Module for all unit definitions and operations.
This includes defining units used in MDMC, converting units, and subclassing
data strucures (`float`, ``array``) so that they have a ``unit``
attribute. This style follows that of the Atomic Simulation Environment.
As members of units.py are set dynamically, pylintrc excludes member checking
for units.py using the generated-members keyword. Care must be taken to ensure
members exist when importing from units.py, as these will not be linted.
from __future__ import annotations
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from numbers import Number
from typing import Literal, Union
import numpy as np
from pandas import Series
# pylint: disable=no-member
# as it raises a false positive for components
#: Version of CODATA constants to load.
#: CODATA 2014 taken from ASE.units, originally from:
#: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1507.07956.pdf.
'2014': {'_c': 299792458.,
'_mu0': 4.0e-7 * np.pi,
'_Grav': 6.67408e-11,
'_hplanck': 6.626070040e-34,
'_e': 1.6021766208e-19,
'_me': 9.10938356e-31,
'_mp': 1.672621898e-27,
'_Nav': 6.022140857e23,
'_k': 1.38064852e-23,
'_amu': 1.660539040e-27},
class Unit(str):
A class for defining unit strings.
It possesses additional ``*`` and ``/`` operands so that combined units can
be returned.
string : str
The unit, which can contain ``/`` to specify divisors and ``^`` to
specify powers. It can contain `int` which are used to specify order of
magnitude (e.g. ``10^6 Pa``). It can also contain negative powers, but
there must not be a space between the negative sign and the number
(e.g. ``Ang ^ -1`` NOT ``Ang ^ - 1``). Brackets and parentheses are not
supported, and any of the characters ``[]()`` will be ignored.
components : defaultdict[list], optional
Sets the ``components`` attribute (see Attributes). Default is `None`.
components : defaultdict[list]
Contains the ``components`` of the ``Unit``, separated into two `list` s
(``numerator`` and ``denominator``) depending on which side of the
fraction each component is on. If the ``Unit`` is a ``base`` unit i.e.
initialized using ``Unit()``, then the ``components`` only has a
``numerator`` and this is the ``Unit`` string. If it a combined ``Unit``
(created by either ``__mul__``, ``__div__`` or ``__pow__``) then the
``Unit`` objects which combined to form it make up the ``components``.
conversion_factor : float
The factor by which to multiply a value in order to express it in
system units. For example ``Unit('ps').conversion_factor`` is
``1000.`` as the system units are femtoseconds.
Base units can be set::
>>> time_unit = Unit('s')
Compound units can be set with spaces separating ``base`` units which are
>>> charge_unit = Unit('A s')
Compound units can be set with ``/`` separating ``base`` units which are
>>> velocity_unit = Unit('m / s')
Units raised to a power can be set with ``^``::
>>> volume_unit = Unit('Ang ^ 3')
Compound units can be set with a combination of these operands::
>>> force_unit = Unit('kg m / s ^ 2')
To set an inverse unit, the power operation can be applied to a ``Unit``::
>>> frequency = Unit('s') ** -1
Or set with ``^`` within the string::
>>> frequency = Unit('s ^ -1')
Or with ``/`` within the string::
>>> frequency = Unit('1 / s')
Orders of magnitude can also be included::
>>> pressure = Unit('10 ^ 6 Pa')
def __new__(cls, string: str, components: defaultdict[list] = None) -> Unit:
if string is None:
return None
if isinstance(string, Unit):
return string
# Remove square brackets and parentheses as these are not supported
unsupported_chars = ['[', ']', '(', ')']
for char in unsupported_chars:
string = string.replace(char, '')
unit = super().__new__(cls, string)
if not components:
components = defaultdict(list)
# String is compound if it contains either ' ', '/' or '^' (e.g.
# 'Ang^2')
if any(x in string for x in [' ', '/', '^']):
num, denom = unit._parse_unit_string(string)
components['numerator'] = num
components['denominator'] = denom
components['denominator'] = []
unit.components = components
return unit
def __mul__(self, other: Unit) -> Unit: # type: ignore
Multiply the ``Unit`` by another ``Unit``.
other : Unit
The ``Unit`` object to multiply by.
A compound ``unit``.
If `other` is not a ``Unit``.
components = self._calculate_components(other, 'mul')
except AttributeError as error:
raise TypeError(
'A Unit can only be multipled by another Unit') from error
return self.__class__(self._calculate_string(components), components)
def __truediv__(self, other: Unit) -> Unit:
Divide the ``Unit`` by another ``Unit``.
other : Unit
The ``Unit`` object to divide by.
A compound ``unit``.
If `other` is not a ``Unit``.
components = self._calculate_components(other, 'div')
except AttributeError as error:
raise TypeError(
'A Unit can only be divided by another Unit') from error
return self.__class__(self._calculate_string(components), components)
def __pow__(self, exponent: Number) -> Unit:
Perform the power operation on the ``Unit``.
exponent : numeric (inherits from numbers.Number)
The number the ``Unit`` is raised to the power of.
A compound ``Unit``.
if not isinstance(exponent, Number):
exponent = float(exponent)
except (TypeError, ValueError) as error:
raise TypeError('Only numeric types can be used as a power for'
' Units') from error
components = self._calculate_components(exponent, 'pow')
return self.__class__(self._calculate_string(components), components)
def base(self) -> bool:
Get whether the ``Unit`` is a ``base`` or compound ``Unit``.
If `True`, ``Unit`` is a ``base`` ``Unit`` (only has a single
element in the ``components`` ``numerator`` `list`).
return (not self.components['denominator'] and
self.components['numerator'] == [self])
def conversion_factor(self) -> float:
Multiplicative factor to get system units.
Calculates the factor by which a value with this ``Unit`` should be
multiplied in order to express it in system units. This takes into
account any orders of magnitude and compound units.
The `conversion_factor` for a ``Unit`` composed only of system units is
therefore always 1.
The conversion factor to system units for the relevant property.
If invalid unit provided.
factor = 1.
factors_dict = create_units(CODATA_VERSION)[0]
components = self.components
numerator = components['numerator']
denominator = components['denominator']
for unit in numerator:
factor *= int(str(unit))
except ValueError:
factor *= factors_dict[str(unit)]
for unit in denominator:
factor /= int(str(unit))
except ValueError:
factor /= factors_dict[str(unit)]
except KeyError as error:
raise KeyError(f'Unknown unit {str(unit)} provided, cannot convert to system'
' units') from error
return factor
def physical_property(self) -> str:
The physical property (e.g. 'LENGTH', 'TIME', ...) that the unit measures.
Note that compound units may not be supported, for the list of supported units see
str or None
The physical property.
If invalid unit provided.
properties_dict = create_units(CODATA_VERSION)[1]
return properties_dict[str(self)]
except KeyError as error:
raise KeyError(f'Unknown unit {str(self)} provided, cannot determine the '
'physical property it measures ') from error
def _calculate_components(self,
other: Unit,
op: Literal['mul', 'div', 'pow']) -> defaultdict[list]:
Calculate the ``components`` for a new ``Unit`` generated from an operation.
These ``components`` are separated into whether they are in the
``numerator`` or the ``denominator`` of the new ``Unit``.
other : unit
The ``Unit`` which is operating on this ``Unit`` (i.e. ``self``).
op : str
An operation, either ``mul``, ``div``, or ``pow``.
Contains the ``numerator`` and ``denominator`` of the new ``Unit``
generated from the operation.
# Creating another defaultdict and then populating it by deepcopying
# every unit in the numerator and denominator avoids issues with
# multiple component dictionaries referencing the same object - this
# previously led to units which were base units being transformed into
# combined units as the lists in their components dictionary were
# modified
components = defaultdict(list)
for k, lst in self.components.items():
components[k] = [deepcopy(unit) for unit in lst]
if op == 'mul':
components['numerator'] += other.components['numerator']
components['denominator'] += other.components['denominator']
elif op == 'div':
components['numerator'] += other.components['denominator']
components['denominator'] += other.components['numerator']
elif op == 'pow':
# Ensure other is an integer
other = int(other)
if other >= 1:
components['numerator'] *= other
components['denominator'] *= other
numerator = components['numerator']
components['numerator'] = components['denominator'] * \
components['denominator'] = numerator * abs(other)
return components
def _calculate_string(components: defaultdict(list)) -> str:
Calculate the `str` for a new ``Unit`` generated from an operation.
components : defaultdict[list]
Contains the ``numerator`` and ``denominator`` of the new ``Unit``.
The `str` representing the new ``Unit``.
def _calculate_expr_string(expr) -> str:
Calculate the `str` from a `list` of ``components``.
``Counter`` is used to determined the number of occurences of each
``Unit`` `str` and then create power notation if there is more than
one occurence.
expr : list[Unit]
Expression to compute new powers of.
Computed string.
component_powers = Counter(expr)
# List used rather than string so that sorting can be implemented
component_list = []
for comp, power in component_powers.items():
if power == 1:
component_list.append(comp + ' ^ ' + str(power))
return ' '.join(component_list)
numerator = _calculate_expr_string(components['numerator'])
denominator = _calculate_expr_string(components['denominator'])
# Different string styles for the three cases of just numerator, just
# denominator, and both
if not components['numerator']:
return '1 / ' + denominator
if not components['denominator']:
return numerator
return numerator + ' / ' + denominator
def _parse_unit_string(unit_string: str) -> tuple[list[Unit], list[Unit]]:
Convert a ``Unit`` `str` into ``Unit`` objects.
unit_string : str
A `str` representing a ``Unit``.
numerator : list[Unit]
Base ``Unit`` objects in numerator.
denominator : list[Unit]
Base ``Unit`` objects in denominator.
Parse ``e mol / K ^ 2``::
>>> parse_unit_string('e mol / K ^ 2')
([Unit('e'), Unit('e'), Unit('mol')], [Unit('K'), Unit('K')])
def parse_powers(string: str) -> tuple[list[Unit], list[Unit]]:
Transform powers into respective ``Unit`` s.
string : str
A compound ``Unit`` `str` containing zero or more powers
(with powers specified by ``^``) but no denominators (i.e.
``/``), such as ``Ang``, ``Ang mol``, ``Ang ^ 2 mol kJ^2``.
numerator : list[Unit]
Base ``Unit`` objects in numerator.
denominator : list[Unit]
Base ``Unit`` objects in denominator.
Parse ``Ang ^ 2 mol kJ^-2``::
>>> parse_powers('Ang ^ 2 mol kJ^2')
[Unit('Ang'), Unit('Ang'), Unit('mol)'], [Unit('kJ'), Unit('kJ')]
if '^' in string:
# Joining with ' ' before stripping out spaces means that
# 'Ang ^ 2' and 'Ang^2' are equivalent
string = ' '.join(string.split('^'))
splt_space = string.split(' ')
# Strip out spaces
strip = list(filter(lambda x: x != '', splt_space))
parsed = [Unit(strip[0])]
inverse_parsed = []
# For all elements apart from the first, determine if element is an
# int. If so, and it is positive, append n-1 copies of the previous
# unit, where n is the integer value of the element. If it is
# negative, remove the previous element from the numerator and
# instead add n copies to the denominator. If n is zero, simply
# remove the element. If not an int, append a Unit object
# initialized from the element (which should be a string specifying)
# a unit
for i in range(1, len(strip)):
element = strip[i]
exponent = int(element)
if exponent > 0:
for _ in range(exponent - 1):
base = parsed.pop()
for _ in range(- exponent):
except ValueError:
return parsed, inverse_parsed
# Start by splitting the compound unit into a numerator and denominator
if '/' in unit_string:
num_string, denom_string = unit_string.split('/')
denom, inverse_denom = parse_powers(denom_string)
num_string = unit_string
denom, inverse_denom = [], []
num, inverse_num = parse_powers(num_string)
# Combine the numerator with elements from the denominator that had
# negative powers, and vice versa
return num + inverse_denom, denom + inverse_num
# Define the unit system used in MDMC
'LENGTH': Unit('Ang'),
'TIME': Unit('fs'),
'MASS': Unit('amu'),
'CHARGE': Unit('e'),
'ANGLE': Unit('deg'),
'ENERGY': Unit('kJ') / Unit('mol'),
'FORCE': Unit('kJ') / (Unit('Ang') * Unit('mol')),
'PRESSURE': Unit('Pa'),
'ARBITRARY': Unit('arb'),
def create_units(codata_version: str) -> dict[Unit, float]:
Create a `dict` of ``Unit`` based on the CODATA version.
codata_version : str
The CODATA version to be used.
Contains (``Unit``: conversion factor) pairs.
# SYSTEM units are defined to 1.0, and have the physical properties they
# measure defined (e.g. {'Ang': 'LENGTH', ...})
units = {unit: 1.0 for unit in SYSTEM.values()}
unit_properties = {unit: prop for prop, unit in SYSTEM.items()}
# CODATA version
codata = CODATA[codata_version]
# Length
# 1 m = 1e10 Ang
units['m'] = units['Ang'] * 1e10
unit_properties['m'] = 'LENGTH'
# 1 cm = 1e8 Ang
units['cm'] = units['Ang'] * 1e8
unit_properties['cm'] = 'LENGTH'
# 1 nm = 1e1 Ang
units['nm'] = units['Ang'] * 1e1
unit_properties['nm'] = 'LENGTH'
# 1 AA = 1 Ang
units['AA'] = units['Ang']
unit_properties['AA'] = 'LENGTH'
# Area
# 1 barn = 1e-28 m^2 = 1e-8 Ang^2
units['barn'] = units['Ang'] * units['Ang'] * 1e8
# Time
# 1 s = 1e15 fs
units['s'] = units['fs'] * 1e15
unit_properties['s'] = 'TIME'
# 1 ns = 1e6 fs
units['ns'] = units['fs'] * 1e6
unit_properties['ns'] = 'TIME'
# 1 ps = 1e3 fs
units['ps'] = units['fs'] * 1e3
unit_properties['ps'] = 'TIME'
# Mass
# 1 kg = (1000 * N_av) amu = (1/u) amu
units['kg'] = units['amu'] / codata['_amu']
unit_properties['kg'] = 'MASS'
# 1 g = N_av amu = (1/1000u) amu = (1/1000) kg
units['g'] = units['kg'] / 1000.
unit_properties['g'] = 'MASS'
# 1 g mol^-1 = 1 amu by definition
units['g / mol'] = units['amu']
unit_properties['g / mol'] = 'MASS'
# Energy
# 1 kcal mol^-1 = 4.184 kJ mol^-1
units['kcal / mol'] = units['kJ / mol'] * 4.184
unit_properties['kcal / mol'] = 'ENERGY'
# 1 kJ = 1 kJ mol^-1 * Nav
units['kJ'] = units['kJ / mol'] * codata['_Nav']
unit_properties['kJ'] = 'ENERGY'
# 1 J = (1/1000) kJ
units['J'] = units['kJ'] / 1000.
unit_properties['J'] = 'ENERGY'
# 1 kcal = 4.184 kJ
units['kcal'] = units['kJ'] * 4.184
unit_properties['kcal'] = 'ENERGY'
# Energy transfer
units['ueV'] = units['meV'] * 1000.
unit_properties['ueV'] = 'ENERGY_TRANSFER'
# Force
# 1 kcal Ang^-1 mol^-1 = 4.184 kJ Ang^-1 mol^-1
units['kcal / Ang mol'] = units['kJ / Ang mol'] * 4.184
unit_properties['kcal / Ang mol'] = 'FORCE'
# Pressure
# 1 atm = 101325 Pa
units['atm'] = units['Pa'] * 101325.
unit_properties['atm'] = 'PRESSURE'
# 1 bar = 1e5 Pa
units['bar'] = units['Pa'] * 1e5
unit_properties['bar'] = 'PRESSURE'
# Angle
# 1 rad = (180 / pi) deg
units['rad'] = units['deg'] * (180. / np.pi)
unit_properties['rad'] = 'ANGLE'
# Amount
units['mol'] = codata['_Nav']
return units, unit_properties
class UnitFloat(float):
Subclasses `float` so that it contains a ``unit`` attribute.
``unit`` attribute is returned when __repr__ or __str__ are called.
value : float
The value of the ``UnitFloat``.
unit : Unit, str
A ``Unit`` or a `str` representing the unit.
As both ``__repr__`` and ``__deepcopy__`` rely on the `float` being real,
this class is not compatible with complex numbers. This should be
immaterial as no quantity which possesses units is complex.
def __new__(cls, value: float, unit: Union[Unit, str]):
if value is None:
return None
if isinstance(value, Series):
# sometimes we add a unit to a single element Pandas series;
# doing this directly via float.__new__ is deprecated
return float(value.iloc[0])
return float.__new__(cls, value)
def __init__(self, value: float, unit: Union[Unit, str]):
self.unit = unit
def unit(self) -> Unit:
Get or set the ``unit``.
Either a `str` or a ``Unit`` can be passed to the setter.
The ``Unit`` equivalent to the passed ``unit`` parameter.
return self._unit
def unit(self, value: float) -> None:
if not (isinstance(value, str) or value is None):
raise TypeError('unit must be a string')
self._unit = Unit(value)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo: dict):
Copy the ``UnitFloat`` and all attributes.
This method is required because otherwise the ``float.__deepcopy__`` is
used, which attempts to create a new ``UnitFloat`` class using only 2
arguments i.e. the ``value``. ``UnitFloat.__new__`` takes exactly 3
It simply creates a new ``UnitFloat`` and sets all of its attributes to
deepcopies of the current attributes (where possible), along with
updating the ``memo``.
memo : dict
Dictionary of previously computed copies for recursion.
Copied ``UnitFloat`` object.
cls = self.__class__
unit_float = cls.__new__(cls, self.real, self.unit)
memo[id(self)] = unit_float
for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
setattr(unit_float, k, deepcopy(v, memo))
return unit_float
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.real) + ' ' + self.unit
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
class UnitNDArray(np.ndarray):
Subclasses :any:`ndarray` so that it contains a ``unit`` attribute.
``unit`` attribute is returned when ``__repr__`` or ``__str__`` are called
shape : tuple of ints
Shape of created ``array``.
unit : Unit, str
A ``Unit`` or a `str` representing the unit.
dtype : data-type, optional
Any object that can be interpreted as a NumPy data type.
buffer : object exposing NumPy buffer interface, optional
Used to fill the ``array`` with data.
offset : int, optional
Offset of ``array`` data in ``buffer``.
strides : tuple of ints, optional
Strides of data in memory.
order : str, optional
Either ``C`` for row-major or ``F`` for column-major. Default is ``C``.
def __new__(cls, shape, unit, dtype=float, buffer=None, offset=0,
strides=None, order=None):
obj = super().__new__(cls, shape, dtype, buffer, offset, strides, order)
obj.unit = unit
return obj
def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
self.unit = getattr(obj, 'unit', None)
def unit(self) -> None:
Get or set the ``unit``.
Either a ``str`` or a ``Unit`` can be passed to the setter.
The ``Unit`` equivalent to the passed ``unit`` parameter.
return self._unit
def unit(self, value: float):
if not (isinstance(value, str) or value is None):
raise TypeError('unit must be a string')
self._unit = Unit(value)
def __repr__(self):
return super().__repr__() + ' ' + self.unit
except TypeError:
return super().__repr__()
def __str__(self):
return super().__str__() + ' ' + self.unit
except TypeError:
return super().__str__()
def unit_array(obj, unit: Union[Unit, str], dtype=None) -> UnitNDArray:
Create a ``UnitNDArray`` from an ``array`` or any nested sequence.
This mimics the manner in which NumPy creates arrays (although is in Python
not C), except several arguments are excluded.
Also, unlike ``np.array(None)``, passing ``obj=None`` to ``unit_array``
results in `None` being returned. This allows classes to have properties
with units which can be either have a ``value`` or be undefined.
obj : None or array_like
An object derived from ``collections.Sequence``. If `None`, then `None`
is returned.
unit : Unit, str
A ``Unit`` or a `str` representing the unit.
dtype : data-type, optional
Any object that can be interpreted as a NumPy data type.
A ``UnitArray`` object satisfying the specified requirements.
if obj is None:
return None
if not isinstance(unit, str):
raise TypeError(f'unit must be a string, but was {unit}')
# Significantly faster to create np.array and view it than to loop
if not isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
obj = np.array(obj, dtype=dtype)
unit_arr = obj.view(UnitNDArray)
unit_arr.unit = unit
return unit_arr
# Update the module scope to include the SYSTEM and units keys