.. _parameter-refinement-label: Parameter Refinement ==================== Running a refinement requires: - A setup :class:`~MDMC.MD.simulation.Simulation`. - One or more experimental datasets in a format that can be read by MDMC. - One or more :class:`~MDMC.MD.parameters.Parameters` to refine. These objects are then passed to a :class:`~MDMC.control.control.Control` object along with other parameters such as the minimizer type. This :class:`~MDMC.control.control.Control` object is then used to :py:meth:`~MDMC.control.control.Control.refine` the :class:`~MDMC.MD.parameters.Parameters`. .. rubric:: Related Tutorials | `Selecting fitting Parameters <../tutorials/selecting-fitting-parameters.ipynb>`_ | `Running a Refinement <../tutorials/running-a-refinement.ipynb>`_