"""Module for reading pdb files"""
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
import itertools
from typing import List
import numpy as np
from MDMC.MD.interactions import Bond
from MDMC.MD.structures import Atom
from MDMC.readers.configurations.conf_reader import ConfigurationReader
class ProteinDataBankReader(ConfigurationReader):
A class for reading pdb configuration files
To use a pdb reader to read a file called 'paracetamol.pdb' and create a set of
``Molecule``s from it:
.. highlight:: python
.. code-block:: python
file = 'water.pdb'
pdb_reader = pdb(file)
with pdb_reader:
water = pdb_reader.molecules[0]
extension = 'pdb'
def __init__(self, file_name: str):
self._bonds: List['Bond'] = []
def parse(self, **settings: dict) -> None:
# This follows https://www.wwpdb.org/documentation/file-format v3.30 (line 180 of A4 pdf)
# Link to PDF of file format:
# https://files.wwpdb.org/pub/pdb/doc/format_descriptions/Format_v33_A4.pdf (page 180)
# pylint: disable=unused-variable
# as molecule_id is unused but is part of the standard!
molecule = {}
_molecule_id = 0
for line in self.file:
record_name = line[0:6]
if record_name in ("ATOM ", "HETATM"):
# chars 23-26 identify molecule
atom_id = int(line[6:12].split()[-1])
_molecule_id = int(line[22:26].split()[-1])
element = line[76:78].split()[-1]
current_atom_pos = [float(pos.split()[-1]) for pos in
(line[30:38], line[38:46], line[46:54])] # xyz positions
atom_name = line[12:16].split()[-1]
current_atom_obj = Atom(element.capitalize(), position=current_atom_pos,
molecule[atom_id] = current_atom_obj
elif line[0:6] == "CONECT":
atoms_to_connect = line[6:].split()
# pylint: disable=no-member
for atom1_id, atom2_id in itertools.pairwise(atoms_to_connect):
self.create_bond(molecule[int(atom1_id)], molecule[int(atom2_id)])
def create_bond(self, atom1: Atom, atom2: Atom) -> None:
Checks the bond lengths of the atoms in the molecule and
creates a bond if it is below a certain threshold
This is needed because PDB files are able to include H-bonds (which MDMC does not support)
alongside other types of bonds, which are undistinguishable from each other in a pdb file.
Therefore, cutting off the bond length at a reasonable distance prevents an extremely long
bond being introduced into a molecule structure
# 2.1 Ang used as bonded interactions should not usually go beyond this, and to prevent
# bonds that are way too long in the context of the whole molecule value.
# Value comes from: https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202102967, where 2 Ang is given as the
cutoff = 2.1
difference = np.subtract(atom1.position, atom2.position)
bond_length = np.linalg.norm(difference)
if bond_length < cutoff:
self._bonds += [Bond((atom1, atom2))]
def atoms(self) -> 'list[Atom]':
return self._atoms
def bonds(self) -> 'list[Bond]':
"""Returns the bonds within the molecule,
as specified by "CONECT" statements in the pdb file"""
return self._bonds