Source code for MDMC.MD.interactions

"""Module in which all interactions between structural units are defined.

 ``Interaction`` is the abstract base class from which all interactions have to be derived.."""

from typing import NoReturn, Set, Union, TYPE_CHECKING
import weakref
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from itertools import permutations
from types import MethodType
import logging

import numpy as np

from MDMC.utilities.structures import is_atom
from MDMC.MD.interaction_functions import Coulomb
from MDMC.common import units
from MDMC.common.decorators import repr_decorator, unit_decorator

    from MDMC.MD.parameters import Parameters
    from MDMC.MD.interaction_functions import InteractionFunction
    from MDMC.MD.simulation import Universe
    from MDMC.MD.structures import Atom

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @repr_decorator('function') class Interaction(ABC): """ Base class for interactions, both bonded, non-bonded and constraints Each different type of interaction should have an ``Interaction`` object. This object contains a `list` of the ``Atom`` (or ```Atom`` pairs, triplets or quadruplets, depending on the type of interaction) for which this ``Interaction`` applies. For example, an oxygen ``Coulombic`` interaction would contain a `list` of `tuple` where each `tuple` contains a different O ``Atom``, and a hydrogen-oxygen ``Bond`` interaction would contain a `list` of `tuple` where each `tuple` contains a different H and O pair. ``Interaction`` objects can be sliced to return a sublist of the `tuple`. When an ``Atom`` is passed to an ``Interaction``, the ``Interaction`` is also added to the ``Atom``. Parameters ---------- **settings ``function`` (`InteractionFunction`) A class of interaction function (e.g. ``HarmonicPotential``) """ def __init__(self, **settings: dict): """ Arguments: atom_tuples - One or more tuples consisting of one or more Atom objects. Each tuple contains all of the atoms involved in a single interaction. For example: H1 = Atom('H') H2 = Atom('H') O = Atom('O') For non-bonded interactions both of the following are equivalent (applying a Dispersion interaction to both H atoms): H_dispersive = Dispersion((H1, ), (H2, )) H_dispersive = Dispersion(H1, H2) For bonded interactions both of the following are equivalent: HO_bond = Bond((H1, O)) HO_bond = Bond(H1, O) However when multiple bonds are initialized within a single Bond object (e.g. creating a Bond between each H and O for a single water molecule), tuples must be used to separate the bonds: HO_bond = Bond((H1, O), (H2,O)) whereas the following is not valid: HO_bond = Bond(H1, O, H2, O) TypeError: object of type 'Atom' has no len() """ self.function = settings.get('function', None) = self.__class__.__name__ def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None) -> NoReturn: """ Interactions cannot be copied """ raise AttributeError('Interactions cannot be deepcopied') def __copy__(self) -> NoReturn: """ Interactions cannot be copied """ raise AttributeError('Interactions cannot be copied') @property @abstractmethod def atoms(self) -> Union['Atom', 'list[Atom]']: """ Get the atoms on which the ``Interaction`` is applied """ raise NotImplementedError @property def parameters(self) -> 'Parameters': """ Get the ``Parameter`` objects belonging to the ``InteractionFunction`` belonging to the ``Interaction`` Returns ------- Parameters A ``Parameters`` object containing each ``Parameter`` """ return self.function.parameters @property def function(self) -> 'InteractionFunction': """ Get or set the ``InteractionFunction`` of the ``Interaction`` Returns ------- InteractionFunction The interaction function of the ``Interaction`` """ return self._function @function.setter def function(self, value: 'InteractionFunction'): self._function = value @property def function_name(self) -> Union[str, None]: """ Get the name of the ``InteractionFunction`` belonging to the ``Interaction`` Returns ------- str The name of the ``InteractionFunction``, or `None` if no ``InteractionFunction`` has been set """ try: return except AttributeError: return None @property @abstractmethod def universe(self) -> 'Universe': """ Get the ``Universe`` to which the ``Interaction`` belongs Returns ------- Universe The ``Universe`` to which the ``Interaction`` belongs or `None` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def element_list(self) -> list: """ Get a `list` of the elements for which the ``Interaction`` applies Returns ------- list The elements for which the ``Interaction`` applies """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def sorted_element_list(self) -> list: """ Sort the list of elements for which the ``Interaction`` applies Returns ------- list The elements for which the ``Interaction`` applies, sorted alphabetically """ return sorted(self.element_list())
[docs] def element_tuple(self) -> tuple: """ A `tuple` of elements for which the ``Interaction`` applies Returns ------- tuple The elements for which the ``Interaction`` applies """ return tuple(self.element_list())
def _add_interaction_atoms(self, atoms: 'list[Atom]'): """ Add the ``Interaction`` to atoms for which the ``Interaction`` has been applied Parameters ---------- atoms : list ``Atom`` objects which have been added to the ``Interaction`` """ for atom in atoms: atom.add_interaction(self, from_interaction=True)
[docs] @repr_decorator('function', 'atom_types', 'cutoff') class NonBondedInteraction(Interaction): """ Base class for non-bonded interactions Parameters ---------- universe : Universe The ``Universe`` in which the ``NonBondedInteraction`` exists *atom_types `int` for each ``atom_type`` for which the ``NonBondedInteraction`` applies **settings ``cutoff`` (`float`) The distance in ``Ang`` at which the interaction potential is truncated """ def __init__(self, universe, *atom_types, **settings): self.universe = universe if self.universe: self.universe.add_nonbonded_interaction(self) self.cutoff = settings.get('cutoff') super().__init__(**settings)'%s created: {function:%s, atom_types:%s}', self.__class__, self.function, self.atom_types) @abstractmethod def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError def __ne__(self, other) -> bool: return not self == other def __hash__(self): # Simplified version of immutable hash which Python3 produces # (marginally less efficient but shouldn't matter) return id(self) // 8 def __str__(self) -> str: """ Returns ------- str The ``type``, ``atom_types`` and ``cutoff`` of the ``NonBondedInteraction`` """ return (f'{self.__class__.__name__} interaction atom_types: {self.atom_types} ' f' cutoff: {self.cutoff}') @property @abstractmethod def atom_types(self) -> 'list[int]': """ Get the atom types for which the ``NonBondedInteraction`` applies Returns ------- list A list of `int` for the ``atom_types`` """ raise NotImplementedError @property def universe(self) -> 'Universe': """ Get or set the ``Universe`` to which the ``NonBondedInteraction`` belongs Returns ------- Universe The ``Universe`` to which the ``NonBondedInteraction`` belongs or `None` """ try: return self._universe() except TypeError: return self._universe @universe.setter def universe(self, value: 'Universe') -> None: try: self._universe = weakref.ref(value) except TypeError: self._universe = None @property def cutoff(self) -> float: """ Get or set the distance in ``Ang`` at which the interaction potential is truncated Returns ------- float The distance in ``Ang`` of the ``cutoff`` """ return self._cutoff @cutoff.setter @unit_decorator(unit=units.LENGTH) def cutoff(self, value: float) -> None: self._cutoff = value
[docs] def is_equivalent(self, other) -> bool: """ Checks for equivalence between two ``NonBondedInteraction``s, specifically if they apply to the same ``atom_types``, have the same ``cuttoff`` and the same ``function`` describing the interaction. Parameters ---------- other : NonBondedInteraction The object to compare against. Returns ------- bool """ if id(other) == id(self): return True return (isinstance(other, type(self)) and (sorted(self.atom_types, key=id) == sorted(other.atom_types, key=id)) and self.cutoff == other.cutoff and self.function == other.function)
[docs] class Dispersion(NonBondedInteraction): """ A non-bonded dispersive interaction - either LJ or Buckingham Parameters ---------- universe : Universe The ``Universe`` in which the ``NonBondedInteraction`` exists *atom_types `int` for each atom type for which the ``NonBondedInteraction`` applies **settings ``cutoff`` (`float`) The distance in ``Ang`` at which the interaction potential is truncated ``vdw_tail_correction`` (`bool`) Specifies if the tail correction to the energy and pressure should be applied. This only affects the simulation dynamics if the simulation is being performed with constant pressure. Raises ------ TypeError ``atom_types`` must be iterable ValueError ``Dispersion`` should only be specified as existing between pairs of ``atom_types`` TypeError Each ``atom_type`` must be `int` """ # Python3 requires subclasses that overwrite __eq__ to explicity inherit # __hash__ __hash__ = NonBondedInteraction.__hash__ def __init__(self, universe: 'Universe', *atom_types: int, **settings: dict): # Ignore pylint warning for inner function docstring # pylint: disable=missing-docstring def validate_atom_type_pair(atom_type_pair): try: atom_type_pair = tuple(sorted(atom_type_pair)) except TypeError as err: raise TypeError('Atom types must be an iterable') from err if len(atom_type_pair) != 2: raise ValueError('Dispersion interactions should only be' ' specified as existing between pairs of' ' atom types') if not all(isinstance(atom_type, (int, np.integer)) for atom_type in atom_type_pair): raise TypeError('Each atom type must be int') return atom_type_pair # Remove duplicates self._atom_types = tuple({validate_atom_type_pair(atp) for atp in atom_types}) super().__init__(universe, **settings) # Add interactions to all atoms for atom_type_pair in self.atoms: for atoms in atom_type_pair: for atom in atoms: atom.add_interaction(self) self.vdw_tail_correction = settings.get('vdw_tail_correction', False) def __eq__(self, other): return other.atom_types == self.atom_types and isinstance(other, type(self)) @property def atom_types(self): return tuple(sorted(self._atom_types)) @property def atoms(self) -> 'list[tuple[list[Atom]]]': """ Get the atoms on which the ``Dispersion`` is applied Returns ------- list A `list` of two `tuple`, where each `tuple` contains a `list` of `Atom`. Every ``Atom`` in the first `tuple` has a dispersion interaction with every ``Atom`` in the second `tuple` (excluding self interactions). This is the complete list of possible dispersion interactions, i.e. it is only exactly correct if no cutoff has been specified. """ return [map(lambda x: self.universe.atom_types[x], tpl) for tpl in self.atom_types]
[docs] def element_list(self) -> list: """ Get a list of the elements for which the ``Interaction`` applies Returns ------- list The elements for which the ``Interaction`` applies """ # Each value in universe.atom_types dictionary contain list of atoms # with same elements, so use index 0 # This is determined for all atom types in Dispersion interaction return [self.universe.atom_types[atom_type][0].element.symbol for tpl in self.atom_types for atom_type in tpl]
[docs] def is_equivalent(self, other) -> bool: """ Checks for equivalence between two ``Dispersion``s, specifically if they apply to the same ``atom_types``, have the same ``cuttoff``, the same ``function`` describing the interaction and ``vdw_tail_correction`` setting. Parameters ---------- other : Dispersion The object to compare against. Returns ------- bool """ return (super().is_equivalent(other) and self.vdw_tail_correction == other.vdw_tail_correction)
[docs] class Coulombic(NonBondedInteraction): """ A non-bonded coulombic interaction - either normal or modified Coulomb Parameters ---------- universe : Universe, optional The ``Universe`` in which the ``Coulombic`` exists. Default is `None`. Must be passed as a parameter if ``atom_types`` if passed. **settings ``charge`` (`float`) The charge parameter of the ``Coulombic`` interaction, in units of ``e``. If this argument is passed, the ``interaction_function`` of this ``Coulombic`` is set to ``Coulomb`` with this `float` as its ``Parameter``. Passing ``charge`` will overwrite any other ``interaction_functions`` that are set, i.e. it makes ``function`` parameter redundant ``atoms`` (`list`) ``Atom`` objects to which the ``Coulombic`` applies. If specifying the ``atoms``, ``universe`` does not need to be passed as a parameter. atom_types : list of int int for each atom_type for which the NonBondedInteraction applies. If specifying the atom_types, the universe must be passed as a parameter and the atoms for which the atom_types are specified must exist in Universe. See the example above in the 'charge' section. Raises ------ TypeError If one or more atom_types are passed but no universe is passed TypeError If neither atom_types or atoms have been passed TypeError If both atom_types and atoms have been passed Examples -------- Upon initializing an ``Atom`` object and adding it to a ``Universe``: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python O = Atom('O', atom_type=1) universe = Universe(10.0) universe.add_structure('O') The following initializations of Coulombic are equivalent: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python O_coulombic = Coulombic(universe, atom_types=[O.atom_type], charge=-0.84) O_coulombic = Coulombic(universe, atom_types=[O.atom_type], function=Coulomb(-0.84)) If ``atoms`` is passed then a ``Universe`` does not need to be passed: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python O_coulombic = Coulombic(atoms=[O], charge=-0.84) """ # Python3 requires subclasses thay overwrite __eq__ to explicity inherit # __hash__ __hash__ = NonBondedInteraction.__hash__ def __init__(self, universe: 'Universe' = None, **settings: dict): # pylint: disable=not-callable # as it raises a false positive on self.add_atoms try: atom_types = settings['atom_types'] if settings.get('atoms'): raise TypeError('Cannot pass both atoms and atom_types ' 'as parameters.') if isinstance(atom_types, (int, np.integer)): # Account for init argument atom_types=atom_type # rather than atom_types=[atom_type] atom_types = [atom_types] if not universe: raise TypeError('Coulombic requires a universe when ' 'atom_types are passed') self.add_atom_types = MethodType(_add_atom_types, self) self._atom_types = atom_types self._atoms = [atom for atom_type in self.atom_types for atom in universe.atom_types[atom_type]] super().__init__(universe, **settings) # Add interaction to atoms for atom in self.atoms: atom.add_interaction(self) except KeyError: self.add_atoms = MethodType(_add_atoms, self) try: atoms = settings['atoms'] except KeyError as error: raise TypeError('Coulombic takes either atom_types or atoms ' 'as parameters') from error # Account for init argument atoms=atom rather than atoms=[atom] if is_atom(atoms): atoms = [atoms] self._atoms = [] self._atom_types = [] self.add_atoms(*atoms) # Assumes all atoms are in the same universe (or None) universe = self.atoms[0].universe super().__init__(universe, **settings) charge = settings.get('charge') if charge is not None: # Initializes a Coulomb interaction function with charge and units # and assigns it to self.function self.function = Coulomb(charge) LOGGER.warning('%s: Coulombic interaction for the Atom object' 'initialized with the Coulomb interaction function.', self.__class__) def __len__(self) -> int: """ Returns ------- int The number of interactions of this type that have been set """ return len(self.atoms) def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> tuple: """ Returns ------- tuple The `tuple` of atoms at the specified index in ``atoms``. """ return self.atoms[key] def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: return (isinstance(other, type(self)) and (sorted(self.atom_types, key=id) == sorted(other.atom_types, key=id)) and sorted(self.atoms, key=id) == sorted(other.atoms, key=id)) @property def atoms(self) -> 'list[Atom]': """ Get the atoms on which the ``Coulombic`` interaction is applied Returns ------- list A `list` of ``Atom`` on which the ``Coulombic`` is applied """ return self._atoms @property def atom_types(self) -> list: """ Get the atom types for which the ``Coulombic`` applies Returns ------- list All atom types to which the ``Coulombic`` applies. If the interaction was initialized with ``atoms``, all ``atom_types`` of the ``atoms`` to which the ``Coulombic`` was applied are returned; HOWEVER THE COULOMBIC INTERACTION IS NOT APPLIED TO ALL ATOMS OF THESE ``atom_types``, ONLY THE ATOMS IN ``self.atoms`` """ return self._atom_types
[docs] def element_list(self) -> list: """ Get a list of the elements for which the ``Coulombic`` interaction applies Returns ------- list The elements for which the ``Coulombic`` interaction applies """ return list(set([atom.element.symbol for atom in self._atoms] + [self.universe.atom_types[atom_type][0].element.symbol for atom_type in self.atom_types]))
[docs] @repr_decorator('function', 'n_atoms') class BondedInteraction(Interaction): """ Base class for bonded interactions Parameters ---------- atom_tuples : list A `list` of `tuple`. Each `tuple` contains ``Atom`` objects which are bonded together. For three or more ``Atom`` objects, the order of the ``Atom`` objects within each `tuple` is important. **settings ``n_atoms`` (`int`) The number of atoms to which this ``BondedInteraction`` applies, for example 2 for a ``Bond``. Examples -------- For a single bonded interactions which applies to ``H1``, ``O1``, and ``H2``: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python BondedInteraction(H1, O1, H2) For two bonded interactions of the same ``BondedInteraction`` type, one applied to ``H1``, ``O1`` and ``H2`` ``Atom`` objects, and the other applied to ``H3``, ``O2`` and ``H4`` ``Atom`` objects: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python BondedInteraction((H1, O1, H2), (H3, O2, H4)) Whereas the above examples are both specifying a H-O-H ordered ``BondedInteraction``, the following specifies a H-H-O ``BondedInteraction``: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python BondAngle(H1, H2, O) """ def __init__(self, *atom_tuples: 'list[tuple]', **settings: dict): if atom_tuples and is_atom(atom_tuples[0]): atom_tuples = (atom_tuples, ) if settings.get('n_atoms'): # This ensures that BondedInteractions can also be __init__ with 0 # atoms for tpl in atom_tuples: self._validate_atoms(tpl, settings.get('n_atoms')) self.atoms = list(atom_tuples) super().__init__(**settings)'%s created: {function:%s, atom IDs:%s}', self.__class__, self.function, [tuple(map(lambda a: a.ID, tpl)) for tpl in self.atoms]) def __len__(self) -> int: """ Returns ------- int The number of interactions of this type that have been set """ return len(self.atoms) def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> tuple: """ Returns ------- tuple The `tuple` of ``Atom`` at the specified index. For a single index (as opposed to a slice) this is a group of atoms which are bonded together. """ return self.atoms[key] def __str__(self) -> str: """ Returns ------- str The type, and number of atoms of the ``BondedInteraction`` """ return f'{self.__class__.__name__} interaction applied to {len(self.atoms)} atom tuples'
[docs] def is_equivalent(self, other) -> bool: """ Checks for equivalence between two ``BondedInteraction``s, specifically if they apply to the same ``atom_types`` and the same ``function`` describing the interaction. Parameters ---------- other : BondedInteraction The object to compare against. Returns ------- bool """ return (id(other) == id(self) or (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.atom_types == other.atom_types and self.function == other.function))
@property def atoms(self) -> 'list[tuple[Atom]]': """ Get or set the atoms on which the ``Coulombic`` interaction is applied Returns ------- list A `list` of `tuple` containing one or more ``Atom``. Each `tuple` contains all of the atoms involved in one example of the interaction. For example a ``BondAngle`` interaction each `tuple` would contain 3 or 4 atoms. Raises ------ TypeError If a `list` of `tuple` is not set """ return self._atoms @atoms.setter def atoms(self, atom_tuples: 'list[tuple[Atom]]') -> None: # Check for duplicate tuples in list self._check_duplicates(atom_tuples) # Check for duplicate atoms in each tuple try: for tpl in atom_tuples: self._check_duplicates(tpl) # try/except accounts for single atom passed rather than (atom,) tuple # e.g. if atom_tuples = [atom] instead of atom_tuples = [(atom,)] except TypeError as error: if len(atom_tuples) == 1 and is_atom(atom_tuples[0]): atom_tuples = [(atom_tuples[0],)] else: raise TypeError( 'atom_tuples must be [(atom, ...), ...]') from error # Only assign interaction to atoms after these validation steps self._atoms = [] for tpl in atom_tuples: # Each tuple is appended individually so that it can be easily added # to ._bonded_interaction_pairs for every atom in the tuple self._atoms.append(tpl) self._add_interaction_atoms(tpl) # Add interaction to Universe (pass if no universe exists) try: self._add_to_universe(self.universe, tpl) except AttributeError: pass @property def atom_types(self) -> Set[Union[int, None]]: """ Get the `set` of all ``atom_type``s that this ``BondedInteraction`` corresponds to, including `None` if appropriate. Returns ------- Set[Union[int, NoneType]] A set of all (unique) ``atom_type``s. """ return {atom.atom_type for atom_tuple in self.atoms for atom in atom_tuple} @property def universe(self) -> Union['Universe', None]: """ Get the ``Universe`` to which the ``BondedInteraction`` belongs Returns ------- Universe The ``Universe`` to which the ``BondedInteraction`` belongs or `None` """ try: return self.atoms[0][0].universe except IndexError: return None
[docs] def element_list(self) -> Union[list, None]: """ Get a `list` of the elements for which the ``BondedInteraction`` applies Returns ------- list The elements for which the ``BondedInteraction`` applies """ try: # Each tuple should contain the same elements, so first tuple's used return [atom.element.symbol for atom in self.atoms[0]] except (AttributeError, IndexError): return None
@staticmethod def _validate_atoms(atoms: list, n_atoms: int) -> None: """ Validates that the correct number of atoms have been passed to the interaction Parameters ---------- atoms : list A `list` of ``Atom`` to validate n_atoms : int The expected number of ``Atom`` objects in ``atoms`` Raises ------ TypeError If the number of ``Atom`` objects in ``atoms`` is not equal to ``n_atoms`` """ if len(atoms) not in n_atoms: raise TypeError(f"This interaction only accepts {n_atoms} atoms")
[docs] def add_atoms(self, *atoms: 'Atom', **settings: dict) -> None: """ Add atoms which are all involved in one example of this interaction Parameters ---------- *atoms one or more ``Atom`` objects **settings ``from_structure`` (`bool`) If ``add_atoms`` has been called from a ``Structure`` Raises ------ ValueError If this ``BondedInteraction`` has already been applied to one or more of the ``atoms`` """ self._check_duplicates(atoms) if atoms in self.atoms: raise ValueError('This interaction has already been applied to this' ' atom(s)') self._atoms.append(atoms) from_structure = settings.get('from_structure', False) if not from_structure: for atom in atoms: atom.add_interaction(self, from_interaction=True) if self.universe: self._add_to_universe(self.universe, atoms)
def _check_duplicates(self, structs: list) -> None: """ Checks for duplicates ``Structure`` Parameters ---------- structs : list A `list` of ``Structure`` err_msg : str A `str` to provide as an error message if there is a duplicate ``Structure`` Raises ------ ValueError If there is a duplicate ``Structure`` """ err_msg = ('Each tuple in the list of atom tuples must be unique, and' ' each atom in a tuple must be unique') # Check for duplicates (or reverse duplicates) try: equivalent_structs = self._get_equivalent_structures(structs) except TypeError: equivalent_structs = structs if len(set(equivalent_structs)) != len(equivalent_structs): raise ValueError(err_msg) def _get_equivalent_structures(self, structs: list) -> 'list[tuple[Atom]]': """ Returns ------- list `list` of `tuple` of ``Atom`` orderings which are equivalent """ return structs + [tuple(reversed(atom_tuple)) for atom_tuple in structs] def _add_to_universe(self, universe: 'Universe', atoms: 'tuple[Atom]') -> None: """ Adds interaction and atom tuple to ``universe`` Parameters ---------- universe : Universe The ``Universe`` to which to add the ``Interaction`` and `tpl` tpl : tuple A `tuple` of ``Atom`` """ universe.add_bonded_interaction_pairs((self, atoms))
[docs] @repr_decorator('constrained') class ConstrainableMixin: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods # as this is a mixin class """ A mixin class enabling classes inheriting from ``BondedInteraction`` to be constrained These constraints are then applied by a constraint algorithm (e.g. SHAKE), which is specified in the ``Universe`` to which the ``BondedInteraction`` belongs. Parameters ---------- atom_tuples : list A `list` of `tuple`. Each `tuple` contains ``Atom`` objects which are bonded together. For three or more ``Atom`` objects, the order of the ``Atom`` objects within each `tuple` is important. **settings Attributes ---------- constrained : bool Specifying whether the object is constrained """ def __init__(self, *atom_tuples: tuple, **settings: dict): self.constrained = settings.get('constrained', False) super().__init__(*atom_tuples, **settings)
[docs] @repr_decorator('function', 'constrained') class Bond(ConstrainableMixin, BondedInteraction): """ A bond between any two atoms. Requires exactly two atoms in each ``atom_tuple``. Parameters ---------- atom_tuples : list A `list` of `tuple`. Each `tuple` contains ``Atom`` which are bonded together. **settings """ def __init__(self, *atom_tuples: tuple, **settings: dict): settings['n_atoms'] = (2, ) super().__init__(*atom_tuples, **settings)
[docs] def is_equivalent(self, other) -> bool: """ Checks for equivalence between two ``BondedInteraction``s, specifically if they apply to the same ``atom_types``, have the same ``function`` describing the interaction, and have the same ``constrained`` setting. Parameters ---------- other : BondedInteraction The object to compare against. Returns ------- bool """ return super().is_equivalent(other) and self.constrained == other.constrained
[docs] @repr_decorator('function', 'constrained') class BondAngle(ConstrainableMixin, BondedInteraction): """ A bond angle between any two bonds Requires three ``Atom`` objects (rotation around central atom) in each ``atom_tuple``. The atoms are ordered ``i``, ``j``, ``k``, where ``j`` is the central atom. So: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python BondAngle(i, j, k) == BondAngle(k, j, i) Parameters ---------- atom_tuples : list A `list` of `tuple`. Each `tuple` contains ``Atom`` which are bonded together. For three or more ``Atom`` objects, the order of the ``Atom`` objects within each `tuple` is important. **settings """ def __init__(self, *atom_tuples: tuple, **settings: dict): settings['n_atoms'] = (3, ) super().__init__(*atom_tuples, **settings)
[docs] def is_equivalent(self, other: BondedInteraction) -> bool: """ Checks for equivalence between two ``BondedInteraction``s, specifically if they apply to the same ``atom_types``, have the same ``function`` describing the interaction, and have the same ``constrained`` setting. Parameters ---------- other : BondedInteraction The object to compare against. Returns ------- bool """ return super().is_equivalent(other) and self.constrained == other.constrained
[docs] @repr_decorator('function', 'improper') class DihedralAngle(BondedInteraction): """ A dihedral angle between any two sets of three atoms, ``ijk`` and ``jkl``. Dihedral angles can be both proper and improper, where the angle between the two planes of ``ijk`` and ``jkl`` is fixed for improper dihedrals. The atoms of a proper ``DihedralAngle`` are ordered ``i``, ``j``, ``k``, ``l``, where ``j`` and ``k`` are the two central atoms. So: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python DihedralAngle(i, j, k, l) == DihedralAngle(l, k, j, i) The atoms of an improper ``DihedralAngle`` are ordered ``i``, ``j``, ``k``, ``l``, where ``i`` is the central atom to which ``j``, ``k``, and ``l`` are all connected. So: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python (DihedralAngle(i, j, k, l, improper=True) == DihedralAngle(i, j, l, k, improper=True) == DihedralAngle(i, l, k, j, improper=True) == DihedralAngle(i, l, j, k, improper=True)) == DihedralAngle(i, k, j, l, improper=True)) == DihedralAngle(i, k, l, j, improper=True)) Parameters ---------- atom_tuples : list A `list` of `tuple`. Each `tuple` contains four `Atom` objects which are bonded together by the ``DihedralAngle``, in the order specified. **settings ``improper`` (`bool`) Whether the ``DihedralAngle`` is improper or not. Attributes ---------- improper : bool Whether the ``DihedralAngle`` is improper or not, which affects the ``InteractionFunction`` which can be set for this ``DihedralAngle``. By default this is set to `False` i.e. the interaction is a proper dihedral. """ def __init__(self, *atom_tuples: tuple, **settings: dict): settings['n_atoms'] = (4, ) self.improper = settings.get('improper', False) super().__init__(*atom_tuples, **settings) def _get_equivalent_structures(self, structs: 'list[tuple[Atom]]') -> list: """ Parameters ---------- structs: list[tuple[Atom]] A list of tuples of Atoms. Returns ------- list `list` of `tuple` of ``Atom`` orderings which are equivalent """ # Improper dihedrals are equivalent if they have the same first # (central) atom, and any permutation of the other three atoms if self.improper: equivalent = [] for atom_tuple in structs: equivalent += [(atom_tuple[0], ) + permutation for permutation in permutations(atom_tuple[1:])] return equivalent # Proper dihedrals are equivalent if they are reversed (as with Bond and # BondAngle) return super()._get_equivalent_structures(structs)
def _add_atom_types(self, *atom_types: 'list[int]') -> None: """ Function for dynamically creating an ``add_atom_types`` method in ``Coulombic`` Parameters ---------- atom_types : list One or more `int` specifying ``atom_types`` that exist in ``universe`` of the ``Coulombic`` """ self.atom_types.append(*atom_types) def _add_atoms(self, *atoms: 'list[Atom]') -> None: """ Function for dynamically creating an ``add_atoms`` method in ``Coulombic`` Adds ``*atoms`` to ``Coulombic`` and adds ``Coulombic`` to ``atoms.nonbonded_interactions`` Parameters ---------- atoms : list list of ``Atom`` """ for atom in atoms: # Add atom to interaction self.atoms.append(atom) # Add interaction to atom atom.add_interaction(self, from_interaction=True) # Add atom_type to interaction.atom_types if atom.atom_type and atom.atom_type not in self.atom_types: self.atom_types.append(atom.atom_type)