Source code for MDMC.refinement.FoM.RSquared_noneerror

"""The class for R Squared figure of merit calculation with no errors"""
import numpy as np

from MDMC.refinement.FoM.FoM_abs import FigureOfMerit, ObservablePair

[docs] class RSquared_noneerror(FigureOfMerit): r""" Calculates the weighted sum of the Figure of Merits for a number of datasets: .. math:: FoM_{total} = \frac{\sum_{i} FoM_{i}}{\sum_{i} w_{i}} Here the weighted Figure of Merit for the :math:`i`-th dataset, :math:`FoM_{i}`, is given by the sum of the square difference between data points for a single ``ObservablePair``, i.e. the reduced chi-squared: .. math:: FoM_{i} = \frac{w_{i}}{\nu_{i}} \sum_{j} (D_{j}^{exp} - D_{j}^{sim})^2 where the sum is over the :math:`N_{i}` data points in the ``ObservablePair`` corresponding to the :math:`i`-th dataset, and the normalisation factor :math:`\nu_{i}` is either :math:`N_{i}`, :math:`N_{i} - M` where :math:`M` is the number of fitting parameters, or :math:`1`. :math:`w_{i}` is an importance weighting assigned to the :math:`i`-th dataset. :math:`D_{j}` are the individual data points in the 1-D or 2-D array of the experimental ``Observable`` (:math:`exp`) or simulated ``Observable`` (:math:`sim`). Note that the subtraction and division over the arrays are element-wise. Note also that if the experimental ``Observable`` is not on an absolute scale, an additional ``rescale_factor`` can be specified (or automatically determined) by the ``ObservablePair`` to scale the experimental data points and errors by a simple linear scaling. """
[docs] def calculate_single_FoM(self, obs_pair: ObservablePair): # ignore line too long linting as it is necessary for LaTeX formatting # pylint: disable=line-too-long r""" Performs the square difference for an ``ObservablePair`` If ``obs_pair.auto_scale`` is `True`, then this will also set ``obs_pair.rescale`` to the value which minimizes the FoM. If we label ``rescale_factor``:math:`=\lambda` then the minimum of the FoM is obtained as: .. math:: FoM_{i}(\lambda) &=& w_{i} \sum_{j} \left(\lambda*D_{j}^{exp} - D_{j}^{sim}\right)^2 \\\\ \left. \frac{dFoM_{i}}{d\lambda}\right|_{\lambda=\lambda_{min}} &=& 0 \\\\ \lambda_{min} &=& \frac{A}{B} \\\\ where we have: .. math:: A &=& \sum_{j} D_{j}^{exp}*D_{j}^{sim} \\\\ B &=& \sum_{j}\left(D_{j}^{exp}\right)^2 Parameters ---------- obs_pair : ObservablePair An ``ObservablePair`` for which the FoM is calculated Returns ------- float The FoM for the obs_pair """ if obs_pair.auto_scale: exp_values = np.array( *obs_pair.exp_obs.dependent_variables.values()) MD_values = np.array(*obs_pair.MD_obs.dependent_variables.values()) A = np.sum(MD_values * exp_values) B = np.sum(exp_values ** 2) obs_pair.rescale_factor = A / B norm_factor = self.data_norm_factor(obs_pair=obs_pair) value_unreduced = np.sum(obs_pair.calculate_difference() ** 2) return obs_pair.weight * value_unreduced / norm_factor