Utility functions for plotting.
These are additional functions which can be used to plot specific MDMC data,
e.g. dynamic plotting during a refinement. All plotting requires ``matplotlib`` to
be installed, and dynamic plotting requires execution to be performed within a
Jupyter notebook in order to display correctly.
import warnings
from contextlib import suppress
from types import MethodType
from MDMC.common.df_operations import filter_dataframe
from MDMC.control import Control
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
except ModuleNotFoundError as error:
raise ModuleNotFoundError('MDMC plotting utilities require matplotlib to be'
' installed.') from error
# Defaults for text and plot output sizes
#: Default VBox height.
#: Default number of text lines.
#: Default plot height.
#: Default CNVS width.
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel, protected-access
# we are importing things out-of-order and copying variables on purpose here
def plot_progress(inst: Control, ynames: str) -> Control:
Plot current progress of a control.
Modifies an instance of :any:`MDMC.control.Control` so that the progress of 1
or more variables is plotted with each step when :any:`refine` is called.
This takes an instance of ``Control`` as a parameter and
returns a modified instance, which can be treated exactly as the original
instance. See the examples section for more details.
Applying ``plot_progress`` will also change the text output so that only the
more recent five steps are shown.
inst : Control
An instance of the ``MDMC.control.Control`` class.
ynames : str, list of str
One or more str with the name of the variable to be displayed with each
step of the refinement. These variables must correspond to the column
names in ``inst.minimizer.history``, for example the names of the
parameters that are being refined. It is recommended that a maximum of
8 names is provided, as otherwise the graph sizes become too small.
An instance of the ``MDMC.control.Control`` class, which is
modified so that a plot is displayed when ``inst.refine`` is called.
This plotting should only be used in a Jupyter notebook and requires
ipywidgets and matplotlib to interactively display the progress. The
matplotlib backend must be set to 'notebook' before calling `refine`. This
can be done by executing the following magic call within a Jupyter notebook
.. highlight:: python
.. code-block:: python
%matplotlib notebook
Modifying a ``Control`` instance to plot the progress of the 'FoM' with each
refinement step. This should be executed within a Jupyter notebook:
.. highlight:: python
.. code-block:: python
%matplotlib notebook
control = Control(...) # ... represents some parameters
control = plot_progress(control, 'FoM')
First the matplotlib backend is set to 'notebook', then the ``Control``
instance is modified, and then a refinement is run. With each step of the
refinement a graph of 'FoM' against 'Steps' will be plotted.
Modifying a ``Control`` instance to plot the progress of the 'FoM', 'sigma',
and 'epsilon' with each refinement step. This should be executed within a
Jupyter notebook:
.. highlight:: python
.. code-block:: python
%matplotlib notebook
control = Control(...) # ... represents some parameters
control = plot_progress(control, ['FoM', 'sigma', 'epsilon'])
With each step of the refinement a graph of 'FoM' against 'Steps' will be
plotted, a graph of 'sigma' against 'Steps' will be plotted, and a graph of
'epsilon' against 'Steps' will be plotted.
# If required modules are not installed, warn user and return unmodified
# instance
from IPython import display
from ipywidgets import Output, VBox
except ModuleNotFoundError as err:
f'plot_progress requires {err.name}. No plots will be displayed.')
return inst
# This font size and linewidth were suitable for OSX dev environment
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22, 'axes.linewidth': 5})
# copies of the original instance methods are kept so that they can be
# called within the replacement methods
orig_refine = inst.refine
orig_step = inst.step
orig_print_data = inst._print_data
orig_print_header = inst._print_header
# Add protected ynames and vbox variables to instance
# Force ynames to be list so that it can be iterated over
inst._ynames = [ynames] if isinstance(ynames, str) else ynames
# Create a VBox for the text consisting of N empty outputs. These are then
# dynamically replaced by lines containing text output with each step.
# height layout setting is used to reduce padding between lines of text.
inst._vbox = VBox([Output()] * N_TEXT_LINES,
layout={'height': VBOX_HEIGHT})
# Basic validation of user input
if not inst._ynames:
raise ValueError('ynames must contain at least one str')
for yname in inst._ynames:
if yname not in inst.minimizer.history:
raise ValueError(
f'{yname} is not a variable in the minimizer history')
# Redefined refine so that figure plotting is set, and the vbox containing
# the text is displayed after the header
def refine(self, *args):
figure, axs = plt.subplots(len(self._ynames), 1, squeeze=False)
inst.figure, inst.axes = figure, axs.flatten()
for yname, ax in zip(self._ynames, inst.axes):
if ax is inst.axes[-1]:
# This fudge to change the dpi and resize the canvas is required because
# of a bug in matplotlib when canvas.draw is called dynamically within
# a loop (the bug reduces canvas._dpi_ratio to 1 which results in graphs
# being plotted half size until the execution is completed)
self.figure.canvas._dpi_ratio = 2
height = min(len(self._ynames), 4) * PLOT_HEIGHT
# This try/except allows IPython/Jupyter console to run without error
# (although it does not live plot)
with suppress(AttributeError):
self.figure.canvas.handle_resize({'width': CNVS_WIDTH,
'height': height})
# Redefine step so that history is also plotted
def step(self):
# Redefine print data so that output is captured and added to vbox rather
# than displayed. This stops Jupyter from autoscrolling after a certain
# number of lines of text are displayed.
def print_data(self):
text_output = Output()
with text_output:
self._vbox.children = self._vbox.children[1:] + (text_output, )
# Used to change inst._print_header to pass through as header printing is
# handled in substitute refine instead
def print_header(self):
def plot_history(self):
history = self.minimizer.history
for yname, ax in zip(self._ynames, self.axes):
acp_rows = filter_dataframe(['Accepted'], history,
column_names=['Change state'])
rej_rows = filter_dataframe(['Rejected'], history,
column_names=['Change state'])
ax.plot(acp_rows.index.astype(int), acp_rows[yname], linestyle='',
marker='o', color='tab:blue', markersize=12)
ax.plot(rej_rows.index.astype(int), rej_rows[yname], linestyle='',
marker='x', color='tab:red', markersize=12,
# Set new methods for inst (MethodType required because they are bound)
inst.refine = MethodType(refine, inst)
inst.step = MethodType(step, inst)
inst.plot_history = MethodType(plot_history, inst)
inst._print_data = MethodType(print_data, inst)
inst._print_header = MethodType(print_header, inst)
return inst