Understanding scientific units in MDMC

This tutorial explains the way in which MDMC uses scientific units, and what some of these units are.


All quantities passed as arguments and returned as outputs in MDMC have units associated with them. These units have been chosen based on convention within molecular dynamics.

In general, these units are consistent across all functions and are referred to as the SYSTEM units associated with a physical property:

from MDMC.common import units

{'LENGTH': 'Ang', 'TIME': 'fs', 'MASS': 'amu', 'CHARGE': 'e', 'ANGLE': 'deg', 'TEMPERATURE': 'K', 'ENERGY': 'kJ / mol', 'FORCE': 'kJ / Ang mol', 'PRESSURE': 'Pa', 'ENERGY_TRANSFER': 'meV', 'ARBITRARY': 'arb'}

For example, both the Atom and Universe expect units of Ang for LENGTH properties (the position and dimensions arguments respectively):

from MDMC.MD import Atom, Universe

Help on class Atom in module MDMC.MD.structures:

class Atom(Structure)
 |  Atom(element: 'str', position: "Union['list[float]', 'tuple[float]', np.ndarray]" = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), velocity: "Union['list[float]', 'tuple[float]', np.ndarray]" = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), charge: 'float' = None, **settings: 'dict')
 |  A single atom
 |  Parameters
 |  ----------
 |  element : periodictable.core.Element
 |      The periodictable atomic element instance
 |  position : list, tuple, numpy.ndarray, optional
 |      A 3 element `list`, `tuple` or ``array`` with the position in units of
 |      ``Ang``. The default is ``(0., 0., 0.)``.
 |  velocity : list, tuple, numpy.ndarray, optional
 |      A 3 element `list`, `tuple` or ``array`` with the velocity in units of
 |      ``Ang / fs``. Note that if set, the velocity of atoms in the MD engine will
 |      be scaled when creating a `Simulation` in order to ensure the
 |      temperature is accurate. Otherwise, if the velocities of all `Atom`
 |      objects in a `Simulation` are 0, then the velocities of the atoms in
 |      the MD engine will be randomly chosen in order to provide an accurate
 |      temperature. The default is ``(0., 0., 0.)``.
 |  charge : float
 |      The charge of the ``Atom`` in units of elementary charge (``e``). The
 |      default is `None`, meaning that a ``Coulomb`` interaction is not applied
 |      to the ``Atom``.
 |  **settings
 |      ``mass`` (`float`)
 |          The atomic mass in ``amu``. If not provided a lookup table will be
 |          used.
 |      ``atom_type`` (`int`)
 |          All atoms with the same atom_type will have the same non-bonded interactions
 |          applied to them. If not provided, MDMC will automatically infer/assign atom types.
 |          All atoms with the same element and interactions will have the same atom type.
 |      ``name`` (`str`)
 |          A name to uniquely identify the atom. Used by ForceFields (e.g. OPLSAA). Atoms
 |          should only have the same names if they are equivalent. Defaults to the element
 |          of the atom.
 |      ``cutoff`` (`float`)
 |          Sets the cutoff radius in ``Ang``, beyond which this atom does not interact
 |          with other atoms. Must be set if a charge is being added to the atom.
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |  element : periodictable.core.Element
 |      The periodictable atomic element instance
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      Atom
 |      Structure
 |      abc.ABC
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __deepcopy__(self, memo: 'dict') -> 'Atom'
 |      Copies the Atom and all attributes, except ``ID`` which is generated
 |      Interactions are copied but the copied ``Atom`` is substituted for the
 |      original ``Atom``.  For ``BondedInteractions`` this means that the
 |      copied ``Atom`` will be bonded to all atoms to which the original
 |      ``Atom`` is bonded.
 |      Arguments
 |      ---------
 |      memo : dict
 |          The memoization `dict`
 |  __init__(self, element: 'str', position: "Union['list[float]', 'tuple[float]', np.ndarray]" = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), velocity: "Union['list[float]', 'tuple[float]', np.ndarray]" = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), charge: 'float' = None, **settings: 'dict')
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  __repr__(self) from MDMC.common.decorators.repr_decorator.<locals>.decorator.<locals>
 |  __str__(self) -> 'str'
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      str
 |          The ``element``, ``charge`` and ``position`` of the ``Atom``
 |  add_interaction(self, interaction: 'Interaction', from_interaction: 'bool' = False) -> 'None'
 |      Adds an interaction to the ``Atom``
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      interaction : MDMC.MD.interactions.Interaction
 |          Any class dervied from ``Interaction``, or any object with base
 |          class ``Interaction``.  If an ``Interaction`` class is passed then
 |          it must be a ``NonBondedInteraction`` i.e. only takes a single
 |          ``Atom`` as an argument. If an ``Interaction`` object is passed then
 |          this ``Atom`` must be in the ``interaction.atoms``.
 |      from_interaction : bool, optional
 |          Specifies if this method has been called from an ``Interaction``.
 |          Default is `False`.
 |  copy(self, position: "Union['list[float]', 'tuple[float]', np.ndarray]") -> 'Atom'
 |      Copies the ``Atom`` and all attributes, except ``ID`` which is generated
 |      Copying an ``Atom`` creates an exact duplicate at the specified
 |      ``position``.  The copied ``Atom`` will have identical bonded and
 |      nonbonded interactions as the original. For ``BondedInteractions`` this
 |      means that the copied atom will be bonded to all atoms to which the
 |      original atom is bonded. The ``ID`` of the copied atom will differ from
 |      the original, as they are sequentially generated.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      position : list, tuple, numpy.ndarray
 |          A 3 element `list`, `tuple` or ``array`` with the ``position`` of
 |          the new ``Atom``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      Atom
 |          A copy of the ``Atom`` with the specified ``position``
 |      Examples
 |      --------
 |      If the following ``Atom`` is copied:
 |      .. highlight:: python
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          H1 = Atom('H', position=(0., 0., 0.), charge=0.4238)
 |          H2 = H1.copy(position=(1., 1., 1.))
 |      then the new ``Atom`` (``H2``) will have no ``BondedInteractions``, but
 |      will have a ``Coulombic`` interaction, with a ``charge`` of ``0.4238 e``
 |      If ``H1`` and ``H2`` are then bonded together and a copy is made:
 |      .. highlight:: python
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          HHbond = Bond((H1, H2))
 |          H3 = H1.copy(position=(2., 2., 2.))
 |      then the newest ``Atom`` (``H3``) will have a ``Coulombic`` interaction
 |      (also with a ``charge`` of ``0.4238 e``), and it will also have a
 |      ``Bond`` interaction with ``H2`` (as ``H1`` had a ``Bond`` interaction
 |      with ``H2``).
 |  copy_interactions(self, atom: 'Atom', memo: 'dict' = None) -> 'None'
 |      This replicates the interactions from ``self`` for ``Atom``, but with
 |      ``self`` substituted by ``atom`` in the ``Interaction.atoms``. These
 |      interactions are added to any that already exist for the ``Atom``.
 |      Passing the ``memo`` `dict` enables specific interactions to be excluded
 |      from being copied, duplicating the behaviour of ``__deepcopy__``
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      atom : Atom
 |          The ``Atom`` for which ``self.interactions`` are being replicated
 |      memo : dict, optional
 |          The memoization `dict`
 |  is_equivalent(self, structure: 'Structure') -> 'bool'
 |      Checks the passed ``Structure`` against `self` for equivalence in
 |      terms of the force field application, namely that the following are the
 |      same:
 |        - Element or chemical formula
 |        - Mass
 |        - Charge
 |        - Bonded interactions
 |        - Non bonded interactions
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      bool
 |          Whether the two are equivalent
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Readonly properties defined here:
 |  atoms
 |      Get a `list` of the atoms, just consisting of the ``Atom``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      list
 |          A `list` with a single item, the ``Atom``
 |  bonded_interaction_pairs
 |      Get bonded interactions acting on the ``Atom`` and the other atoms
 |      to which the ``Atom`` is bonded
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      list
 |          (``interaction``, ``atoms``) pairs acting on the ``Atom``, where
 |          ``atoms`` is a `tuple` of all `Atom` objects for that specific
 |          bonded ``interaction``.
 |      Example
 |      -------
 |      For an O ``Atom`` with two bonds, one to H1 and one to H2::
 |          >>> print(O.bonded_interaction_pairs)
 |          [(Bond, (H1, O)), (Bond, (H2, O))]
 |  nonbonded_interactions
 |      Get a `list` of the nonbonded interactions acting on the ``Atom``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      list
 |          ``NonBondedInteractions`` acting on the ``Atom``
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  atom_type
 |      Get or set the atom type of the ``Atom``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      int
 |          The atom type
 |      Raises
 |      ------
 |      AttributeError
 |          The ``atom_type`` cannot be changed once it has been set
 |  charge
 |      Get or set the charge in ``e`` if one has been applied to the ``Atom``
 |      If the ``Atom`` does not have a ``Coulombic`` interaction, setting a
 |      value of the ``charge`` will create one, and a default ``cutoff`` of
 |      ``10. Ang`` will be applied
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      float
 |          The charge in units of ``e``, or `None` if no charge has been set
 |      Raises
 |      ------
 |      ValueError
 |          When the ``Atom`` has more than one ``Coulombic`` interaction
 |      ValueError
 |          When the ``Atom`` has more than one parameter; i.e. should only
 |          have charge as a parameter
 |      ValueError
 |          When setting charge to `None` when a ``Coulombic`` interaction
 |          already exists.
 |  mass
 |      Get or set the atomic mass in ``amu``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      float
 |          the atomic mass in ``amu``
 |  universe
 |      Get the ``Universe`` to which the ``Atomm`` belongs
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      Universe
 |          The ``Universe`` to which the ``Atom`` belongs or `None`
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __abstractmethods__ = frozenset()
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from Structure:
 |  translate(self, displacement: 'Union[tuple, np.ndarray]') -> 'None'
 |      Translate the structural unit by the specified displacement
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      Displacement : tuple, numpy.ndarray
 |          A three element tuple or ``array`` of `float`
 |  valid_position(self, position: "Union['list[float]', 'tuple[float]', np.ndarray]" = None) -> 'bool'
 |      Checks if the specified ``position`` is within the bounds of the
 |      ``Structure.universe``, if it has one
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      position : list, tuple, numpy.ndarray
 |          3 element `list`, `tuple` or ``array`` with units of ``Ang`` or
 |          `None`. If `None` then the ``position`` of the ``Structure`` is
 |          used.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      bool
 |          `True` if ``position`` is within ``Universe`` or there is no
 |          associated ``Universe``. `False` if ``Structure`` has an
 |          associated ``Universe`` but the ``position`` is not within its
 |          bounds.
 |      Raises
 |      ------
 |      ValueError
 |          If ``position`` if undefined
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Readonly properties inherited from Structure:
 |  bonded_interactions
 |      Get a list of the bonded interactions acting on the ``Structure``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      list
 |          ``BondedInteractions`` acting on the ``Structure``
 |  bounding_box
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      BoundingBox
 |          Contains the lower and upper extents of the ``Molecule``
 |  interactions
 |      Get a list of the interactions acting on the ``Structure``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      list
 |          Interactions acting on the ``Structure``
 |  structure_type
 |      Get the class of the ``Structure``.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      str
 |          The name of the class
 |  top_level_structure
 |      Get the top level structure (i.e. ``Structure`` which has no
 |      ``parent``) of the ``Structure``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      Structure
 |          Highest level ``Structure`` of which it is a member
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from Structure:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object
 |  position
 |      Get or set the position of the center of mass of the ``Structure``
 |      in ``Ang``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      numpy.ndarray
 |  velocity
 |      Get or set the velocity of the ``Structure`` in ``Ang/fs``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      numpy.ndarray

Help on class Universe in module MDMC.MD.simulation:

class Universe(MDMC.MD.container.AtomContainer)
 |  Universe(dimensions, force_field=None, structures=None, **settings)
 |  Class where the configuration and topology are defined
 |  Parameters
 |  ----------
 |  dimensions : numpy.ndarray, list, float
 |      Dimensions of the ``Universe``, in units of ``Ang``. A `float` can be
 |      used for a cubic universe.
 |  force_fields : ForceField, optional
 |      A force field to apply to the Universe. The force fields available are:
 |      SPC, TIP3PFB, OPLSAA, SPCE, TIP3P. Default is None.
 |  structures : list, optional
 |      ``Structure`` objects contained in the ``Universe``. Default is None.
 |  **settings
 |      ``kspace_solver`` (`KSpaceSolver`)
 |          The k-space solver to be used for both electrostatic and dispersive
 |          interactions. If this is passed then no ``electrostatic_solver`` or
 |          ``dispersive_solver`` may be passed.
 |      ``electrostatic_solver`` (`KSpaceSolver`)
 |          The k-space solver to be used for electrostatic interactions.
 |      ``dispersive_solver`` (`KSpaceSolver`)
 |          The k-space solver to be used for dispersive interactions.
 |      ``constraint_algorithm`` (`ConstraintAlgorithm`)
 |          The constraint algorithm which will be applied to constrained
 |          ``BondedInteractions``.
 |      ``verbose`` (`str`)
 |          If the output of the class instantiation should be reported, default
 |          to True.
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |  dimensions : numpy.ndarray, list, float
 |      Dimensions of the ``Universe`` in units of ``Ang``.
 |  configuration : Configuration
 |      Stores the content, i.e. configuration of atoms etc within the universe
 |  force_fields : ForceField or None
 |      Force field applied to apply to the Universe
 |  kspace_solver : KSpaceSolver
 |      The k-space solver to be used for both electrostatic and dispersive
 |      interactions.
 |  electrostatic_solver : KSpaceSolver
 |      The k-space solver to be used for electrostatic interactions.
 |  dispersive_solver : KSpaceSolver
 |      The k-space solver to be used for dispersive interactions.
 |  constraint_algorithm : ConstraintAlgorithm
 |      The constraint algorithm which will be applied to constrained
 |      ``BondedInteractions``.
 |  interactions
 |  bonded_interactions
 |  nonbonded_interactions
 |  bonded_interaction_pairs
 |  n_bonded
 |  n_nonbonded
 |  n_interactions
 |  parameters
 |  volume
 |  element_list
 |  element_dict
 |  element_lookup
 |  atoms
 |  n_atoms
 |  molecule_list
 |  n_molecules
 |  structure_list
 |  top_level_structure_list
 |  equivalent_top_level_structures_dict
 |  force_fields
 |  atom_types
 |  atom_type_interactions
 |  density
 |  solvent_density
 |  nbis_by_atom_type_pairs
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      Universe
 |      MDMC.MD.container.AtomContainer
 |      abc.ABC
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __eq__(self, other) -> bool
 |      Return self==value.
 |  __init__(self, dimensions, force_field=None, structures=None, **settings)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  __repr__(self) from MDMC.common.decorators.repr_decorator.<locals>.decorator.<locals>
 |  __str__(self) -> str
 |      Return str(self).
 |  add_bonded_interaction_pairs(self, *bonded_interaction_pairs: 'tuple[Interaction, Atom]') -> None
 |      Adds one or more interaction pairs to the ``Universe``
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      *bonded_interaction_pairs
 |          one or more (``interaction``, ``atoms``) pairs, where ``atoms`` is a
 |          `tuple` of all atoms for that specific bonded ``interaction``
 |  add_force_field(self, force_field: str, *interactions: 'Interaction', **settings: dict) -> None
 |      Adds a force field to the specified ``interactions``.  If no
 |      ``interactions`` are passed, the force field is applied to all
 |      interactions in the ``Universe``.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      force_field : str
 |          The ``ForceField`` to parameterize ``interactions`` (if provided),
 |          or all the ``interactions`` in the ``Universe``. The available
 |          ``ForceField`` are:
 |      *interactions
 |          ``Interaction`` objects to parameterize with the ``ForceField``
 |      **settings
 |          ``add_dispersions`` (`bool` or `list` of ``Atoms``)
 |              If `True`, a ``Dispersion`` interaction will be added to all
 |              atoms in the ``Universe``. If a list of ``Atom`` objects is
 |              provided, the ``Dispersion`` will be added to these instead. Any
 |              added ``Dispersion`` interactions (and any previously defined)
 |              will then be parametrized by the ``ForceField``. The
 |              ``Dispersion`` interactions added will only be like-like. By
 |              default, no ``Dispersion`` interactions are added.
 |  add_nonbonded_interaction(self, *nonbonded_interactions: 'tuple[Interaction, Atom]') -> None
 |      Adds one or more nonbonded interactions to the ``Universe``
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      *nonbonded_interactions
 |          Nonbonded interactions to be added to the ``Universe``.
 |          Can take any number of non-bonded interactions:
 |              ``Dispersion()``:
 |                  either Lennard-Jones or Buckingham dispersion
 |              ``Coulombic()``:
 |                  normal or modified Coulomb interaction
 |          with appropriate parameters for the interaction.
 |          See http://mdmcproject.org/how-to/use-MDMC/notebooks/defining-molecule-interactions.ipynb
 |          for more details on non-bonded interactions.
 |  add_structure(self, structure: Union[MDMC.MD.structures.Structure, int], force_field: str = None, center: bool = False) -> None
 |      Adds a single ``Structure`` to the ``Universe``, with optional
 |      ``ForceField`` applying only to that ``Structure``
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      structure : Structure or int
 |          The ``Structure`` (or its ``ID`` as an `int`) to be added to the
 |          ``Universe``
 |      force_field : str, optional
 |          The force field to be applied to the structure. The available
 |          ``ForceField`` are:
 |      center : bool, optional
 |          Whether to center `structure` within the Universe as it is
 |          added
 |  fill(self, structures: MDMC.MD.structures.Structure, force_field: str = None, num_density: float = None, num_struc_units: int = None) -> None
 |      A liquid-like filling of the ``Universe`` independent of existing atoms
 |      Adds copies of ``structures`` to existing configuration until
 |      ``Universe`` is full.  As exclusion region is defined by the size of a
 |      bounding sphere, this method is most suitable for atoms or molecules
 |      with approximately equal dimensions.
 |                IS TO AN `int`.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      structures : Structure or int
 |          The ``Structure`` with which to fill the ``Universe``
 |      force_field : str
 |          Applies a ``ForceField`` to the ``Universe``. The available
 |          ``ForceField`` are:
 |      num_density: float
 |          Non-negative `float` specifying the number density of the
 |          ``Structure``, in units of ``Structure / Ang ^ -3``
 |      num_struc_units: int
 |          Non-negative `int` specifying the number of passed
 |          ``Structure`` objects that the universe should be filled
 |          with, regardless of ``Universe.dimensions``.
 |      Raises
 |      ------
 |      ValueError
 |          If both ``num_density`` and ``num_struc_units`` are passed
 |      ValueError
 |          If neither ``num_density`` or ``num_struc_units`` are passed
 |  solvate(self, density: float, tolerance: float = 1.0, solvent: str = 'SPCE', max_iterations: int = 100, **settings: dict) -> None
 |      Fills the ``Universe`` with solvent molecules according to pre-defined
 |      coordinates.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      density : float
 |          The desired density of the ``Solvent`` that solvates the
 |          ``Universe``, in units of ``amu Ang ^ -3``
 |      tolerance : float, optional
 |          The +/- percentage tolerance of the density to be achieved.
 |          The default is 1 %. Tolerances of less than 1 % are at risk
 |          of not converging.
 |      solvent : str, optional
 |          A `str` specifying an inbuilt ``Solvent`` from the following:
 |          TIP3P, TIP3PFB, SPCE, SPC.
 |          The default is 'SPCE'.
 |      max_iterations: int, optional
 |          The maximum number of times to try to solvate the universe to
 |          within the required density before stopping. Defaults to 100.
 |      **settings
 |          ``constraint_algorithm`` (`ConstraintAlgorithm`)
 |              A ``ConstraintAlgorithm`` which is applied to the ``Universe``.
 |              If an inbuilt ``Solvent`` is selected (e.g. 'SPCE') and
 |              ``constraint_algorithm`` is not passed, the
 |              ``ConstraintAlgorithm`` will default to ``Shake(1e-4, 100)``.
 |      Raises
 |      ------
 |      ValueError
 |          If the ``Universe`` has already been solvated with a different
 |          density.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Readonly properties defined here:
 |  atom_type_interactions
 |      Get the atom types and the interactions for each atom type
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      dict
 |          ``atom_type:interactions`` pairs where ``atom_type`` is a `int`
 |          specifying the atom type and ``interactions`` is a `list` of
 |          ``Interaction`` objects acting on that ``atom_type``
 |  atom_types
 |      Get the atom types of atoms in the ``Universe``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      list
 |          The atom types in the ``Universe``
 |  atoms
 |      Get a list of the atoms in the ``Universe``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      list
 |          The atoms in the ``Universe``
 |  bonded_interaction_pairs
 |      Get the bonded interactions and the atoms they apply to
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      list
 |          The (``interaction``, ``atoms``) pairs in the ``Universe``, where
 |          ``atoms`` is a `tuple` of all ``Atom`` objects for that specific
 |          ``interaction``
 |      Example
 |      -------
 |      For an O Atom with two bonds, one to H1 and one to H2::
 |          >>> print(O.bonded_interaction_pairs)
 |          [(Bond, (H1, O)), (Bond, (H2, O))]
 |  bonded_interactions
 |      Get the bonded interactions in the ``Universe``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      list
 |          The bonded interactions in the ``Universe``
 |  density
 |  element_dict
 |      Get the elements in the ``Universe`` and example ``Atom`` objects for
 |      each element
 |      This is required for MD engines which assign the same potential
 |      parameters for all identical element types.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      dict
 |          ``element:atom pairs``, where ``atom`` is a single ``Atom`` of the
 |          specified ``element``.
 |  element_list
 |      The elements of the atoms in the ``Universe``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      list
 |          The elements in the ``Universe``
 |  element_lookup
 |      Get the elements by ID in the ``Universe``
 |      This is required for MD engines which assign the same potential
 |      parameters for all identical element names.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      dict
 |          ``element:atom pairs``, where ``atom`` is a single ``Atom`` of the
 |          specified ``element``.
 |  equivalent_top_level_structures_dict
 |      Get a `dict` of equivalent top level ``Structure`` objects that
 |      exist in the ``Universe`` as keys, and the number of ``Structure``
 |      that are equivalent to the key as a value. This does not include any
 |      ``Structure`` that are a subunit of another structure belonging
 |      to the ``Universe``.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      dict
 |          The top level ``Structure`` objects in the ``Universe`` as
 |          keys, and the number of each as a value
 |  force_fields
 |      Get the ``ForceField`` acting on the ``Universe``
 |      The available force fields are:
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      list
 |          ``ForceField`` that applies to the ``Universe``
 |  interactions
 |      Get the interactions in the ``Universe``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      list
 |          The interactions in the ``Universe``
 |  molecule_list
 |      Get a list of the ``Molecule`` objects in the ``Universe``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      list
 |          The ``Molecule`` objects in the ``Universe``
 |  n_atoms
 |      Get the number of atoms in the ``Universe``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      int
 |          The number of atoms in the ``Universe``
 |  n_bonded
 |      Get the number of bonded interactions in the ``Universe``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      int
 |          The number of bonded interactions in the ``Universe``
 |  n_interactions
 |      Get the number of interactions in the ``Universe``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      int
 |          The number of interactions in the ``Universe``
 |  n_molecules
 |      Get the number of molecules in the ``Universe``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      int
 |          The number of molecules in the ``Universe``
 |  n_nonbonded
 |      Get the number of nonbonded interactions in the ``Universe``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      int
 |          The number of nonbonded interactions in the ``Universe``
 |  nbis_by_atom_type_pairs
 |      Generates a `dict` of all nonbonded interactions possessed by all
 |      combinations of ``atom_type`` pairs in the ``Universe``.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      dict
 |          A `dict` of ``{pair: interactions}`` pairs, where:
 |              - ``pair`` is a `tuple` for a pair of ``atom_types`` in the
 |                ``Universe``
 |              - ``interactions`` is a list of nonbonded interactions that
 |                exist for this ``pair`` of ``atom_types``
 |          Any ``Dispersions`` in ``interactions`` are ones that exist
 |          explicity for this ``pair``, whereas any ``Coulombics`` in
 |          ``interactions`` are ones that exist for either of the
 |          ``atom_types`` in ``pair``.
 |  nonbonded_interactions
 |      Get the nonbonded interactions in the ``Universe``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      list
 |          The nonbonded interactions in the ``Universe``
 |  parameters
 |      Get the parameters of the interactions that exist within the
 |      ``Universe``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      Parameters
 |          The ``Parameters`` objects defined within ``Universe``
 |  solvent_density
 |  structure_list
 |      Get a `list` of all ``Structure`` objects that exist in the
 |      ``Universe``.  This includes all ``Structure`` that are a subunit
 |      of another structure belonging to the ``Universe``.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      list
 |          The ``Structure`` objects in the ``Universe``
 |  top_level_structure_list
 |      Get a `list` of the top level ``Structure`` objects that exist in the
 |      ``Universe``. This does not include any ``Structure`` that are a subunit
 |      of another structure belonging to the ``Universe``.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      list
 |          The top level ``Structure`` objects in the ``Universe``
 |  volume
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  dimensions
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  __abstractmethods__ = frozenset()
 |  __hash__ = None
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from MDMC.MD.container.AtomContainer:
 |  __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, slice]) -> Union[ForwardRef('Atom'), ForwardRef('list[Atom]')]
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      Atom, list
 |          The atom (or atoms) for the specified index (or slice)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from MDMC.MD.container.AtomContainer:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object


Similarly, attributes returned also have the units documented. In this case, the unit for velocity is a compound unit for the properties LENGTH and TIME (Ang and fs):

[0. 0. 0.] Ang / fs

Exceptional Cases

There are some cases where the units expected by an MDMC object are not SYSTEM due to external conventions. For example, the SYSTEM unit for ANGLE is deg, but HarmonicPotential expects units of kJ mol^-1 rad^-2 when used for a BondAngle. As before, this information is available from the help function:

from MDMC.MD import HarmonicPotential

Help on class HarmonicPotential in module MDMC.MD.interaction_functions:

class HarmonicPotential(InteractionFunction)
 |  HarmonicPotential(equilibrium_state: float, potential_strength: float, **settings: dict)
 |  Harmonic potential for bond stretching, and angular and improper dihedral
 |  vibration, with the form:
 |  .. math::
 |      E = K(r-r_0)^2
 |  As ``HarmonicPotential`` can be used with several different ``Interaction``
 |  types, the ``Interaction`` type must be specified, so that the correct units
 |  can be assigned to the ``equilibrium_state`` and ``potential_strength``
 |  parameters.
 |  Parameters
 |  ----------
 |  equilibrium_state : float
 |      The equilibrium state of the object in either ``Ang`` or ``degrees``,
 |      depending on the ``interaction_type`` passed.
 |  potential_strength : float
 |      The potential strength in units of ``kJ mol^-1 Ang^-2`` (linear) or
 |      ``kJ mol^-1 rad^-2`` (angular/improper), depending on the
 |      ``interaction_type`` passed.
 |  **settings
 |      interaction_type : str
 |          A `str` specifying either ``'bond'``, ``'angle'`` or ``'improper'``.
 |          This assigns the correct units to ``equilibrium_state`` and
 |          ``potential_strength``. This keyword must be passed.
 |  Raises
 |  ------
 |  ValueError
 |      The ``interaction_type`` must be ``'bond'``, ``'angle'``, or
 |      ``'improper'``
 |  TypeError
 |      An ``interaction_type`` of ``'bond'``, ``'angle'``, or ``'improper'``
 |      must be passed
 |  Examples
 |  --------
 |  The following creates a ``HarmonicPotential`` for a ``Bond`` interaction:
 |  .. highlight:: python
 |  .. code-block:: python
 |      hp = HarmonicPotential(1., 4637., interaction_type='bond')
 |  The following creates a ``HarmonicPotential`` for a ``BondAngle``
 |  interaction:
 |  .. highlight:: python
 |  .. code-block:: python
 |      hp = HarmonicPotential(109.47, 383., interaction_type='angle')
 |  The following creates a ``HarmonicPotential`` for a ``DihedralAngle``
 |  interaction with ``improper==True`` (i.e. an improper dihedral):
 |  .. highlight:: python
 |  .. code-block:: python
 |      hp = HarmonicPotential(180., 20.92, interaction_type='improper')
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      HarmonicPotential
 |      InteractionFunction
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, equilibrium_state, potential_strength, **settings)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Static methods defined here:
 |  __new__(cls, equilibrium_state: float, potential_strength: float, **settings: dict)
 |      Create and return a new object.  See help(type) for accurate signature.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from InteractionFunction:
 |  __eq__(self, other)
 |      Return self==value.
 |  __repr__(self) from MDMC.common.decorators.repr_decorator.<locals>.decorator.<locals>
 |  __str__(self) -> str
 |      Return str(self).
 |  set_parameters_interactions(self, interaction: 'Interaction') -> None
 |      Sets the ``parent`` ``Interaction`` for all ``Parameters`` objects
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      interaction : Interaction
 |          An ``Interaction`` to set as the ``parent`` of all the
 |          ``Parameters``
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Readonly properties inherited from InteractionFunction:
 |  name
 |      Get the name of the class of the ``InteractionFunction``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      str
 |          The class name
 |  parameters_values
 |      Get the values for all ``Parameters`` objects
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      numpy.ndarray
 |          A NumPy ``array`` of values for all ``Parameter``
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from InteractionFunction:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object
 |  parameters
 |      Get or set the interaction function's parameters
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      Parameters
 |          A Parameters object containing each ``Parameter``
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from InteractionFunction:
 |  __hash__ = None


Another example is energy_resolution being expected in units of ueV rather than the meV used for ENERGY_TRANSFER elsewhere:

from MDMC.control import Control

Help on class Control in module MDMC.control.control:

class Control(builtins.object)
 |  Control(simulation: MDMC.MD.simulation.Simulation, exp_datasets: List[dict], fit_parameters: MDMC.MD.parameters.Parameters, minimizer_type: str = 'MMC', FoM_options: dict = None, reset_config: bool = True, MD_steps: int = None, equilibration_steps: int = 0, previous_history: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = None, verbose: int = 0, print_all_settings: bool = False, **settings: dict)
 |  Controls the MDMC refinement
 |  Parameters
 |  ----------
 |  simulation : Simulation
 |      Performs a simulation for a given set of potential ``Parameter``
 |      objects.
 |  exp_datasets : list of dicts
 |      Each `dict` represents an experimental dataset, containing the
 |      following keys:
 |        - ``file_name`` (`str`) the file name
 |        - ``type`` (`str`) the type of observable
 |        - ``reader`` (`str`) the reader required for the file
 |        - ``weighting`` (`float`) the weighting of the dataset to be used in
 |          the Figure of Merit calculation
 |        - ``resolution`` : (`dict`, but can be `str`, `float`, or None)
 |          Should be a one-line dict of format {'file' : str} or {key : float}
 |          if {'file' : str}, the str should be a file in
 |          the same format as ``file_name`` containing results of a vanadium
 |          sample which is used to determine instrument energy resolution for
 |          this dataset.
 |          If {key : float}, the key should be the type of resolution function.
 |          allowed types are 'gaussian' and 'lorentzian'
 |          Can also be 'lazily' given as just a `str` or `float`.
 |          If just a string is given, it is assumed to be a filename.
 |          If just a float is given, it is assumed to be Gaussian.
 |          The float should be the instrument energy resolution as the FWHM in ``ueV`` (micro eV).
 |          If you have already accounted for instrument resolution in your dataset,
 |          this field can be set to None, and resolution application will be skipped.
 |          This must be done explicitly.
 |        - ``rescale_factor`` (`float`, optional, defaults to `1.`) applied to
 |          the experimental data when calculating the FoM to ensure it is on
 |          the same scale as the calculated observable
 |        - ``auto_scale`` (`bool`, optional, defaults to `False`) set the
 |          ``rescale_factor`` automatically to minimise the FoM, if both
 |          ``rescale_factor`` and ``auto_scale`` are provided then a warning
 |          is printed and ``auto_scale`` takes precedence
 |        - ``use_FFT`` (`bool`, optional, defaults to `True`) whether to use
 |          Fast Fourier Transforms in the calculation of dependent variables.
 |          FFT speeds up calculation but places restrictions on spacing in the
 |          independent variable domain(s). This option may not be supported
 |          for all ``Observable``s
 |      Note that the default (and preferred) behaviour of the scaling settings requires that the
 |      dataset provided has been properly scaled and normalised for the refinement process.
 |      Arbitrary or automatic rescaling should be undertaken with care, as it does not take into
 |      account any physical aspects of scaling the data, such as the presence or absence of
 |      background events from peaks outside its range.
 |  fit_parameters : Parameters, list of Parameter
 |      All parameters which will be refined. Note that any ``Parameter`` that is ``fixed``,
 |      ``tied`` or equal to 0 will not be passed to the minimizer as these cannot be refined.
 |      Those with ``constraints`` set are still passed.
 |  minimizer_type : str, optional
 |      The ``Minimizer`` type. Default is 'MMC'.
 |  FoM_options : dict of {str : str}, optional
 |      Defines the details of the ``FigureOfMeritCalculator`` to use. Default is `None`, in which
 |      case the first option for each of the following keys is used:
 |        - ``errors`` {'exp', 'none'} Whether to weight the differences between MD and
 |          experimental data with the experimental error or not (errors from MD are not currently
 |          supported).
 |        - ``norm`` {'data_points', 'dof', 'none'} How to normalise the FoM, either by the total
 |          number of data_points (n), the degrees of freedom (n - m, where m is the number of
 |          parameters being varied), or not at all.
 |  reset_config : bool, optional
 |      Determines if the configuration is reset to the end of the last accepted
 |      state. Default is `True`.
 |  MD_steps : int, optional
 |          Number of molecular dynamics steps for each step of the refinement.
 |          When not provided, the minimum number of steps needed for successful
 |          calculation of the observables is used. If provided, the actual number
 |          of steps may be reduced to prevent running MD that won't be used when
 |          calculating dependent variables. Default is `None`.
 |  equilibration_steps : int, optional
 |          Number of molecular dynamics steps used to equilibrate the ``Universe``
 |          in between each refinement step. When changes to the ``Parameters`` are small,
 |          this equilibration can be much shorter than the equilibration needed before
 |          starting the refinement process, but in general will vary depending on
 |          the details of the ``Universe`` and ``Parameters``. Default is 0.
 |  verbose: int, optional
 |          The level of verbosity:
 |          Verbose level -1 hides all outputs for tests.
 |          Verbose level 0 gives no information.
 |          Verbose level 1 gives final time for the whole method.
 |          Verbose level 2 gives final time and also a progress bar.
 |          Verbose level 3 gives final time, a progress bar, and time per step.
 |  print_full_settings: bool, optional
 |      Whether to print all settings/attributes/parameters passed to this object,
 |      defaults to False.
 |  **settings: dict, optional
 |      n_steps: int
 |          The maximum number of refinement steps to be. An optional parameter that,
 |          if specified, will be used in the ``refine`` method unless a different value
 |          of ``n_steps`` is explicitly passed when running ``refine``.
 |      cont_slicing : bool, optional
 |          Flag to decide between two possible behaviours when the number of ``MD_steps`` is
 |          larger than the minimum required to calculate the observables. If ``False`` (default)
 |          then the ``CompactTrajectory`` is sliced into non-overlapping sub-``CompactTrajectory``
 |          blocks for each of which the observable is calculated. If ``True``, then the
 |          ``CompactTrajectory`` is sliced into as many non-identical sub-``CompactTrajectory``
 |          blocks as possible (with overlap allowed).
 |      results_filename: str
 |          The name of the file in which the results of the MDMC run will be stored
 |      MC_norm: int
 |          1 if the MMC minimiser is to be used for parameter optimisation.
 |      use_average : bool, optional
 |          Optional parameter relevant in case ``MD_steps`` is larger than the minimum required
 |          and the MD ``CompactTrajectory`` is sliced into sub-``CompactTrajectory`` blocks.
 |          If ``True`` (default) the observables are averaged over the sub-``CompactTrajectory``
 |          blocks. If ``False`` they are not averaged.
 |      data_printer: str, default 'plaintext'
 |          How to display the data during minimisation. Current options are 'plaintext' (default,
 |          plaintext printing) or 'ipython' (prettier HTML printing via iPython)
 |      time_step_reductions : int, optional
 |          The number of attempts to reduce the time_step of the simulation in order to fix an
 |          equilibration that keeps failing. Defaults to a value of 2.
 |  Example
 |  -------
 |  An example of an exp_dataset list is::
 |      [{'file_name':data.LAMP_SQW_FILE,
 |        'type':'SQw',
 |        'reader':'LAMPSQw',
 |        'weight':1.,
 |        'resolution':{'file':data.LAMP_SQW_VAN_FILE}
 |        'rescale_factor':0.5},
 |       {'file_name:data.ANOTHER_FILE',
 |        'type':'FQt',
 |        'reader':'GENERIC_READER',
 |        'weight':0.5,
 |        'resolution':{'gaussian':2.35}
 |        'auto_scale':True}]
 |  Attributes
 |  ----------
 |  simulation : Simulation
 |      The ``Simulation`` on which is used to perform the refinement
 |  exp_datasets : `list of dicts`
 |      One `dict` per experimental dataset used for the refinement
 |  fit_parameters : Parameters
 |      All ``Parameter`` objects which will be refined
 |  minimizer : Minimizer
 |      Refines the potential parameters.
 |  observable_pairs : `list` of ``ObservablePairs``
 |      Experimental observable/MD observable pairs which are used to calculate
 |      the Figure of Merit
 |  FoM_calculator : FigureOfMeritCalculator
 |      Calculates the FoM `float` from the ``observable_pairs``.
 |  MD_steps : `int`
 |      Number of molecular dynamics steps for each step of the refinement
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, simulation: MDMC.MD.simulation.Simulation, exp_datasets: List[dict], fit_parameters: MDMC.MD.parameters.Parameters, minimizer_type: str = 'MMC', FoM_options: dict = None, reset_config: bool = True, MD_steps: int = None, equilibration_steps: int = 0, previous_history: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = None, verbose: int = 0, print_all_settings: bool = False, **settings: dict)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  __repr__(self) from MDMC.common.decorators.repr_decorator.<locals>.decorator.<locals>
 |  __str__(self) -> str
 |      Return str(self).
 |  calculate_max_FoM(self)
 |      Calculates a maximum Figure of Merit value by comparing a set of experimental observable
 |      data, to arrays consisting of numbers close to zero. For use when the MD Engine fails with
 |      a set of parameter values.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      max_FoM : int
 |          value of maximum FoM
 |  engine_recovery_from_equil(self, n_steps: int, verbose: bool, output_log: str, work_dir: str, **settings: dict) -> None
 |      Handles an MDEngineError thrown by the MD engine. Currently this error is only raised by
 |      LAMMPS.
 |      The time_step is reduced, and the engine cleared, and then an equilibration is performed.
 |      If the equilibration is unsuccessful when the attempt limit is reached, an MDEngineError is
 |      raised.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      n_steps : int
 |          Number of simulation steps to run.
 |      verbose: bool, optional
 |          Whether to print statements upon starting and completing the run.
 |      output_log: str, optional
 |          Log file for the MD engine to write to.
 |      work_dir: str, optional
 |          Working directory for the MD engine to write to.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      None
 |  equilibrate(self, n_steps: int = None, verbose: bool = False, output_log: str = None, work_dir: str = None, **settings: dict) -> None
 |      Run molecular dynamics to equilibrate the ``Universe``.
 |      If the equilibration fails, a method to reduce the time_step and re-try, is called.
 |      If this re-try also fails, then an MDEngineError is raised.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      n_steps : int
 |          Number of simulation steps to run.
 |      verbose: bool, optional
 |          Whether to print statements upon starting and completing the run.
 |          Default is `False`.
 |      output_log: str, optional
 |          Log file for the MD engine to write to. Default is `None`.
 |      work_dir: str, optional
 |          Working directory for the MD engine to write to. Default is `None`.
 |  minimize(self, n_steps: int, minimize_every: int = 10, verbose: bool = False, output_log: str = None, work_dir: str = None, **settings: dict) -> None
 |      Performs an MD run intertwined with periodic structure relaxation.
 |      This way after a local minimum is found, the system is taken
 |      out of the minimum to explore a larger volume of the parameter
 |      space.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      n_steps : int
 |          Total number of the MD run steps
 |      minimize_every: int, optional
 |          Number of MD steps between two consecutive minimizations
 |      verbose: bool, optional
 |          Whether to print statements when the minimization has been started and completed
 |          (including the number of minimization steps and time taken). Default is `False`.
 |      output_log: str, optional
 |          Log file for the MD engine to write to. Default is `None`.
 |      work_dir: str, optional
 |          Working directory for the MD engine to write to. Default is `None`.
 |      **settings
 |          ``etol`` (`float`)
 |              If the energy change between iterations is less than ``etol``,
 |              minimization is stopped. Default depends on engine used.
 |          ``ftol`` (`float`)
 |              If the magnitude of the global force is less than ``ftol``,
 |              minimization is stopped. Default depends on engine used.
 |          ``maxiter`` (`int`)
 |              Maximum number of iterations of a single structure
 |              relaxation procedure. Default depends on engine used.
 |          ``maxeval`` (`int`)
 |              Maximum number of force evaluations to perform. Default depends
 |              on engine used.
 |  plot_results(self, filename: str = None, points: int = 100000, MH_norm: float = 20.0) -> None
 |      Instantiates an insstance of the PlotResults class and generates a cornerplot
 |      from the data in self.results_filename
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      filename : str, optional
 |          The filename and path to the history file. Defaults to None which
 |          then uses self.results_filename
 |      points : int, optional
 |          The number of samples to initially generate, defaults to 100,000
 |      MH_norm : float, optional
 |          The denominator of the exponent, controlling how likley points are to be kept,
 |          defaults to 20.0
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      corner plot : Matplotlib.figure.Figure
 |          A plot displaying every parameter combination with their variances and covariances
 |  refine(self, n_steps: int = None) -> None
 |      Refines the specified potential parameters
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      n_steps : int
 |          Maximum number of steps for the refinement. Must be specified either when creating
 |          the ``Control`` object or when calling this method. The value specified to this
 |          method supersedes the value passed (if any) when the ``Control`` object was created.
 |          If nothing is passed, the method will check if a number was specified when the
 |          ``Control`` object was created and use that value.
 |      Examples
 |      --------
 |      Perform a refinement with a maximum of 100 steps:
 |          .. highlight:: python
 |          .. code-block:: python
 |          control.refine(100)
 |  reset_engine(self) -> None
 |      Clears and resets the MD engine when there is an error thrown by the
 |      equilibration or production methods. Currently this is only applicable to LAMMPS.
 |  step(self, bad_param_location: bool = False) -> None
 |      Do a full step: generate and run MD to calculate FoM for existing
 |      parameters, iterate parameters a step forward and reset MD (phasespace)
 |      if previous step was rejected and reset_config = true
 |      Parameters
 |      ---------
 |      bad_param_location : bool
 |          Represents whether the equilibration at these parameter value failed or not.
 |          If equilibration failed, value is True.
 |  trial_reduce_time_step(self, reduction_factor) -> None
 |      Reduces the time_step by the reduction factor specified.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      reduction_factor : float
 |          represents the value which will be multiplied with the time_step in order to reduce it
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      None
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object


Converting Units

The conversion factor required to get to MDMC SYSTEM units from a general unit can be accessed by creating a new Unit:

general_unit = units.Unit('kcal / Ang mol')
SYSTEM_unit = units.SYSTEM[general_unit.physical_property]
print('To convert from `{0}` to `{1}`, multiply by a factor of {2}'
      ''.format(general_unit, SYSTEM_unit, general_unit.conversion_factor))
print('To convert from `{1}` to `{0}`, divide by a factor of {2}'
      ''.format(general_unit, SYSTEM_unit, general_unit.conversion_factor))
To convert from `kcal / Ang mol` to `kJ / Ang mol`, multiply by a factor of 4.184
To convert from `kJ / Ang mol` to `kcal / Ang mol`, divide by a factor of 4.184

For example, to create an Atom with a position in nm rather Ang, then access that value in m:

import numpy as np

position_nm = np.array([1., 1., 1.,])
position_ang = position_nm * units.Unit('nm').conversion_factor
atom = Atom('H', position=position_ang)
print('Atom position in `m` is {}'.format(np.array(atom.position) / units.Unit('m').conversion_factor))
Atom position in `m` is [1.e-09 1.e-09 1.e-09]