applied to a ``Structure`` which has the specified ``structure_name`` """ def check_structure_name(parameter): """ Checks the name of all structures Returns ------- list A `list` of `str` with the names of ``Structure`` objects """ # Recursively add to structure_names set until the # structure is the top level structure structure_names = set() def add_name(structure): structure_names.add( if structure.top_level_structure == structure: return add_name(structure.parent) for inter in parameter.interactions: for atom in chain.from_iterable(inter.atoms): add_name(atom) return structure_name in structure_names return self.filter(check_structure_name)
[docs] def log_parameters(self) -> None: """Logs all Parameters by ID""" LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) msg = "List of all parameters with ID: \n" for parameter in self.values(): msg += f"{parameter.repr()}" print("Details on which Parameter corresponds to each ID have been written to the log.")
@staticmethod def _check_input(x: Any) -> 'list[Parameter]': """ Ensures that input to a Parameters object is in the correct form. Raises an error if the input is not either a Parameter (in which case it is turned into a list, so it can be fed into an iteration loop) or a list of Parameters. Parameters ---------- x: Any The object to be sanitised. Returns ------- list[Parameter] Returns x if x is a list of Parameters, or [x] if x is a Parameter (so it can be iterated over) Raises ------ TypeError If the object is not a Parameter or list of Parameters (including if it is a list that contains a non-Parameter object) """ if isinstance(x, Parameter): return [x] if isinstance(x, list): if all(isinstance(i, Parameter) for i in x): return x raise TypeError("Input into a Parameters object must be either a Parameter " "or a list of Parameters.")