"""Facade for DL_POLY MD engine
This is a facade to the DL_POLY MD engine and
the Python wrapper dlpoly-py that can interface with it.
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from copy import copy
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union
import dlpoly.control
import numpy as np
from ase import Atom, Atoms
from ase.io import write
from dlpoly import DLPoly
from dlpoly.config import Config
from dlpoly.field import Bond, Field, Molecule, Potential
from dlpoly.new_control import NewControl as DLPControl
from dlpoly.species import Species
from dlpoly.utility import next_file
from MDMC.common import units
from MDMC.common.decorators import repr_decorator, unit_decorator
from MDMC.common.units import Unit
from MDMC.MD.engine_facades.facade import MDEngine, MDEngineError
from MDMC.MD.interactions import Bond as MBond
from MDMC.MD.structures import Atom as MAtom
from MDMC.MD.structures import Molecule as MMolecule
from MDMC.trajectory_analysis.compact_trajectory import CompactTrajectory
from MDMC.utilities.partitioning import partition_interactions
from MDMC.MD import Universe
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# mapping from the MDMC class names to names within DLPOLY
'LennardJones': 'lj',
'HarmonicPotential': 'harm',
'Buckingham': 'buck',
'Coulomb': 'coul',
'Periodic': 'cos',
'Bond': 'bonds',
'BondAngle': 'angles',
'DihedralAngle': 'dihedrals',
# Disable pylint issues related to using 'dlpoly' as a name for the attribute
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
class DLPOLYAttribute:
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
A class which has a ``dlpoly-py`` object as an
attribute and possesses attributes and methods relating to it.
dlpoly : dlpoly-py, optional
Set the ``dlpoly`` attribute to a ``dlpoly-py`` object. Default is `None`, which results
in a new ``dlpoly-py`` object being initialised.
dlpoly : dlpoly-py
The ``dlpoly-py`` object owned by this class
def __init__(self, dlpoly: DLPoly = None, control: dlpoly.control.Control = None,
config: dlpoly.config.Config = None, field: dlpoly.field.Field = None,
statis: str = None, output: str = None, dest_config: str = None,
rdf: str = None, workdir: str = None):
if dlpoly:
self.dlpoly = dlpoly
self.dlpoly = DLPoly(control=control, config=config,
field=field, statis=statis,
output=output, dest_config=dest_config,
rdf=rdf, workdir=workdir)
LOGGER.debug('%s: {dlpoly: %s}. dlpoly-py'
' instance %s.',
'added to class' if dlpoly else 'created by class')
def read_settings(self, settings: dict) -> None:
Read DLP parameters from a settings dict
settings : dict
MDMC settings dictionary to read parameters from.
new_opt = DLPControl.from_dict(settings, strict=False)
self.dlpoly.control = self.dlpoly.control + new_opt
@repr_decorator('dlpoly', 'dlpoly_universe', 'dlpoly_simulation')
class DLPOLYEngine(DLPOLYAttribute, MDEngine):
Facade for DL_POLY
# List of parameters handled explicitly during setup
# This is for filtering which params are passed directly
# to the DLP Control
HANDLED_PARAMS = {"temperature", "pressure", "ensemble",
"timestep", "t_damp", "p_damp", "t_window",
"t_fraction", "rescale_step", "thermostat",
"barostat", "field"}
def __init__(self, dlpoly: DLPoly = None, control: dlpoly.control.Control = None,
config: dlpoly.config.Config = None, field: dlpoly.field.Field = None,
statis: str = None, output: str = None, dest_config: str = None,
rdf: str = None, workdir: str = None):
super().__init__(dlpoly, control, config, field, statis, output,
dest_config, rdf, workdir)
self.universe = None
self.dlpoly_universe = None
self.dlpoly_simulation = None
self._saved_config = None
def saved_config(self) -> dlpoly.config.Config:
Get the saved configuration of the atomic positions
The atomic positions
return self._saved_config
def temperature(self) -> float:
Get or set the temperature of the simulation in ``K``
Temperature in ``K``
return self.dlpoly_simulation.temperature
def temperature(self, value: float) -> None:
self.dlpoly_simulation.temperature = value
def pressure(self):
Get or set the pressure of the simulation in ``katm``
Pressure in ``katm``
return self.dlpoly_simulation.pressure
def pressure(self, value: float) -> None:
self.dlpoly_simulation.pressure = value
def ensemble(self) -> 'DLPOLYEnsemble':
Get or set the ensemble object which applies a ``thermostat`` and/or
``barostat`` to DL_POLY
The simulation thermodynamic ensemble
return self.dlpoly_simulation.ensemble
def ensemble(self, value: 'DLPOLYEnsemble') -> None:
self.dlpoly_simulation.ensemble = value
def thermostat(self) -> str:
Get or set the `str` which specifies the thermostat
The ``thermostat`` name
return self.ensemble.thermostat
def thermostat(self, value: str) -> None:
self.ensemble.thermostat = value
def barostat(self) -> str:
Get or set the `str` which specifies the barostat
The ``barostat`` name
return self.ensemble.barostat
def barostat(self, value: str) -> None:
self.ensemble.barostat = value
def setup_universe(self, universe: 'Universe', **settings: dict) -> None:
Creates the simulation box, the atomic configuration, and the topology
universe : Universe
The MDMC ``Universe`` which will be setup in DL_POLY.
The majority of these are generic but some are specific to the
``MDEngine`` that is being used.
self.universe = universe
self.dlpoly_universe = DLPOLYUniverse(self.universe,
self._saved_config = None
def setup_simulation(self, **settings: dict) -> None:
Sets the options required to perform a simulation on a setup
``Universe``. Must follow a call to ``setup_universe()``.
The majority of these are generic but some are specific to the
``MDEngine`` that is being used.
self.dlpoly_simulation = DLPOLYSimulation(universe=self.universe,
self._pass_settings_to_control(settings, self.dlpoly_simulation.dlpoly.control)
def minimize(self, n_steps: int,
minimize_every: int = 10, output_log: str = None,
work_dir: str = None, **settings: dict) -> None:
Minimizes the simulation energy
n_steps : int
Maximum number of steps for the MD run.
minimize_every : int, optional, default 10
Number of MD steps between two consecutive minimizations.
output_log: str, optional, default None
file where the output goes.
work_dir: str, optional, default None
folder where the run happens
The majority of these are generic but some are specific to the
``MDEngine`` that is being used.
etol: float, energy tolerance criteria for energy minimisation
ftol: float, force tolerance criteria for force minimisation, active only if non-zero
maxiter: int, not used in this facade
maxeval: int, not used in this facade
# Example of how to use the **settings to specify parameters,
# e.g. tolerances
etol = settings.get('etol', 1.e-3)
ftol = settings.get('ftol', None)
min_freq = minimize_every
LOGGER.info('%s minimize: {n_steps: %s, ftol: %s}',
self.__class__, n_steps, ftol)
if not ftol: # Should handle ftol == 0 or undefined ftol
self.dlpoly.control['minimisation_criterion'] = 'energy'
self.dlpoly.control['minimisation_tolerance'] = (etol, 'internal_e')
self.dlpoly.control['minimisation_criterion'] = 'force'
self.dlpoly.control['minimisation_tolerance'] = (ftol, 'e.V/Ang')
self.dlpoly.control['minimisation_frequency'] = (min_freq, 'steps')
self.run(n_steps, equilibration=True, output_log=output_log, work_dir=work_dir,
self.dlpoly.control['minimisation_criterion'] = 'off'
def run(self, n_steps: int, equilibration=False, output_log: str = None,
work_dir: str = None, **settings: dict) -> None:
Runs a simulation. Must follow a call to ``setup_universe()`` and
n_steps : int
Number of steps for the time integrator.
equilibration : bool (optional, default False)
If `True`, just runs an equilibration which does not store the
output_log: str, optional, default None
file where the output goes.
work_dir: str, optional, default None
folder where the run happens
The majority of these are generic but some are specific to the
``MDEngine`` that is being used.
time_equilibration: int, number of steps to run equilibrarion for,
typically 0 in production stage
traj_calculate: on/off prints trajectory or not
traj_start: int, at which the trajectory printing shall start
traj_key: pos,pos-vel,pos-vel-force, level of details for trajectory
prints positions, positions and
velocities, positions, velocities and forces
numprocs: int, number of mpi processes to start to run dl_poly
if equilibration:
self.dlpoly.control['time_equilibration'] = (n_steps, 'steps')
self.dlpoly.control['traj_calculate'] = settings.get('traj_calculate', 'Off')
self.dlpoly.control['time_equilibration'] = \
(settings.get('time_equilibration', 0), 'steps')
self.dlpoly.control['traj_calculate'] = 'On'
self.dlpoly.control['traj_start'] = (settings.get('traj_start', 0), 'steps')
self.dlpoly.control['traj_interval'] = (self.traj_step, 'steps')
self.dlpoly.control['traj_key'] = settings.get('traj_key', 'pos')
self.dlpoly.control['time_run'] = (n_steps, 'steps')
self.dlpoly.workdir = work_dir
self._pass_settings_to_control(settings, self.dlpoly.control)
if output_log is None:
output_log = next_file(self.dlpoly.control.io_file_output)
output_log = Path(output_log).resolve()
# pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member, too-many-lines
err_code = self.dlpoly.run(numProcs=settings.get('numprocs', 1),
mpi="mpirun --allow-run-as-root -n",
if err_code != 0:
raise MDEngineError(f"Non-zero exit code ({err_code}), DLPoly run failed, "
f"see {output_log} for details")
if not output_log.exists():
raise MDEngineError("No output, DLPoly run may have failed, "
f"see {output_log} for details")
LOGGER.info("updating coordinates from %s",
def convert_trajectory(self, start: int = 0, stop: int = None,
step: int = 1, **settings: dict) -> CompactTrajectory:
Parses the trajectory from the ``DL_POLY`` format into MDMC format.
start : int
The index of the first trajectory, inclusive.
stop : int
The index of the last trajectory, exclusive.
step : int
The step size between trajectories.
The MDMC ``CompactTrajectory`` from the most recent production simulation
def read_cell(f):
cell = np.zeros((3, 3)) # The unit cell is a 3x3 array
for i in range(3):
cell[i, :] = np.array([float(x) for x in f.readline().split()])
return cell
def read_line_as(f, typ):
return list(map(typ, f.readline().split()))
def create_atom(f, level_of_detail, element_dict=None):
# level_of_detail of information in the file, 0, indicates only positions,
# 1 positions and velocities, 2 positions, velocities and forces
# the first line gives the symbol, mass and atom_ID of the atom
element, atom_ID_str, mass_str, charge_str, *_ = f.readline().split()
mass = float(mass_str)
charge = float(charge_str)
atom_ID = int(atom_ID_str)
if element_dict is not None:
element_dict[atom_ID] = element
# the next line gives the position of the atom
pos = read_line_as(f, float)
# the next line, if it exists, gives the velocity of the atom
vel = read_line_as(f, float) if level_of_detail > 0 else None
# next line, if existent, gives the force on the atom. currently not used by MDMC
if level_of_detail > 1:
_ = read_line_as(f, float) # this is actually force acting on the atom, never used
if vel is None:
return np.concatenate([pos, [mass, charge, atom_ID]])
return np.concatenate([pos, vel, [mass, charge, atom_ID]])
traj = CompactTrajectory()
element_dictionary = {} # this one will store chemical element symbols per ID
# atom_ids = settings.get('atom_IDs')
with open(self.dlpoly.control['io_file_history'], "r", encoding="ascii") as f:
_ = f.readline() # title
level_of_detail, _, n_atoms, frames, *_ = read_line_as(f, int) # imcon
if self.universe:
assert n_atoms == len(self.universe.atoms)
end = stop or frames
take = range(start, end, step)
traj.preAllocate(n_steps=len(take), n_atoms=n_atoms,
useVelocity=level_of_detail >= 1)
traj_step = 0
dlpoly_time_unit = SYSTEM['TIME']
time_conv = dlpoly_time_unit.conversion_factor
for iframe in range(frames):
if iframe in take:
timestep_line = f.readline().split()
time = float(timestep_line[-1]) * time_conv
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# CompactTrajectory uses the System units (fs), DL_POLY uses ps.
# time_conv is the conversion factor to re-calculate time into fs.
dim3x3 = read_cell(f)
dim = np.diagonal(dim3x3).copy()
tempdata = np.vstack([create_atom(f,
for _ in range(n_atoms)])
if level_of_detail:
traj.writeOneStep(traj_step, time, tempdata[:, 0:3], tempdata[:, 3:6])
traj.writeOneStep(traj_step, time, tempdata[:, 0:3])
mass_dictionary = {}
for ind in range(len(tempdata)):
mass_dictionary[int(tempdata[ind, -1])] = tempdata[ind, -3]
traj.setCharge(tempdata[:, -2])
for x in tempdata[:, -1]]))
traj.labelAtoms(element_dictionary, mass_dictionary)
traj.setDimensions(dim, step_num=traj_step)
traj_step += 1
else: # Skip time + cell + atoms
# I added the level_of_detail here, since we can have
# multiple lines per atom.
for _ in range(1 + 3 + n_atoms * (level_of_detail + 1)):
return traj
def update_parameters(self) -> None:
Updates the ``MDEngine`` force field ``Parameter`` objects
from the ``Universe``
def clear(self) -> None:
return NotImplementedError
def save_config(self) -> None:
Sets ``self.saved_config`` to the current configuration
self._saved_config = Config(self.dlpoly.control['io_file_revcon'])
def reset_config(self) -> None:
Resets the configuration of the simulation to that in ``saved_config``
def eval(self, variable: str) -> None:
Dummy eval to satisfy Abstract specification
raise NotImplementedError("DLPolyEngine does not support eval")
def _pass_settings_to_control(self, settings: dict,
control: dlpoly.control.Control) -> None:
"""Pass excess settings through to dlpoly control object.
settings : dict
Dictionary containing settings passed through as kwargs
control : dlpoly.control.Control
DLPoly control object to set
for key in (settings.keys() & control.keys) - self.HANDLED_PARAMS:
control[key] = settings[key]
class DLPOLYUniverse(DLPOLYAttribute):
A class with what would be the equivalent in DL_Poly
to the MDMC universe (i.e.the configuration and topology)
universe : Universe
The MDMC ``Universe`` used to create the ``DLPOLYUniverse``
dlpoly : dlpoly-py, optional
Set the ``dlpoly`` attribute to a ``dlpoly-py`` object.
Default is `None`,
which results in a new ``dlpoly-py`` object being initialised.
The majority of these are generic but some are specific to the
``MDEngine`` that is being used.
universe : Universe
The MDMC ``Universe`` which became this ``DLPOLYUniverse``.
There might be a lot of Attributes needed (see DL_POLYUniverse for example)
def __init__(self, universe: 'Universe', dlpoly: DLPoly = None, **settings: dict):
self.universe = universe
self.bonds = []
self.disps = []
self.angles = []
self.dihedrals = []
self.couls = []
self._add_topology(self.universe, **settings)
def update_parameters(self) -> None:
Updates the DL_POLY force field parameters from the MDMC universe
(self.bonds, self.angles, self.dihedrals,
self.disps, self.couls, _) = partition_interactions(
['Bond', 'BondAngle', 'DihedralAngle', 'Dispersion', 'Coulombic'],
def _define_simulation_details(self, **settings: dict) -> None:
Defines a region and creates a simulation box that fills this region
The majority of these are generic but some are specific to the
``MDEngine`` that is being used.
title: str, title for the simulation
time_job: float, time of seconds for simulation to run
time_close: float, close time to allow writing
data_dump_frequency: int, interval to write restart, recovery data
stats_frequency: int, interval to print stats
print_frequency: int, interval to print statistics in output
stack_size: int, how many steps use for average stacks
padding: float, buffer for neighbour lists
vdw_method: direct/tabulated how to compute dispersion operations
coul_method: spme, off how to compute long range interactions
self.dlpoly.control = DLPControl()
self.dlpoly.control['title'] = settings.get('title', 'my simulation title')
self.dlpoly.control['time_job'] = (settings.get('time_job', 100000.0), 's')
self.dlpoly.control['time_close'] = (settings.get('time_close', 10.0), 's')
self.dlpoly.control['data_dump_frequency'] = \
(settings.get('data_dump_frequency', 5000), 'steps')
self.dlpoly.control['stats_frequency'] = \
(settings.get('stats_frequency', 100), 'steps')
self.dlpoly.control['print_frequency'] = \
(settings.get('print_frequency', 100), 'steps')
self.dlpoly.control['stack_size'] = (settings.get('stack_size', 100), 'steps')
self.dlpoly.control['padding'] = (settings.get('padding', 0.5), 'Ang')
self.dlpoly.control['vdw_method'] = settings.get('vdw_method', 'direct')
if self.universe.electrostatic_solver:
self.dlpoly.control['coul_method'] = settings.get('coul_method', 'spme')
self.dlpoly.control['ewald_precision'] = self.universe.electrostatic_solver.accuracy
self.dlpoly.control['coul_method'] = settings.get('coul_method', 'off')
def _build_config(self, universe: 'Universe', **settings) -> None:
Adds atoms to DL_POLY
universe : Universe
The MDMC ``Universe`` used to fill the DL_POLY box with atoms.
The majority of these are generic but some are specific to the
``MDEngine`` that is being used.
config: str, filename for the config file to be written
# assume the dimensions are in angstrom
atoms = Atoms(cell=universe.dimensions, pbc=True)
for atom in universe.atoms:
atoms.append(Atom(atom.name, atom.position))
config_filename = settings.get('config', 'test.config')
write(config_filename, atoms, format='dlp4')
LOGGER.info('%s configuration written in %s',
self.__class__, config_filename)
def _add_topology(self, universe: 'Universe', **settings: dict) -> None:
Add the bonded and nonbonded interactions to DL_POLY
universe : Universe
The MDMC ``Universe`` used to define the topology.
The majority of these are generic but some are specific to the
``MDEngine`` that is being used.
field: str, filename for the field file to be written
If ``universe`` contains an interaction type that has not been
implemented in the DL_POLY facade
LOGGER.info('%s Add topology to DL_POLY',
self.dlpoly.field = self._create_field(universe)
mx = max(i.cutoff for i in self.universe.nonbonded_interactions)
self.dlpoly.control['cutoff'] = (mx, 'Ang')
def _create_field(self, universe: 'Universe', **settings: dict) -> Field:
Creates a dlpoly Field object
universe : Universe
The MDMC ``Universe`` used to define the topology.
The majority of these are generic but some are specific to the
``MDEngine`` that is being used.
header: str, header to be written to the field file
units: str, kJ,kcal,eV, internal in what units, field file is written, default kJ
If ``universe`` contains an interaction type that has not been
implemented in the DL_POLY facade
(self.bonds, self.angles, self.dihedrals,
self.disps, self.couls, others) = partition_interactions(
['Bond', 'BondAngle', 'DihedralAngle', 'Dispersion', 'Coulombic'],
if others:
raise NotImplementedError('This interaction type has not been'
' implemented in the DL_POLY facade')
out = Field()
out.header = settings.get('header', 'MDMC Generated Field File')
out.units = settings.get('units', 'kJ')
spec = universe.element_lookup
mols = {}
for structure in universe.top_level_structure_list:
if structure.name not in mols:
if isinstance(structure, MAtom):
new_molecule = self._from_atom(universe, structure)
mols[new_molecule.name] = new_molecule
elif isinstance(structure, MMolecule):
new_molecule = self._from_molecule(universe, structure)
mols[new_molecule.name] = new_molecule
raise TypeError(f'Unknown species type: {type(structure).__name__}')
for disp in self.disps:
curr_atom = [spec[atm] for parm in disp.atom_types for atm in parm]
pot = Potential('vdw', [*curr_atom,
*map(lambda x: str(x.value.real), disp.parameters.values()),
out.add_potential(curr_atom, pot)
return out
def _from_atom(universe: 'Universe', structure: MAtom) -> Molecule:
Construct DLPoly molecule from MDMC Atom
universe : Universe
The MDMC ``Universe`` used to define the topology.
structure : MAtom
The atom from which to construct DLPoly molecule
new_molecule = Molecule()
new_molecule.name = structure.name
species = structure.name
MDMC_spec = universe.element_dict[species]
new_spec = Species(species, 0,
charge=MDMC_spec.charge, mass=MDMC_spec.mass)
new_molecule.n_atoms = 1
new_molecule.species = {1: new_spec}
return new_molecule
def _from_molecule(universe: 'Universe', structure: MMolecule) -> Molecule:
Construct DLPoly molecule from MDMC molecule
universe : Universe
The MDMC ``Universe`` used to define the topology.
structure : MMolecule
The molecule from which to construct DLPoly molecule
If ``universe`` contains an interaction type that has not been
implemented in the DL_POLY facade
new_molecule = Molecule()
new_molecule.name = structure.name
mapping = {}
for ind, atm in enumerate(structure.atoms, 1):
MDMC_spec = universe.element_dict[atm.element]
new_species = Species(atm.element, ind,
MDMC_spec.charge, MDMC_spec.mass)
new_molecule.species[ind] = new_species
new_molecule.n_atoms += 1
mapping[atm.ID] = ind
for bond, atms in structure.bonded_interaction_pairs:
current_atom = [mapping[atm.ID] for atm in atms]
if bond.constrained:
if not isinstance(bond, MBond):
raise NotImplementedError(f'{type(bond).__name__} constraints '
'not supported in DLPOLY')
pot = Bond('constraints',
*map(str, current_atom),
pot = Bond(BOND_CLASS_REF[type(bond).__name__],
*map(str, current_atom),
*map(lambda x: str(x.value.real), bond.parameters.values()),
new_molecule.add_potential(current_atom, pot)
return new_molecule
def _update_charges(self) -> None:
Updates the ``charges`` in DL_POLY
If one or more ``Atom`` do not have a ``charge`` (or
``charge is None``)
for atom in self.universe.top_level_structure_list:
curr_atom = self.dlpoly.field.molecules[atom.name]
curr_atom.charge = atom.charge
def _update_dispersions(self) -> None:
Updates ``Dispersion`` interactions in DL_POLY
spec = self.universe.element_lookup
for disp in self.disps:
current_atom = [spec[atm]
for parm in disp.atom_types
for atm in parm]
current_pot = next(self.dlpoly.field.get_pot(species=current_atom,
current_pot.params = [*map(lambda x: str(x.value.real), disp.parameters.values())]
def _update_bonded_interactions(self) -> None:
Updates the bonded interaction coefficients, which are then applied to
any bonded interactions which have previously been set
mols = self.dlpoly.field.molecules
for structure in filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, MMolecule),
mapping = {atm.ID: str(ind) for ind, atm in enumerate(structure.atoms, 1)}
mol = mols[structure.name]
for bond, atms in structure.bonded_interaction_pairs:
current_atom = [mapping[atm.ID] for atm in atms]
if bond.constrained:
pot = next(mol.get_pot(species=current_atom))
pot.params = str(list(bond.parameters.values())[0].value.real)
pot = next(mol.get_pot(species=current_atom,
pot.params = [*map(lambda x: str(x.value.real), bond.parameters.values())]
def apply_constraints(self) -> None:
Adds a constraint ``fix`` to DL_POLY
for all bonds and bond angles which are constrained
def set_config(self, config: str):
Set DL_POLY config file
self.dlpoly.config = config
@repr_decorator('universe', 'time_step', 'traj_step', 'ensemble')
class DLPOLYSimulation(DLPOLYAttribute):
The attributes and methods related running a simulation in DL_POLY using a
``DLPOLYUniverse`` object
universe : Universe
The MDMC ``Universe`` used to create the ``DLPOLYUniverse``.
dlpoly : dlpoly-py, optional
Set the ``dlpoly`` attribute to a ``dlpoly-py`` object.
Default is `None`,
which results in a new ``dlpoly-py`` object being initialised.
traj_step : int
How many steps the simulation should take between dumping each
``CompactTrajectory`` frame
time_step : float, optional
Simulation timestep in ``fs``, default is ``1.``
The majority of these are generic but some are specific to the
``MDEngine`` that is being used.
universe : Universe
An MDMC ``Universe`` object.
time_step : float
The time difference between MD simulation steps in fs.
traj_step : int
Number of simulation steps that elapse
between the ``CompactTrajectory`` being stored.
ensemble : DLPOLYEnsemble
Simulation ensemble, which applies a ``thermostat`` and ``barostat``.
The majority of these are generic but some are specific to the
``MDEngine`` that is being used.
temperature: float, temperatjre of the stimulation
def __init__(self, universe: 'Universe', traj_step: int,
time_step: float = 1., dlpoly=None, **settings: dict):
self.universe = universe
self.ensemble = DLPOLYEnsemble(self.dlpoly, **settings)
self.temperature = settings.get('temperature')
self.traj_step = traj_step
self.time_step = time_step
def time_step(self) -> float:
Get or set the simulation time step in ``fs``
Simulation time step in ``fs``
return self._time_step
def time_step(self, value) -> None:
self._time_step = value
self.dlpoly.control['timestep'] = (
convert_unit(self._time_step), str(SYSTEM['TIME']))
def temperature(self) -> float:
Get or set the temperature of the simulation in ``K``
Temperature in ``K``
return self.ensemble.temperature
def temperature(self, value: float) -> None:
self.ensemble.temperature = value
def pressure(self) -> float:
Get or set the pressure of the simulation in ``katm``
Pressure in ``atm``
return self.ensemble.pressure
def pressure(self, value: float) -> None:
self.ensemble.pressure = value
def thermostat(self) -> str:
Get or set the string which specifies the thermostat
The thermostat name
return self.ensemble.thermostat
def thermostat(self, value: str) -> None:
self.ensemble.thermostat = value
def barostat(self) -> str:
Get or set the string which specifies the barostat
The barostat name
return self.ensemble.barostat
def barostat(self, value: str) -> None:
self.ensemble.barostat = value
@repr_decorator('temperature', 'pressure', 'thermostat', 'barostat')
class DLPOLYEnsemble(DLPOLYAttribute):
A thermodynamic ensemble determined by
applying a thermostat and/or barostat
dlpoly : dlpoly-py
Set the ``dlpoly`` attribute to a ``dlpoly-py`` object.
temperature : float, optional
Thermostat temperature. Default is `None`, which is only valid if a
``thermostat`` is also `None`.
pressure : float, optional
Barostat pressure. Default is `None`, which is only valid if a
``barostat`` is also `None`.
thermostat : str
Name of a thermostat to be applied.
barostat : str
Name of a barostat to be applied.
``ensemble`` (`str`)
``time_step`` (`float`)
``t_damp`` (`int`)
``p_damp`` (`int`)
``t_window`` (`float`)
``t_fraction`` (`float`)
``rescale_step`` (`int`)
rescale_step : int
Number of steps between applying temperature rescaling. This only
applies to rescale thermostats.
def __init__(self, dlpoly: DLPoly, temperature: str = None,
pressure: float = None, thermostat: str = None,
barostat: str = None, **settings: dict):
# Requires a ``dlpoly-py`` object as thermostats
# cannot be applied before configuration is defined
self.temperature = temperature
self.pressure = pressure
self.dlpoly.control['ensemble'] = settings.get('ensemble', 'nve')
self.time_step = settings.get('time_step')
self.t_damp = settings.get('t_damp')
self.p_damp = settings.get('p_damp')
self.t_window = settings.get('t_window')
self.t_fraction = settings.get('t_fraction')
self.rescale_step = settings.get('rescale_step')
self.thermostat = thermostat
self.barostat = barostat
def temperature(self) -> float:
Get or set the temperature of the simulation in ``K``
return self._temperature
def temperature(self, value: float) -> None:
self._temperature = value
# Set the temperature in the DL_POLY wrapper
if value is not None:
self.dlpoly.control['temperature'] = (
convert_unit(self._temperature), 'K')
def pressure(self) -> float:
Get or set the pressure of the simulation in ``katm``
return self._pressure
def pressure(self, value: float) -> None:
self._pressure = value
def thermostat(self) -> str:
Get or set the `str` which specifies the thermostat
If ``self.temperature`` has not been set.
return self._thermostat
def thermostat(self, value: str) -> None:
if value and not self.temperature:
raise AttributeError('all ensembles with a thermostat must have a'
' temperature')
self._thermostat = value
# Set the thermostat and barostat in DL_POLY wrapper
def barostat(self) -> str:
Get or set the `str` which specifies the barostat
If ``self.pressure`` has not been set.
return self._barostat
def barostat(self, value: str) -> None:
if value and not self.pressure:
raise AttributeError('all ensembles with a barostat must have a'
' pressure')
self._barostat = value
# Set the thermostat and barostat in DL_POLY wrapper
# Define the unit system used in DL_POLY
'LENGTH': units.Unit('Ang'),
'TIME': units.Unit('ps'),
'MASS': units.Unit('amu'),
'CHARGE': units.Unit('e'),
'ANGLE': units.Unit('deg'),
'TEMPERATURE': units.Unit('K'),
'ENERGY': units.Unit('kcal') / units.Unit('mol'),
'FORCE': units.Unit('kcal') / (units.Unit('Ang') * units.Unit('mol')),
'PRESSURE': units.Unit('katm'),
# some extra utility methods. these might be obsolete or
# importable from lammps_engine.py
# (in which case they maybe should be refactored into a utility module)
def convert_unit(value: Union[np.ndarray, float],
unit: Unit = None, to_dlpoly: bool = True):
Converts between MDMC units and DL_POLY real units
value : array_like or float_like
The value of the physical property to be converted, in MDMC units.
Must derive from either ``ndarray`` or `float`.
unit : Unit, optional
The unit of the ``value``. If `None`, the ``value`` must possess a
``unit`` attribute i.e. derive from ``UnitFloat`` or ``UnitArray``.
Default is `None`.
to_dlpoly : bool, optional
If `True` the conversion is from MDMC units to DL_POLY units. Default is
`float` or `numpy.ndarray`
Value in DL_POLY units if ``to_dlpoly`` is `True`, otherwise value in
MDMC units. Return type is same as ``value`` type.
def expand_components(unit: Unit, system: dict) -> tuple:
Expands out the ``components`` of a ``Unit``, so that the ``Unit`` is
expressed purely in terms of ``base`` ``Unit`` objects. The only
exception to this is ``Unit`` objects which occur in ``System``: these
are kept in the `list` of ``components``.
unit : Unit
The ``Unit`` to be expanded out
system : dict
A `dict` of {``Property``: ``Unit``} pairs, which is used to
substitute ``System`` ``Unit`` objects into the expanded
A `tuple` of (``num``, ``denom``), where ``num`` is a `list` of all
``base`` ``Unit`` objects in the numerator, and ``denom`` is a
`list` of all ``base`` ``Unit`` objects in the denominator
def is_sublist_of_list(sub: list, lst: list) -> bool:
Determines if all of the elements in a sublist are in a `list`,
including ensuring that any duplicates in the sublist have at least
the same number of duplicates in the `list`
sub : list
The sublist to be tested
lst : list
The `list` the ``sub`` is tested against
`True` if all of the elements of ``sub`` are in ``lst``, and
`False` if not
return all(sub.count(x) <= lst.count(x) for x in set(sub))
def remove_components(remove_comps: list, comps: list) -> list:
Removes all elements of a `list` of ``components`` from another
`list` of ``components``
remove_comps : list
The ``components`` to be removed
comps : list
The ``components`` from which ``remove_comps`` is removed
A `list` of ``components`` from which ``remove_comps`` have been
for remove_comp in remove_comps:
return comps
num, denom = [], []
# If unit is in system of units, don't break down to components, as
# a unit in the system of units always has a conversion, even if it is
# a compound unit.
if unit.base or unit in system.values():
# tuple unpacking style below appends to num and denom lists
for comp in unit.components['numerator']:
num[len(num):], denom[len(denom):] = expand_components(comp,
for comp in unit.components['denominator']:
denom[len(denom):], num[len(num):] = expand_components(comp,
# Substitute in units rather than separated out components if a unit
# exists in the system of units. This is because the conversion can
# always be determined for units in the system of units. Base units
# are filtered as they can only replace themselves (as they are
# their only component).
for sys_unit in (unit for unit in system.values() if not unit.base):
# while is required for powers of sys_unit, as otherwise only
# a single power will be removed
while True:
sys_unit_num = sys_unit.components['numerator']
sys_unit_denom = sys_unit.components['denominator']
# Determine if all of the components of unit are in the
# numerator and denominator lists. If so, remove them and
# replace with the unit in the numerator.
if (is_sublist_of_list(sys_unit_num, num) and
is_sublist_of_list(sys_unit_denom, denom)):
num = remove_components(sys_unit_num, num)
denom = remove_components(sys_unit_denom, denom)
# Do the same for the inverse (i.e. unit's numberator
# components in the denominator list and vice versa). If so,
# remove them and replace with the unit in the denominator.
elif (is_sublist_of_list(sys_unit_num, denom) and
is_sublist_of_list(sys_unit_denom, num)):
denom = remove_components(sys_unit_num, denom)
num = remove_components(sys_unit_denom, num)
# Breaks if the components of sys_unit are not found in num
# and denom
return num, denom
# If no unit argument is passed, the value must possess a unit
if not unit:
# If value is unitless, no conversion is required
unit = value.unit
except AttributeError as err:
if value is None:
raise ValueError('Cannot convert NoneType value') from err
return value
# Expand the unit in terms of its base units (for numerator and denominator)
if to_dlpoly:
l_sys = copy(SYSTEM)
# For angular potential strength DL_POLY requires the units in rad,
# rather than degrees (which is uses otherwise). Therefore if the unit
# is in MDMC angular potential strength units (energy / angle^2), the
# ANGLE entry in SYSTEM is replaced by radians.
if unit == units.SYSTEM['ENERGY'] / units.SYSTEM['ANGLE'] ** 2:
l_sys['ANGLE'] = units.Unit('rad')
expanded_unit = expand_components(unit, units.SYSTEM)
system_inv = {unit: prop for prop, unit in units.SYSTEM.items()}
# Apply inversion to all components
unit_nums, unit_denoms = map(lambda comp_list: [l_sys[system_inv[comp]]
for comp in comp_list],
conv_nums, conv_denoms = [], []
for component in unit_nums:
conv_nums[len(conv_nums):], conv_denoms[len(conv_denoms):] = \
expand_components(component, l_sys)
for component in unit_denoms:
conv_denoms[len(conv_denoms):], conv_nums[len(conv_nums):] = \
expand_components(component, l_sys)
conv_denoms, conv_nums = expand_components(unit, SYSTEM)
for component in conv_nums:
value /= getattr(units, component)
for component in conv_denoms:
value *= getattr(units, component)
return value