"""Factory class for generating minimizers"""
from glob import glob
from importlib import import_module
from inspect import getmembers, isabstract, isclass
from os.path import basename, dirname, isfile, join
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from MDMC.refinement.minimizers.minimizer_abs import Minimizer
from MDMC.control import Control
class MinimizerFactory:
Provides a factory for creating a ``Minimizer``. Any minimizer within
the minimizers folder can be created with a string of the class name, as
long as it is a subclass of ``Minimizer``.
def create_minimizer(module_name: str, control: 'Control', parameter: 'list[str]',
previous_history: Path = None,**settings: dict) -> Minimizer:
Checks that the module is a supported minimzer and instantiates it as a minimizer.
module_name: str
The name of the module to be used as the minimizer, e.g. 'MMC'
control: Control
The ``Control`` object which uses this Minimizer.
parameter: list[str]
List of parameters to be refined
**settings: dict, optional
Settings to be passed to the created minimiser, e.g. MC_norm=1.0 if MMC minimiser is
used or n_points=8 if GPR or GPO is used
A ``Minimizer`` specified by ``module_name``
module = import_module('.' + module_name, __package__)
except ImportError as error:
raise ValueError(
f'{module_name} is not a supported minimizer') from error
classes = getmembers(module, lambda m: (isclass(m)
and not isabstract(m)
and issubclass(m, Minimizer)))
if previous_history:
return classes[0][1](control, parameter, previous_history, **settings)
return classes[0][1](control, parameter,**settings)
def get_minimizer_names() -> 'list[str]':
Get the names of available minimizer
Requires all ``Minimizer`` derived classes to be in modules of the same
A `list` of `str` with the names of the available ``Minimizer``
minimizer_names = []
for full_module_name in glob(join(dirname(__file__), "*.py")):
if isfile(full_module_name) and full_module_name != __file__:
module_name = basename(full_module_name)
if not module_name.startswith('_') and module_name != 'minimizer_abs.py':
minimizer_names.append(module_name.replace('.py', ''))
return minimizer_names