"""A module for storing atomic interaction functions
Contains class InteractionFunction from which all interaction function classes
must derive. All functions describing atomic interactions must be added to this
module in order to be called by a universe. If needed, the interaction function
classes can be extended to contain actual function definitions.
Contains class Parameter, which defines the name and value of each
parameter which belongs to an InteractionFunction, and whether the parameter is
fixed, has constraints or is tied.
Contains filters for filtering list of parameters based on a predicate."""
import functools
from itertools import zip_longest
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable
import numpy as np
from MDMC.common import units
from MDMC.common.decorators import repr_decorator
from MDMC.MD.parameters import Parameter, Parameters
from MDMC.MD.interactions import Interaction
class InteractionFunction:
Base class for interaction functions, which can be user supplied
val_dict : dict
``name:value`` pairs. Currently this must be ordered alphabetically.
``value`` must either be an object with a ``value`` and a ``unit`` (e.g.
a ``UnitFloat`` object), or a (`float`, `str`) `tuple`, where `float` is
the value and `str` is the unit.
def __init__(self, val_dict: dict):
# locals which are excluded from Parameter creation
excluded = ['self', 'settings', '__class__']
parameters = Parameters()
for name, value in val_dict.items():
if name not in excluded:
parameter = Parameter(value, name)
# Create an attribute with the same name as the Parameter
setattr(self, parameter.type, parameter)
self.parameters = parameters
def __str__(self) -> str:
parameters = ' '.join([p.name + ': ' + str(p.value) + ','
for p in self.parameters.values()]).strip(',')
return f'{self.__class__.__name__} {parameters}'
def __eq__(self, other):
return (id(self) == id(other) or
all([(type(self) is type(other)),
([p.type for p in self.parameters.values()] ==
[p.type for p in other.parameters.values()]),
(self.parameters_values == other.parameters_values)]))
def parameters(self) -> Parameters:
Get or set the interaction function's parameters
A Parameters object containing each ``Parameter``
return self._parameters
def parameters(self, value: Parameters):
self._parameters = value
def parameters_values(self) -> np.ndarray:
Get the values for all ``Parameters`` objects
A NumPy ``array`` of values for all ``Parameter``
return np.array([p.value for p in self.parameters.values()])
def name(self) -> str:
Get the name of the class of the ``InteractionFunction``
The class name
return self.__class__.__name__
def set_parameters_interactions(self, interaction: 'Interaction') -> None:
Sets the ``parent`` ``Interaction`` for all ``Parameters`` objects
interaction : Interaction
An ``Interaction`` to set as the ``parent`` of all the
for parameter in self.parameters:
self.parameters[parameter].interactions = interaction
def inter_func_decorator(*parameter_units) -> Callable:
Decorates a method to add units to all positional and any relevant keyword
Designed for adding units to parameters of ``__init__`` method for
subclasses of ``InteractionFunction``.
*parameter_units : tuple
One or more `tuple` where the first element is a `str` giving the
keyword name of an expected parameter. The second element is a
`str` or ``Unit``, where each `str` (or ``Unit``) is a unit
which is applied to the corresponding value passed to the decorated
method. If one of the values is unitless, pass `None` at the
corresponding index in ``parameter_units``.
The following adds units of ``'Ang'`` to parameter ``alpha``, units of
``'s'`` to the parameter ``beta``, and units of ``'atm'`` to the parameter
.. highlight:: python
.. code-block:: python
@inter_func_decorator(('alpha', 'Ang'), ('beta', 's'), ('gamma', 'Pa'))
def __init__(self, alpha, beta, gamma):
If one of the parameters is unitless, this can be set with `None` (in which
case the returned type will be the same as the original value i.e. a
``UnitFloat`` or ``UnitNDArray`` will not be created). So to set ``epsilon``
as unitless:
.. highlight:: python
.. code-block:: python
@inter_func_decorator(('delta', 'arb'), ('epsilon', None), ('gamma', 'deg'))
def __init__(self, delta, epsilon, gamma):
# Ignore pylint warning for decorator inner function docstrings
#pylint: disable=missing-docstring
def decorator(func):
def unit_creator(value, unit):
# If no unit is provided, assume unitless and just return value
if unit is None:
return value
# try/except to determine whether value is float or array
return units.UnitFloat(value, unit)
except TypeError:
return units.unit_array(value, unit)
def wrapper(self, *values, **settings):
# If the name associated with a unit in parameter_units matches a
# keyword argument (in **settings), then associate that parameter
# with its unit. If not, then the parameter has been passed as a
# positional argument (in *values) and so we associate the next
# entry in *values with that unit (as we can rely on the order of
# the arguments being the same as the order of units in the
# decorator)
values = list(values)
for name, unit in parameter_units:
if name in settings:
settings[name] = unit_creator(settings[name], unit)
settings[name] = unit_creator(values.pop(0), unit)
return func(self, **settings)
return wrapper
return decorator
class Buckingham(InteractionFunction):
The Buckingham potential (in units of ``kJ mol^-1``) for the interaction of
2 atoms at distance r (in ``Ang``) has the form:
.. math::
{\Phi _{12}(r)=A\exp \left(-Br\right)-{\frac {C}{r^{6}}}}
The first and second terms represent a repulsion and attraction
respectively, and so all parameters :math:`A`, :math:`B` and :math:`C`
should be positive in order to be physically valid.
A : float
The Buckingham parameter A in units of ``kJ mol^-1``
B : float
The Buckingham parameter B in units of ``Ang^-1``
C : float
The Buckingham parameter C in units of ``Ang^6 kJ mol^-1``
The following creates a ``Dispersion`` interaction with a ``Buckingham``
functional form:
.. highlight:: python
.. code-block:: python
buck = Buckingham(3.65e-18, 6.71, 6.94e-22)
O_disp = Dispersion(universe, (O.atom_type, O.atom_type), function=buck)
@inter_func_decorator(('A', units.ENERGY), ('B', units.LENGTH ** -1),
('C', units.LENGTH ** 6 * units.ENERGY))
def __init__(self, A: float, B: float, C: float):
class Coulomb(InteractionFunction):
Coulomb interaction for charged particles:
.. math::
E = \frac{Cq_{i}q_{j}}{r}
charge : float
The charge in units of ``e``
The following creates a ``Coulombic`` interaction with a ``Coulomb``
functional form:
.. highlight:: python
.. code-block:: python
O = Atom('O')
coul = Coulomb(-0.8476)
O_coulombic = Coulombic(atoms=O, cutoff=10., function=coul)
As ``Coulomb`` is the default functional form of ``Coulombic`` interactions
when an ``Atom`` is created, this is equivalent to setting the ``charge``
on an ``Atom``:
.. highlight:: python
.. code-block:: python
O = Atom('O', charge=-0.8476)
@inter_func_decorator(('charge', units.CHARGE))
def __init__(self, charge: float):
class HarmonicPotential(InteractionFunction):
Harmonic potential for bond stretching, and angular and improper dihedral
vibration, with the form:
.. math::
E = K(r-r_0)^2
As ``HarmonicPotential`` can be used with several different ``Interaction``
types, the ``Interaction`` type must be specified, so that the correct units
can be assigned to the ``equilibrium_state`` and ``potential_strength``
equilibrium_state : float
The equilibrium state of the object in either ``Ang`` or ``degrees``,
depending on the ``interaction_type`` passed.
potential_strength : float
The potential strength in units of ``kJ mol^-1 Ang^-2`` (linear) or
``kJ mol^-1 rad^-2`` (angular/improper), depending on the
``interaction_type`` passed.
interaction_type : str
A `str` specifying either ``'bond'``, ``'angle'`` or ``'improper'``.
This assigns the correct units to ``equilibrium_state`` and
``potential_strength``. This keyword must be passed.
The ``interaction_type`` must be ``'bond'``, ``'angle'``, or
An ``interaction_type`` of ``'bond'``, ``'angle'``, or ``'improper'``
must be passed
The following creates a ``HarmonicPotential`` for a ``Bond`` interaction:
.. highlight:: python
.. code-block:: python
hp = HarmonicPotential(1., 4637., interaction_type='bond')
The following creates a ``HarmonicPotential`` for a ``BondAngle``
.. highlight:: python
.. code-block:: python
hp = HarmonicPotential(109.47, 383., interaction_type='angle')
The following creates a ``HarmonicPotential`` for a ``DihedralAngle``
interaction with ``improper==True`` (i.e. an improper dihedral):
.. highlight:: python
.. code-block:: python
hp = HarmonicPotential(180., 20.92, interaction_type='improper')
def __new__(cls, equilibrium_state: float, potential_strength: float, **settings: dict):
# interaction_type is a required keyword, but has to be passed through
# settings so that it can be correctly passed in inter_func_decorator
if settings['interaction_type'].lower() == 'bond':
eq_unit = units.LENGTH
pot_unit = units.ENERGY / units.LENGTH ** 2
elif settings['interaction_type'].lower() in ('angle', 'bondangle',
eq_unit = units.ANGLE
# Use radians rather than system angle units (degrees)
pot_unit = units.ENERGY / units.Unit('rad') ** 2
raise ValueError('The interaction_type must be "bond", "angle",'
' or "improper"')
except KeyError as err:
raise TypeError('An interaction_type of "bond", "angle" or improper"'
' must be passed') from err
# Create a new (uninitialized) HarmonicPotential
h_pot = super().__new__(cls)
# Decorate __init__ with inter_func_decorator to apply to correct units
# (which are dependent on the interaction_type) to the equilibrium_state
# and potential_strength parameters. This decoration has to be done in
# new rather than directly on __init__ as it requires the dynamically
# defined interaction_type to determine the units. cls_init (which is a
# copy of the original cls.__init__) is required (rather than just
# applying the decorator directly to cls.__init__) because after the
# first HarmonicPotential is called, the cls.__init__ will be decorated.
# Therefore, after this if cls.__init__ is decorated again, it will be
# irrelevant, as the original decorator will be the last called. So
# cls._init is used as it will always be equivalent to the undecorated
# __init__ visible below.
cls.__init__ = inter_func_decorator(('equilibrium_state', eq_unit),
('potential_strength', pot_unit))(cls._init)
return h_pot
def __init__(self, equilibrium_state, potential_strength, **settings):
# Declare a class method equal to the __init__ method
_init = __init__
class Periodic(InteractionFunction):
Periodic potential for proper and improper dihedral interactions, with the
.. math::
E = \sum_{i=1,m}K_i[1.0+\cos(n_i\phi-d_i)]
where \phi is angle between the ijk and jkl planes (where i, j, k, and l are
the four atoms of the dihedral).
K1 : float
The K parameter (energy) of the first order term, in units of
``kJ mol^-1``
n1 : int
The n parameter of the first order term, which is unitless. This must be
a non-negative `int`.
d1 : float
The d parameter (angle) of the first order term, in units of ``deg``
K, n, and d parameters for higher order terms. These must be ordered K2,
n2, d2, K3, n3, d3, K4, n4, d4 etc. The types and units of these
parameters are the same as the corresponding first order parameters
listed above.
The following creates a first order ``Periodic`` for a ``DihedralAngle``
interaction with ``improper==True`` (i.e. an improper dihedral):
.. highlight:: python
.. code-block:: python
periodic = Periodic(87.864, 2, 180.)
improper = DihedralAngle(atoms=[C, H1, H2, O], improper=True,
The following creates a third order ``Periodic`` for a ``DihedralAngle``
interaction with ``improper==False`` (i.e. a proper dihedral), with
``K1=3.53548``, ``K2=-4.02501`` and ``K3=2.98319``:
.. highlight:: python
.. code-block:: python
periodic = Periodic(3.53548, 1, 0., -4.02501, 2, 180., 2.98319, 3, 0.)
proper = DihedralAngle(atoms=[N, C1, C2, C3], improper=False,
def __init__(self, K1: float, n1: float, d1: float, *parameters: float):
# Check that total number of parameters is divisible by 3
# Check that all n values are non-negative ints
val_dict = {}
all_parameters = [iter((K1, n1, d1) + parameters)] * 3
# Assign attributes K$, n$, d$, where $ is the order (e.g. K1, n1, d1
# for the first order etc.)
for order, order_parameters in enumerate(zip_longest(*all_parameters), start=1):
# If *parameters is not divisible by three, one or two indexes of
# order_parameters will be None
if None in order_parameters:
raise TypeError('*parameters must contain a K, n, and d value for'
' each order >2 (i.e. it should contain a'
' number of values exactly divisible by 3)')
if not isinstance(order_parameters[1], (int, np.integer)):
raise TypeError('All n values must be of type int')
if order_parameters[1] < 0.:
raise ValueError('All n values must be non-negative ints')
val_dict['K{0}'.format(order)] = (units.UnitFloat(order_parameters[0],
val_dict['n{0}'.format(order)] = order_parameters[1]
val_dict['d{0}'.format(order)] = (units.UnitFloat(order_parameters[2],
class LennardJones(InteractionFunction):
Dispersive Lennard-Jones interaction with the form:
.. math::
E = 4{\epsilon}[(\frac{\sigma}{r})^{12} - (\frac{\sigma}{r})^6)]
\qquad r < r_c
epsilon : float
The LJ epsilon value in units of ``kJ mol^-1``
sigma : float
The LJ sigma value in units of ``Ang``
cutoff : float
The distance in ``Ang`` at which the potential is cutoff
long_range_solver : str
The long range solver, either ``'PPPM'``, ``'PME'``, or ``'E'`` for
Particle-Particle Particle-Mesh, Particle Mesh Ewald, or Ewald
The following creates a ``Dispersion`` interaction with a ``LennardJones``
functional form:
.. highlight:: python
.. code-block:: python
lj = LennardJones(0.6502, 3.166)
O_disp = Disperion(universe, (O.atom_type, O.atom_type), function=lj)
@inter_func_decorator(('epsilon', units.ENERGY), ('sigma', units.LENGTH))
def __init__(self, epsilon: float, sigma: float, **settings: dict):
super().__init__({'epsilon': epsilon, 'sigma': sigma})
self.cutoff = settings.get('cutoff', None)
self.solver = settings.get('long_range_solver', None)