Source code for MDMC.MD.ase.convert

"""Converts ASE Atoms objects into MDMC Molecules."""
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Union, Optional

import numpy as np
import ase
from ase.geometry.analysis import Analysis

from MDMC.MD.structures import Atom, Molecule
from MDMC.MD.interactions import Bond, BondAngle, DihedralAngle

    from MDMC.MD import Structure, Universe, BondedInteraction

[docs] def ASE_to_MDMC(atoms: ase.Atoms) -> List[Atom]: """ Convert an ASE Atoms object to a list of Atoms. Parameters ---------- atoms: ase.Atoms an ASE Atoms object. Returns ------- List[Atom] a list of Atoms with bonds corresponding to the ASE Atoms object. """ # create MDMC Atom objects atoms_list = [Atom(atom.symbol, atom.position, charge=atom.charge) for atom in atoms] # the ASE Analysis object contains bond information; the properties unique_bonds, # unique_angles and unique_dihedrals contain Bond, BondAngle and DihedralAngle # information respectively. analysis = Analysis(atoms) interactions_list: List['BondedInteraction'] = [] # ase bond lists have the following structure: # index X of the list contains all bonds that start at atom number X. # e.g. if index 0 of unique_angles contains (1, 3) that means # there is a bond angle of atoms 0—1—3 # (the same order as MDMC) # one bond list is generated per neighbour list; we should only # have one neighbour list here. for index, bonds in enumerate(analysis.unique_bonds[0]): interactions_list.extend([Bond(atoms_list[index], atoms_list[bonded_atom]) for bonded_atom in bonds]) for index, bonds in enumerate(analysis.unique_angles[0]): interactions_list.extend([BondAngle(atoms_list[index], atoms_list[bonded_atoms[0]], atoms_list[bonded_atoms[1]]) for bonded_atoms in bonds]) for index, bonds in enumerate(analysis.unique_dihedrals[0]): interactions_list.extend([DihedralAngle(atoms_list[index], atoms_list[bonded_atoms[0]], atoms_list[bonded_atoms[1]], atoms_list[bonded_atoms[2]]) for bonded_atoms in bonds]) return atoms_list
def _convert_to_ase_atom(atom: Atom) -> ase.Atom: """ Converts an MDMC ``Atom`` to an ``ase.Atom`` Parameters ---------- atom : Atom An MDMC ``Atom`` object to be converted to an ``ase.Atom`` object Returns ------- ase.atom.Atom An ``ASE.Atom`` object which is equivalent to ``atom`` """ return ase.atom.Atom(position=atom.position, mass=atom.mass, symbol=atom.element.symbol, charge=atom.charge)
[docs] def MDMC_to_ASE(structure: Union['Structure', 'Universe', List[Atom]], cell: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> ase.Atoms: """ Convert an MDMC Structure into an ase.Atoms object. Note that ASE infers bonds from the atoms' covalent radius. Parameters: ----------- structure: Structure, Universe or List[Atom] the MDMC object to convert. cell: np.array, optional, default None provides cell dimensions for the ASE Atoms object. If None, the default cell size (0,0,0) is used. Returns: -------- ase.Atoms an ASE Atoms object corresponding to the same structure. """ if isinstance(structure, list): # if list of atoms, compile into molecule structure = Molecule(atoms=structure) if cell is None: cell = np.array([0., 0., 0.,]) return ase.Atoms([_convert_to_ase_atom(atom) for atom in structure.atoms], cell=cell)