Source code for MDMC.utilities.partitioning

Partitioning utilities.

Utilities related to partitioning iterators into their composite components.
from itertools import tee
from typing import Callable, Iterable

from MDMC.MD import Interaction

[docs] def partition(items: iter, predicate: Callable[[any], bool]) -> tuple: """ Partition an ``iterable`` using a predicate. Parameters ---------- items : iterable An ``interable`` to be partitioned. predicate : function A predicate that can be applied to items to returned `True` or `False`. Returns ------- tuple A `tuple` of (``gen_true``, ``gen_false``), where ``gen_true`` is a generator of all items for which the ``predicate`` returned `True`, and ``gen_false is a generator of all items for which the ``predicate`` returned `False`. """ iter_a, iter_b = tee((predicate(item), item) for item in items) return ((item for pred, item in iter_a if pred), (item for pred, item in iter_b if not pred))
[docs] def partition_interactions(interactions: Iterable[Interaction], names: list[str], unpartitioned: bool = False, lst: bool = False) -> tuple[Interaction, ...]: """ Partition an ``iterable`` of ``Interaction`` s by a `list` ``names``. This occurs by using ``partition`` to filter out one ``Interaction`` type for each loop, so previously identified ``Interactions`` are no longer considered. Parameters ---------- interactions : iterable of Interactions An ``interable`` of ``Interaction`` objects to be partitioned. names : list of str Names of ``Interaction`` classes. unpartitioned : bool, optional If `True`, then a generator containing any ``Interaction`` objects that did not have a name in ``names`` is returned as an additional item in the `tuple`. Default is `False`. lst : bool, optional If `True`, then the returned `tuple` contains `list` rather than generators. ``Interaction`` objects which have the name specified by ``names[n]``. Default is `False`. Returns ------- tuple A `tuple` of length ``len(names)`` where ``index`` ``n`` is a generator of all of the ``Interaction`` objects which have the name specified by ``names[n]``. If ``unpartitioned`` is `True`, `tuple` is length ``n+1``. If ``lst`` is `True`, the generators are replaced by `list`. Examples -------- Partion ``interactions`` into ``Bonds`` and ``BondAngles``: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python bonds, angles = partition_interactions(interactions, ['Bond, BondAngle']) """ interaction_lst = [None] * len(names) for i, name in enumerate(names): interaction_lst[i], interactions = partition(interactions, lambda x, n=name: == n) if unpartitioned: interaction_lst += [interactions] if lst: interaction_lst = [list(i) for i in interaction_lst] return tuple(interaction_lst)